December 9, 2008

The three little piggys!

Well every year me and my family have a tradition of making gingerbread houses. This year we decided to make a village! Every year my house always has problems. I don't know what it is, we use the same frosting and stuff, but mine always have problems! Grr! so here is the before part......

And then the second and last try........

The three little piggies houses!

Brandon's house made of straw

Mom and Dad's house of sticks

December 3, 2008


So i forgot my camera when i went to my aunt and uncle's house, so you don't get any pictures of our Thanksgiving! But i just wanted to thank the Peterson's who let me come share Thanksgiving with them! My parents were out of town visiting my sister in Nebraska, and i had to work the day after, so i got to spend the day with the Peterson side of the fam. I am so thankful for everything you all have done for me! You are such a great family, and I'm so thankful that i get to be apart of it! The dinner was amazing, and Kris....i loved that couch! I took such a great nap, well until all the kids started screaming and jumping on you! :) Thank you again! I had so much fun!
I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving, and i hope you all enjoy the Holidays!

November 16, 2008

New Hair Style!

So i went and got my hair done yesterday! I've always wanted to be a little more brown than blonde so i did that! I got low lights and a shadow(which is all brown underneath). It was so fun and it's so cute! I just love i had to show everyone! :D

November 12, 2008


So this took me a while to get this on here but Halloween was way fun at work! We all came up with creative ideas!
Me and Stacey both came as Pink Ladies! Nikki was a rock star, Buffie was Bella Cullen, Autumn came as herself! Marianne came as a pretty girl in a pretty dress, Shannon was a kitty cat! Karalyn came as Miss Congeniality, she was the winner of the office! Brian came as Static Clean, Andrew..the funniest one..came as Peter Pan! It was so funny...he had no pants! I've never laughed so much at work!

Me and Stacey! Pink Ladies have to stick together!

Me and Marianne! So cute!

October 26, 2008


This last weekend i went down to St. George with my family for a surprise birthday party for my Aunt and we went to Thriller at Tuacahn! It was so good! I absolutly loved it! This picture makes me feel good about myself! HaHa!
Such a good show!!! I want to go see it again next year!!!

October 22, 2008

My new favorite Song!

Sorry Katie for copying you but i really wanted to put this on here as well! I love it and i sing it all the time and it gets stuck in my head very very easily!!!

It's call Soulmate from Natasha Bedingfield.

Incompatible, it don't matter though
'cos someone's bound to hear my cry
Speak out if you do
You're not easy to find

Is it possible Mr. Lovebale
Is already in my life?
Right in front of me
Or maybe you're in disguise

Who doesn't long for someone to hold
Who knows how to love you without being told
Somebody tell me why I'm on my own
If there's a soulmate for everyone

Here we are agian, circles never end
How do I find the perfect fit
There's enough for everyone
But I'm still waiting in line.

Who doesn't long for someone to hold
Who knows how to love you without being told
Somebody tell me why I'm on my own
If there's a soulmate for everyone

If there's a soulmate for everyone

October 18, 2008


I AM: The youngest of 5 kids
I THINK: that growing up is not a whole lot of fun!
I KNOW: my ABC's
I HAVE: only been to one semester of college.
I MISS: my sisters that live far away!
I FEAR: alot of things! :)
I HEAR: through my ears
I SMELL: the remains of breakfast my mother made!
I USUALLY: stick to people i know instead of meeting new people.
I SEARCH: for my future husband! :)
I TALK: to my friends and family!
I WONDER: what I'm doing with my life.
I REGRET: .....i don't know yet...:)
I LOVE: My cute 3 nephews!
I CARE: about making sure everyone is happy.
I ALWAYS: brush my teeth!
I WORRY: that i that i won't enjoy life before i settle down.
I AM NOT: a good speller! :) you can ask my family!
I REMEMBER: All of my favorite memories!
I BELIEVE: There is a purpose here on earth!
I DANCE: to music!
I SING: and sing and sing! i love to sing!
I DON'T ALWAYS: make my bed....
I DON'T LIKE: when people are mad at me!
I ENJOY: being outside enjoying nature!
I WIN: when i put my heart to it!
I LOSE: my cellphone.....but only sometimes i find it again!
I WISH: My life was more exciting!
I LIKE: My job!
I CRAVE: yummy yummy food!
I NEVER HAVE: been out of the united states!
I LISTEN: to music every time I'm in my car!
I DON'T UNDERSTAND: sophisticated words....;)
I AM SCARED: when i go into a haunted house or watch a scary movie.
I NEED: money..don't we all?
I FORGET: what was i supposed to remember that i forgot?
I AM HAPPY: most of the time!

I TAG: All of my friends!

October 4, 2008


So yesterday was my last day at the main branch for my job at Alpine Credit Union. I'm now being transferred to a branch in American Fork. It was kind of weird, cause I've never had to do this before so it kind of felt like i was quiting but not really! Does that make any sense? I was really sad to think that i wouldn't be working with any of those girls any more...and Jay and Paul! Can't forget those too! :D I'm excited to go work with Stacey, the A.F. manager, she is simply hilarious! And we found out that we are somewhat not really related! Ha ha! Her Uncle is married to my Great Aunt! It will be fun...but weird still! Cause I'm training a girl at an office I've only worked in once! So i have to figure out where everything is so that i can tell her and it might get kind of confusing! We will just have to wait and see what happens! So i just wanted to tell the girls that i worked with that look on here that i loved working with them and maybe someday we will be back working together! I love you all! See you all on the 13th...ya?!

