Friday, December 10, 2010

After a long adventure...we're back!

We're back in Utah! And this time for good! We moved back a little over a month ago and are having so much fun being around family.

Tyler got a job here, which is why we moved back. We have been very busy...which is why I haven't blogged in like three months :) After a U-HAUL trip across the country for Tyler and his Dad...all I had to do was finish up at work in Memphis and take a one-way flight home.

We are loving having Jace around family. We were afraid he might forget about all his grandparents and uncles and aunts.

Since we've been back here's what we've been up to...or what Jace has been up to. Well he learned to ride this tiger and was the center of attention while doing so. It was pretty funny.

He is enjoying an early Christmas present from Grandma Brenda. He loves his bouncer and is sitting in it right now, which is allowing me the time to blog! YEAH, I love it!

At four months he started eating rice cereal. He is so cute when he eats gets all over. He's our big eater!

This is the hat I always make him wear now that we're back in the cold nasty weather. When I checked Memphis's temperatures the other night and it was 70 degrees I have to say I miss my mild Memphis winters. But this hat sure does keep the kid warm. Some people say they feel bad for him that his mom always makes him look like a frog. I think it's cute.

We can't forget all the good friends that we left behind. I wish we had pictures of all the wonderful people we met in Memphis. We love them and will always remember the fun times with them. Southern people are some of the friendliest and nicest people we have ever met. And we love their accent!!!

This is the weekend crew at my old news station at my going away party. We had some exciting times!

Grandma and Grandpa Inkley with Jace. Cute picture!

This is a picture of Jace and is second cousin Reese. Reese is my cousin Kara's little girl. They are about a month and a half apart. I think they look so cute together. This is at Jace's blessing

We are so excited to be back to the beautiful mountains of Salt Lake City...even if that means that it's going to snow like every other day. inch of snow in Memphis would shut down the whole city. HAHA!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Jace Growing Up!

Jace is growing up so fast!! Here's the proof.


1 WEEK OLD!!!!!!!

2 WEEKS OLD!!!!!

3 WEEKS OLD!!!!!!!

4 WEEKS OLD!!!!!!!

5 WEEKS!!!!!!!!

6 WEEKS OLD!!!!!!!!!!!

7 WEEKS OLD!!!!!!!!!

8 WEEKS OLD!!!!!!!!

And a BIG THANKS to Tyler's parents for helping us take care of Jace when he was over two weeks old. We had a lot of fun with them.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Introducing Jace Tyler

Jace made a dramatic entrance into the world. After 17 hours of labor and 2 and a half hours of pushing after the epidural ran out...Jace Tyler was born.

We didn't get to hold him for a day and a half because he had to go to NICU. Above is our first time holding him and our first family picture.

It was so sad to see all of the cords hooked to his little body. He started out rough because he had a bowel movement inside of when he finally came out he inhaled maconium. He also had the cord wrapped around his neck. He never went without oxygen...but needed a little help breathing after birth. He made a quick recovery...but had to spend a week in NICU.

Still trying to learn how to focus those beautiful eyes in the first week of life.

The NICU nurses called him BUBBA because he was one of the biggest babies in the NICU. He was born an 8 pound baby. The nurses also called him bubba because he can down 4 ounces of formula and still want more.

I was so happy that my mother was able to be there with me during the birth. It worked out perfect. She booked her ticket to fly to Memphis a couple of months before he was born and my water just happened to break the day she was scheduled to fly out...and with 17 hours of labor she had plenty of time to get here in time.

Tyler loves his boy so much.

It was hard not being able to hold him for the first day and a half. But when I finally got to...he loved being held so much and didn't want to be put down.

Tyler in action.

Jace made his debut on the evening news with this picture.

My dad flew in after my mom. It's always fun to have my dad around. This is my parents and Tyler's parents first grandchild. This is my dad's first time holding him.

This is the day when we went to pick him up from the hospital to take him home. We were so happy to finally take him with us.

We love him so much and are working around the clock to take care of him!!!