Thursday, April 4, 2013

Mikayla's Dance Picture - 2013

Corey & Kimi's Wedding!

Corey & Kimikae got married last weekend (March 30, 2013).  My girls were asked to be the flower girls and these are the pictures I have from the wedding.  They aren't the best pictures but they give you an idea of how things looked!  SLY
Mikayla getting her flower Halo on.

Daxton was one of the Ring Bearers.

Here's Mikkel telling me, "I AM looking at the camera!"  :o)

I couldn't get her to look at the camera...

The Flower Girls with the Best Man (Tyler Jones)

Kimi & Corey (and the bishop that married them)

Resting on the chair on the balcony of the reception hall.

Two tuckered out Flower Girls!
(They like to pose)

Kaylee's little girl, Kimber.  She had on a darling white and purple dress on for the wedding but took it off after words so she play!  What a cutie.

Cutting the cake...

Eating the cake...

A Happy Groom waiting for his bride...and they rode off Happily Ever After!

Friday, October 5, 2012

BIG Project at the Jones'!

Dad, here are the pictures you asked for. 
These will probably be boring to most people but for my family, I think they will enjoy seeing the process of this project.

This is the start of our project.  We laid out hose to mark the areas of cement, and then we started pulling up rock and ripping out bushes.


First piece of cement ripped up!

First bit of asphalt torn out!

Mikayla & Mikkel having a snack while watching Kris and I worked.

We were using the wood board to block any chips of cement from hitting and breaking our windows.

Mikayla wrote a sign and hung it out on the flagpole so that people would know "We r lefteng roks" (We are lifting rocks).

Kris and Broke up the sidewalk with lots of was a tough project.  Too bad we didn't have that little yellow machine a day earlier; it would have saved us a lot of aches and pains!  But nothing easy is worth it, right?!

This was a toy that Kris wanted to keep!  :o)


Our three cats were very curious as to what was going on.

These are the cement 'teeth' that were holding up the old wood fence.  Kris extracted them by hand and hauled them away with the yellow thing.

I was kind of sad when we pulled up the flagpole...don't worry mom and dad, we are going to be placing it in its new location soon.

See, here's an example of Mikkel in her swimming suit.  It's the first of October and I can't believe it is warm enough to still be wearing a swimming suit.

Mikayla's turn to right in the yellow thing.
Well, we did it!!!  We ripped up our old drive way.  Next week (Oct. 9th) the Chamberlains are going to be putting in our new cement driveway and sidewalk paths.  it's going to include a drain to keep water from puddling at the bottom of the drive way and hopefully that will help when/if there is a flood.  Kris and I decided to do the tear out and it was A LOT of work.  Thank goodness for that little yellow machine.  The day we rented that we were able to get a lot done.  I'll take more pictures as the project progresses.  SLY!  :o)