September 29, 2008

The most amazing experiance!

So i had the most amazing experiance over the weekend! It is an experiance i will never forget! I had the opportunity to sing in the choir for the General Relief Society meeting! It was amazing to be on the other side of that podium! It was amazing to be part of such an awesome program and to be so close to the Prophet! I had so much fun! My Mother was also in the choir and i know that she loved it! Our director was such a hoot! She made it so much worth while and she made it so fun and she is hillarious! I loved it! It was so fun! Here are some pictures!

The girls from my singles ward.

My mom and I and those beautiful pipes!This was the dress rehearsal the week before the was awesome!Me and my beautiful mother!One of my most favoirte ladies!! My junior high choir teacher Cathy Jolley! I love her! It was so fun to have her in the choir with me!

September 16, 2008

Some Experiance

Sorry they are kind of blurry, but i did something i never thought i would have done! I went last night to American Fork High School to watch my cousin Ashley perform in a Marching Band family night! All the family members of the Band were invited to come and watch the kids perform before they go off and perform in real band competitions! Well part of the program they had a parent or family member go down on the field with them and follow them in their drill. It was so funny, but hard to keep up with them! Ashley walks so fast! She kept telling me to keep up with her! It was hard! I got ran over once from some other person! It was cool to be down there and feel what they have to go the conductor, play their instument and walk at the same time, knowing when to go and when to stop
and how far to go, how fast, etc! It was way cool to see how much hard work these kids put into this to make it perfect! Way to go Ashley! Thanks for wanting me to come march with you! Now just don't tell anyone i went to school with! Who knows what they will think of me marching with the American Fork High School Marching Band! haha Just kidding!
**Get to know me**

Three things I am afraid of:
1. Drowning
2. Spiders :)
3. Failing in life

Three people who make me laugh:
1. My dad
2. Katie
3. Aislynn

Three things I love:
1. Chocolate
2. The Outdoors
3. Fall

Three things I hate:
1. Heat
2. Flying incects
3. Messing up

Three things I don't understand:
1. My luck with guys! ;)
2. School
3. Other Languages

Three things on my desk:
1. I don't have a desk
2. It's a laptop podium thing
3. So my computer and a towel for comfort

Three things I'm doing right now:
1. Writing things about me
2. Listening to music
3. Wanting to watch a movie

Three things I want to do before I die:
1. Go to somewhere on the other side of the planet
2. Get Married
3. Go on a mission with my Husband

Three things I can do:
1. Sing
2. Play Sports
3. Work hard

Three things I think you should listen to:
1. My laugh...haha j/k!
2. The Prophet
3. Your mommy and daddy!

Three things I'd like to learn:
1. Another Language
2. Optomity(eyes)
3. Whatever life throws at me!

September 2, 2008

#1 Song the day i was Born

The day i was born the #1 song was....."La Bamba" by Los Lobos! Here is the website you should go look at it! it's way cool!

Happy Birthday to Me!!

(Pics of where we stayed up American Fork Canyon! So Beautiful!)
Today was my Birthday! The Big 21! It was fun....except that i had to work all day and that my boss made me cry(haha he was just having a bad day and let it all out on me)! But other than that it was good! I had a very exciting weekend to make up for it! I went up the canyon with my parents and my dad took me four wheeling! It was so much fun....until he tried to take me up a hill that was all big rocks and it scared me half to death! I thought i was going to roll the 4-wheeler! But it was fun...we got way dirty from everyone else driving by and kicking up the dirt! We got rained on, on sunday, but we played games in the trailer! Monday i went out to breakfast with my best friend Aislynn and my friend Sean. We went to a movie, the mall, and a BBQ at her parents house! It was alot of fun! Mom and Dad made me dinner and my cake was so good! Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes! Now i'm off to Vegas! haha just kidding!

August 20, 2008

What a week...

Wow so far my week has been very stressful! My weekend was really good! I went to Lagoon on Friday...went to a Family Reunion on Saturday...and watched my nephew get blessed on Sunday! And my sister was in town from St. George with her two boys so it was a lot of fun! But then monday hit! We all love mondays right?! Well this one hated me (and my mom) especially! I woke up at 4 in the morning sick to my stomach! It never ceased that day till i went to bed at 9 p.m. I stayed home from work and sat on our recliner and watched the Olympics and slept all day long! We think it was food poisoning...but from Saturday night. Of a steak that i had that wasn't cooked all the way! It's weird to think that it waited clear till Monday morning to hit! So i ate some saltine crackers and had my brother and dad give me a blessing! I went to work on Tuesday, but still not feeling to hot, better, but not completely! I then went and somewhat played Ultimate Frisbee like Brandon and I do every Tuesday night! I kind of just stood there and walked around! But of the only time that i jumped and caught the frisbee my cellphone fell out of my pocket, and i noticed to late! We spent like an hour searching for it on this soccer field! Keep in's dark! It's like 10:30p.m.! So we even got cars to come shine their lights on the field but that didn't work! I went back this morning for about another hour and still didn't find it! So after i got off work my family and I went and searched for it! It took us about 5 MIN. to find it! How annoying is that! I think its just the influence of my parents being there! haha! But i seriously hate the feeling of loosing something! Even if it's a stupid cell phone....i go crazy! Not to mention that this is a brand new phone of like a week! So it's been a very stress full day! I just had get that off my chest! Whew! I'm better now! Let's hope the rest of this week will be better!

