October 20, 2012

Holy cow!

Wow!! It seriously has been forever! Well not a lot is going on right now. Just still working and that's pretty much it. My last race, was the dirty dash in Sept. And that will probably be my last race in a long time. Sadly, I messed up my knee doing that race and it hasn't been the same since. I'm afraid to run on it or do anything. I went on my last hike for the season and coming down the mountain was the hardest thing! I even had a brace on it, but oh man did it hurt! Later that night it was so bad that it hurt to just sit at work, and even worse to try and walk around! It has been getting better though.  It was just that one night that I was really worried something was wrong. It will hurt on occasion, but it pops ALL THE TIME! Well I decided that I would try to see if it was fine and try and play ultimate frisbee......not a good idea! Don't get me wrong, it was so fun and I haven't played in such a long time, but it probably wasn't the best idea of mine. Now as i'm sitting here typing this, my knee is throbbing. I forgot that playing ultimate frisbee there is more then just walking/running. There is lots of stopping suddenly and turning to throw the frisbee or to get open to get it passed to you. My knee did not like that. So now i'm back to square one. Hopefully I can fix it without any drastic measures, but I'm just so bummed that i'm cant run or play any sports.

Anyway, here are some pictures of my race and my hike! Also you should go to my picture blog and see my new updates! :) Just click the WHAT I SEE...tab on the right side with my other favorite blogs.

And off we go! 

Such a good brother to help me over the wall

We still look happy right? 
Who knows what is in this mud pit.....

Yup! We are still happy! 
This was on my hike up by horsetail falls. It was so pretty! Such a good hike! 

July 25, 2012

Hike #5

I can't believe I forgot to put this hike up! It's been crazy i guess with everybody here!

This hike we went up horsetail falls in alpine, but instead of the normal trail there is a new one on the other side of the river called Dry Creek trail. It was so pretty on that side of the river! Never been on that side before! It was so fun and I can't wait to do it again. The only bad thing was that because it is a new trail, there are A LOT of spiderwebs! EEWW! Can't stand them for the life of me! haha :) Enjoy the pictures!
Mom and her friends
So green, yet so dry! 
Looking at Horsetail Falls from the bottom instead of the top
Of course...the two of us!
A look into the valley
We walked through the pine trees the whole time!
It was like a different world on this side of the river!
For some reason I seem to find these every time i go hiking now. This one is bigger then the last and still has the head and legs. 

Our poor burnt mountain. :(

July 1, 2012

Hike #4

So this hike was a few weeks ago...it has just taken me forever to post it up here. We went up by timpanooke. So pretty and such a good hike!
Starting off 

Such a pretty sight
Of course got to have a picture together!
Looking at the waterfall
Pretty walk through the pines!
Look what I found!
This poor animal, probably a deer, had a couple of trees fall on top of it. But the bones were all intact till mom came and moved it all around! 

June 3, 2012

Hike #3

Hike number 3 was Upper Silver Lake! Oh my that was such a pretty hike! And a very good one! It did take me a while to get up, I couldn't wake up and I was not feeling well at all. I think it was the altitude, but I'm not quite sure! Coming down I was fine. But it was worth it and I loved it! Here are some pics!

Don't forget to look below at my race!! :) 

The Dirty Dash!

Our team name

Most of our group

Ready..set...run through the mud!

I did it!!

My excursion of the dirty dash was crazy! I never thought that I would ever do something like this but lets just say that I'm excited to do it again!! It was 5.5 miles and took us 2 hours to get through it all! It sure was a workout going over, under, through all the obstacles but it was totally worth it and I loved every minute of it! I don't know if I can ever run a normal race...it would just be to boring...haha!