Happy New
Year 2014! With a new year comes the chance to start fresh and try again at
those “resolutions”. The same goals tend to pop up and we try over to approach
them but maybe in a different way, hoping that this time it will work or at the
very least, last longer.
For me, the
beginning of 2013 came with a hit; much like a one-two punch. I suffered a blow
that had a hugely negative impact on my life. It hurt me personally,
emotionally, professionally and financially. Through a series of events I came
to question every friendship/relationship I have had in the past as well as
current ones. I questioned my ability to judge someone’s character and my own
ability to trust. I have slowly been pulling myself upward emotionally. In
finding my spirit again I have been re-inspired to create.
I always
start a new year out with hope and intrigue for what that coming year will
bring. This time I thought I might need to take a running start at a new year. Towards
the end of November, I was felling optimistic and gave myself a challenge for
the month of December. I would create something every day. I make a lot of
things for my business but that tends to be in waves. My challenge was to keep me
going on the momentum of creating. I set the challenge so that I would make at
least one item daily. It could be for business or for me personally. It could
be a craft that I made as a gift, something for the kids or better yet with the
kids. It could even be a project that was already started and coming to be
finished during the challenge.
To keep up
with a daily deadline, I had to be organized and diligent. Some of my creations
needed time to dry between steps or they took more than a day to finish so I
had to be sure I was moving forward all the time. Moving forward felt good and
it helped me to find more of a balance in my business, myself and my family.
Here is a
fun look at several of the projects I worked on during my “Creative Challenge”.
A lion T-shirt for my son made with bleach pen
A gift for Grandma
Thumbprint Christmas lights. (My friend suggested making these on a roll of white craft paper to use as wrapping paper...Great idea!)
Paint Chip trees
Teacher Gift for her "mistletoes"
These Mistletoes now hang in my foyer
Nail art for my girlies
Some cute snowmen for my kitchen
A special order birthstone bracelet for a customer. This Grandma has 8 grandchildren. What a special gift for her.
This is a hand chain I made for myself. I'm making a few changes so I can add these to my product line.
A simple earring I made for ME!
Red leather wrap bracelet
Braided breacelet
A crocheted necklace but you can also wrap it as a bracelet.
This blue circle bracelet and the black and white knot bracelet were new patterns I was trying out. (My Mother-in-law kept these for herself)
Now my next challenge will be to keep up with more regular blog posts.
I hope you all are getting off to a great 2014!!