August 17, 2008


Me, Rafferty, Sean and Aislynn went to Lagoon this last friday. It was so much fun! We didn't go on any of the water rides, but that was okay! After the sun went down the wind picked up! It got really windy but that didn't stop us! Now i'm ready to go to Disneyland and ride the big rollercoaster rides! :)

July 25, 2008

My exciting week!

Me and my friend Katie has had a very exciting week this past week. On Monday we went to the John Mayer and Colbie Caillat Concert! It was so much fun! There were so many people there! It was my first time going to a real concert! It was so much fun! I loved both of them, they were so good!

Then on Wednesday we went to the Fiesta Days Rodeo in Spanish Fork! I don't know what it is about me and katie and rodeos but we are kind of obsessed with them! They are so fun! My favorite part is the Bull riding! It is so much fun to watch! Love it!! So it's been a very exciting week!

July 20, 2008

My Weekend

I had the chance to go down to Lake Powell with my singles ward this last weekend. We left early Thursday morning and got back Saturday night. It was so much fun! We went down on a charter but very hot! I think it was better that we all went down in one car. We got to mingle more with everyone and if something happened it happened to all of us! haha! Anyway so we finally got to the Lake around 2 or 3 and started setting up camp then hurried and went and dived into the lake! The sand was burning our feet and it was really hot! The water felt really good! Some went on the boats right away but others just played in the water till the boats got back. We had about 6 or 7 boats down there! It was amazing! Friday we were just out in or on the water all day in the sun trying to not get sun burnt! For some it worked...for me it didn't really! :) Just my back got burnt, everything else just kind of went to a tan! Then saturday we went boating in the morning and left at about 3 and got home at 10p.m. Very long drive!!! It was fun out on the boats! I've never wakeboarded before but i wanted to at least try. So my turn came and i tried...5 times was all they let me try...haha actually my foot started to cramp after 5 so i stopped. I almost got up a couple of the times but then i just kind of did a face plant! Maybe i will try again soon! I had so much fun and i'm so grateful for my ward to be able to plan it and be able to do it all for us! It was a blast!!!

July 6, 2008

The 4th of July!

Wow i don't think i have ever had such a realaxing 4th of July then i did this year. I slept in till 9:30ish...Grandma didn't have a breakfast party this year so we made waffles. Then i went and weeded one box of our garden and couldn't do anymore! It was so hot...and i needed water. So i came inside to find Mom and Brandon sitting on the couches watching a movie. So i went and watched it with them. After the movie got over we were flipping through the channels on tv and saw that Independance Day was on so we watched that. Then brandon went outside to finish the garden, i went and got ready then Mom watched i finished that movie with her. It was so nice and relaxing. We kind of hung out and did whatever. Mom can't really go anywhere cause of her we stayed home and kept her company! So 5 o'clock came around and then we put in another movie! haha :) Then Grandma came over for a BBQ, I cooked Mom and Grandma a hot dog and finished the movie. Then Sean and Aisynn came over for our little BBQ. So i cooked up some more hot dogs and then we went and watched the Stadium of Fire fireworks. They were way cool. Huge!! It was not a very eventful day but so nice just to sit and relax. Mom is sick of it, but Brandon and I loved it! (Dad was off horseback riding and getting hurt, but came home right before we left for the fireworks)
My camera took pictures of the fireworks in a weird way. But it made them look some what cool. I tried taking pictures just of normal settings, but it took to long to take the picture - i was taking it after it had gone off. Oh well it was fun!

June 30, 2008

Can i just tell you that i hate Mondays! They are always so busy at work and Monday's and Friday's people are never in good moods! Today was the longest day! And it's the last day of JUNE! This year is going by so fast i don't even know what to do! My 21st birthday is coming up so soon...time just flies and it's sad sometimes cause i don't even realize and miss chances to enjoy it!

This weekend i went and saw my new nephew! He is such a cute little asian boy! His name is Ammon Joshua Kidd! So cute!! He slept most of the time that we were there, but he did open his eyes when we first got there...but dark brown eyes! He's going to be fun to have around.

It's weird to think that my brother has a son but he will be a good dad. And Angel will be a good mom...once she gets a hang of things! They are so cute, and Ammon is blessed to have them as parents! :) Love them all!

June 21, 2008

We had fun taking pictures! Rafferty, me and Aislynn. Then Me and Katie!!
Me and Rafferty at the Strawberry Day's Rodeo! I love rodeo's they are so fun!!!