We're back in Utah! And this time for good! We moved back a little over a month ago and are having so much fun being around family.

Tyler got a job here, which is why we moved back. We have been very busy...which is why I haven't blogged in like three months :) After a U-HAUL trip across the country for Tyler and his Dad...all I had to do was finish up at work in Memphis and take a one-way flight home.

We are loving having Jace around family. We were afraid he might forget about all his grandparents and uncles and aunts.

Since we've been back here's what we've been up to...or what Jace has been up to. Well he learned to ride this tiger and was the center of attention while doing so. It was pretty funny.

He is enjoying an early Christmas present from Grandma Brenda. He loves his bouncer and is sitting in it right now, which is allowing me the time to blog! YEAH, I love it!

At four months he started eating rice cereal. He is so cute when he eats it...it gets all over. He's our big eater!

This is the hat I always make him wear now that we're back in the cold nasty weather. When I checked Memphis's temperatures the other night and it was 70 degrees I have to say I miss my mild Memphis winters. But this hat sure does keep the kid warm. Some people say they feel bad for him that his mom always makes him look like a frog. I think it's cute.

We can't forget all the good friends that we left behind. I wish we had pictures of all the wonderful people we met in Memphis. We love them and will always remember the fun times with them. Southern people are some of the friendliest and nicest people we have ever met. And we love their accent!!!

This is the weekend crew at my old news station at my going away party. We had some exciting times!
Grandma and Grandpa Inkley with Jace. Cute picture!