June 30, 2008

Can i just tell you that i hate Mondays! They are always so busy at work and Monday's and Friday's people are never in good moods! Today was the longest day! And it's the last day of JUNE! This year is going by so fast i don't even know what to do! My 21st birthday is coming up so soon...time just flies and it's sad sometimes cause i don't even realize and miss chances to enjoy it!

This weekend i went and saw my new nephew! He is such a cute little asian boy! His name is Ammon Joshua Kidd! So cute!! He slept most of the time that we were there, but he did open his eyes when we first got there...but dark brown eyes! He's going to be fun to have around.

It's weird to think that my brother has a son but he will be a good dad. And Angel will be a good mom...once she gets a hang of things! They are so cute, and Ammon is blessed to have them as parents! :) Love them all!

June 21, 2008

We had fun taking pictures! Rafferty, me and Aislynn. Then Me and Katie!!
Me and Rafferty at the Strawberry Day's Rodeo! I love rodeo's they are so fun!!!

Hello! Well i'm still about the same! I've still been working full time, but i've been very busy lately. Last week my Grandma past away so we went down to St. George for her funeral and then came back up here to the American Fork cemetary to lay her to rest. It was such a beautiful funeral...very, very hard, but beautiful.
Then other than that i have just been playing with friends and going on dates! Its been fun.