Monday, May 18, 2015

Isometric town

Midcentury-modern town I modeled and rendered in Cinema4D. Building designs based on Joseph Eichler and Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. This was a personal exploration in low-poly modeling and isometric design.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Northman Portrait

Been a long time since I produced any personal work, but I'm happy to have completed something new. I painted this on my iPad, which I'm sure a lot of people aren't happy about, but that's really the only way I can paint now. I simply don't have the time, or even a place, to do traditional work. A lot of this was done on the bus to and from work. When making art on a bus "undo" is crucial! The way I think about illustration and my technique has changed a lot due to my job, where I'm working with 3D software a lot. It has made me think more about light, shadows, and texture than I ever did before.

Because of the process of working in Procreate there isn't any sketches or roughs to show. I made a thumbnail, then scaled it up and painted over it, which is a lot like what I was doing in my acrylic paintings, only without all the scanning and printing.

I apparently love painting hair haha!

Thursday, December 05, 2013

League of War logo

Got a chance to make logo for League of War, a game that came out today for iOS.  I made the base of the logo in Illustrator, then took it into Cinema 4D to extrude, texture, light, and render. I had some heavy rivets going around the sides, but ultimately decided they were not adding much to the design, and looked somewhat cluttered.

Doing typography work has become one of my favorite things. I get teased a lot by the 3D artists for using Cinema 4D, but I love the program. It's really easy to pick up, fun, intuitive, and powerful. I recommend it if you are thinking of learning a 3D package, but are really only interested in motion graphics, static images, and film. It's not really ideal for in-game models, although it may be possible.

Monday, December 02, 2013

Shirt pic

I got a care package from Dapper Cadaver with some of the shirts I designed. They look sweet! $13 here:

I've been wanting to do a large print shirt for a long time now, and I'm really pleased with how this one came out. So nice to have it printed professionally where the the colors are what I specified. I also got this awesome skull in the deal...that's been a long time coming too haha!

Friday, November 22, 2013


I started a sketchbook drawing while watching The Walking Dead...then I spent way too long working on it. Now it's a finished piece I guess! I think I'm done with zombies forever.

Legends of Slap

Got a chance to do a game called Legends of Slap. It was a really quick turnaround—I did the UI in about a week. I designed the UI, app icon, logo, and the blocks. I didn't design the map, characters, battle backgrounds, or the badges (not shown here). It's in beta and for Android There will be some more changes coming out soon, so check it out!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Dapper Cadaver Tee

3 color tee for Dapper Cadaver. They are available for purchase here. Really fun project for an amazingly unique company. I don't accept much illustration work these days, but when the owner asked me to do this one, my mind ran wild with all the possibilities. Obviously I had to do it. The client was madly in love with my Killing Death painting, so basically this was his concept for the shirt. It worked out well.