a birthday!
my baby is
sometimes I look at her and think,
how did you get so grown up so fast?
and then some days (usually after long sleepless nights) this feels like the longest year ever.
but my (our) best year yet.
you're beautiful
and silly
and sweet.
thank you for your patience (we're still getting the hang of this- probably always will be)
your cuddles and smiles (
someday you'll learn kisses...)
and for bringing so much love into our lives.
several attempts at a family photo... (sitting still was so last month!)
@ 1
she crawls!!
but wants to walk everywhere (with assistance)
throws little fits when you change her diaper
or don't let her chew on the keys or your phone
has 5 new teeth!
(they all popped in over the last few weeks, poor thing)
says bye-bye, mama, dada, nana, grandma/pa, hi, pop, and many other things we can't understand
still takes 2 naps around 9 am and 1pm
goes to bed around 7pm and wakes up at 6am
eats pretty much everything
feeds herself with a spoon now!
and still loves breastfeeding (4-5 x a day)
fits 6-12 month bottoms
12-18 month tops (big buddha belly)
and 3-6/6-12 month shoes (itty bitty feet)
loves to be outside
and around other children
height: 30.5 inches (90th %)
weight: 20 lbs. 2 oz. (58th %)
head circumference: 18.2 in (85th %)