September 12, 2010

B-Day and Labor Day

Well here I am....23! Ha! Don't really feel any different, but now I just get to say that I'm 23! I had a great birthday. I didn't really do anything on my birthday, but the holiday weekend after was great. My co-workers did throw me a little party making me some creamy broccoli soup and a birthday cake. Then Friday I hung out with some of my girlfriends and we went out to dinner and shopping. Saturday I headed up the canyon to meet my parents and my aunt and uncle and their family for some good camping! :) It was a bit windy up there, but it sure was pretty! My Dad, my cousin Andrew, and I hiked up a big hill to a rock formation that looked cool from the campsite..not so cool up close...
It's blurry cause my camera is zoomed in on it, but the little rock looked like a whole so we climbed up...
The view from up top!

So I guess you can't really tell how high we were with my camera zoomed in and all (it has a REALLY GOOD zoom!!). But it was a good workout for the three of us! Andrew just went up and down no and Dad on the other hand were pooped when we got back down! :) And of course we went out on the lake and did some fishing.

Dad had out like 5 poles at a time so it got kind of crazy at times, but it was fun!
My tiny little fishy that i caught...i thought i would give it a kiss to welcome it into the boat. Don't worry, I'm not squeezing it that just would stop moving long enough for me to kiss it. ;) It sure did taste good though...the meat not the kiss..GROSS! And yes it was very cold out there..I had a few layers on!
The 3 rascals! Andrew, Jacob, and cousins that came with us! They loved the boat and knowing what everything was and fishing. They were hilarious! I had lots of fun with them!
WE MADE IT! I was getting a photo shoot while the boys were cleaning the fish...little did i know that soon after this picture, when we got back to the trailers and started packing everything up..I found out my car wouldn't start. So we had to jump it quite a few times for it to start going again. Then down the road my car decided to stop working and turn off completely! So I had to think fast and coast to a stop at the side of the road without getting in the way of the traffic behind me. When the trucks pulling the trailers and boat, caught up with me they jumped me again. They had to jump my car about 4 or 5 times to get it home all the way back to Alpine. To make a long story short...after a new battery and an alternator my car is mostly back to normal! :) Thanks Dad and Kris for taking care of me!! What a weekend!