I just wanted to share a few photos of a Halloween party ensemble that was just published in the August issue of Holiday Home (Home & Heart) magazine. I used the fabulous Addams Family line from Rusty Pickle for this ensemble.
Very soon I will be sharing some photos of our scrapbook for the adoption agency. I had a marathon session the past 4 days as I created 6 total copies of the book - we're talking 100 8 x 8 pages. Last night I had somewhat of a mental breakdown. I'm feeling really overwhelmed and frustrated right now. It's been about a year since we started the adoption process and I'm just ready for everything to be out of our hands and to be on the list of waiting families. We're just so close at this point but we still have a lot of work to do. I guess I was feeling a little sorry for myself/us last night. Sometimes it just tears me up that we have to go through so much just to realize our dream of becoming parents. I try to put on a happy face most of the time because I'm incredibly hopeful that we'll get to hold our baby soon. I still have moments though. But, today is a new day and I'm feeling a ton better after my cry last night. I'm almost done with the books. I had to order more rub-ons so I can finish them this weekend. Hopefully I'll be feeling productive after work and can get some things done around the house.
Enjoy your day! It's a beautiful day in Iowa! :)