April 27, 2009

changed for good...

So I ask the question today, can a girl live without friends in her life? I started this post a while back but have been trying to collect some good pictures for it. (It doesn't help that finishing a few rooms in a basement takes ALL of your time!) After the last two weeks I have had - I decided to post today. Friends are family you choose for yourself. I chose a friend 9 years ago, who was instantly my sister. I found out two weeks ago that she might be moving far, far away. I admit, I didn't take it very well. The thought seemed to have been a disruption in my breathing. I wasn't myself. I hated it. Well I found out last week that they are NOT going!

Breathing back to normal.

And thankful for the moment to reflect on all the friendships I have been given.

I wrote at the beginning of this post that friends come in and out of our lives. But I need to write now that there are also the friends who come in and stay in. Forever. They don't leave, even if they are leaving. No matter where we live they are with us. Those are the ones you hold on to, and never let go. Do whatever it takes to be a good friend. Take care of those you love. I have been taken 'care' of just last weekend. I received a text from someone I'll save forever, last Saturday morning I spent running with some of my best friends, a bouquet of flowers showed up, a phone call right after getting up from a prayer, and the most divine loaf of fresh homemade bread was given to me one special Sunday morning. For some reason I have chosen the best family. For some reason they keep me around.

I'm just so relieved that my friend will still be around when I need her happy face! My hope is that if I were moving, someone, somewhere would feel the same about me.

I would not be me - without any of my friends. We need to be flooded with friends from different places and different walks of life. I know friends come in and out of our lives at the very time we need them to. Friends make you who you are almost as much as your family. In some cases, more. I have said that it took 24 years to find my twin, I can't imagine life without her. She has changed me. She knows me and loves me regardless of my many flaws. She is sunshine and strength.
Sister's can be a best friend, mine is. How blessed we have been to get to live with each other and share the things we did. There is a bond between us that no one else quite understands. We've been changing each other from the day she was born. She is safety and laughter.
My very best friend in the whole world I met when I was 15 and I am the luckiest person here to be able to spend everyday with him. Laugh every day with him. From the moment I met him there was light in my life. He is now my home. He is my rock. We continue to change together, for the better.

I knew them all before this life. They were sent to me when I needed them. They have changed me and made my life better. As so many other's have as well. I have friends from heaven right across the street, and around the corner. They are happiness! I get to go to dinner with women every month who are amazing mothers and wives. I learn so much from them. I have a friend I could call at any moment and instantly be changed and feel better about life even after not seeing her for months. Who would have thought that a girl I met at Classic Roller Skating in elementary school would have such an impact on my life. She knows things about me no one else does, and I know that no one ever will. I would never imagine going to Sawyer Brown without her! She's carried me more times than I can count.

So this day I want to blog about all the different flavors of friends....

CHILDHOOD FRIENDS: So these friends include those you think of back when you were 5 and start out playing dolls, capture the flag, football, soccer, having sleepovers and giving the old double dog dares. My first friend ever was Billy Fronce. He started the long list over there at Golden Willow Drive. Along with Dixie, Jenn, Kim, Micky, Candice, Jeff, Rainey, Seth, Sunshine and the 'Rocker'. They were all involved in a little doorbell ditching with me a time or two. We fed Dixie worms and potato bug sandwich's and we all met every morning at the bus stop! Some of my best childhood memories are with them.

SCHOOL FRIENDS: In elementary school you meet all different kinds of people. Those who you remember the most bizarre things about. Like the girl who liked to hold hands with everyone, or the girl who would get mad if you barely moved your foot playing hopscotch, or how the one boy folded the cuff of his pants, or how one boy ran with his fingers straight because it supposedly made him faster. In second grade I met Jamie. Our elementary days were never the same and I felt like I met the person I would spend endless days and nights together. We did just that. She was my partner in crime for 10 years! This list could go on and on but she was most important.

TEENAGE FRIENDS: These little friends I think change us the most in our youth. Their families can have just as huge of an influence on us as they can. These are the friends that make me the most nervous and excited about who Alec chooses in the next few years! So far, so good, as far as I can tell. I still had my Jamie but I met Corbie, Lisa, Mindy, Amy, Trina, Brook, Sam, Shalise, and so many more during these years. I went on vacation with them, fought with them, got in trouble with them, cried with them, and still have hundreds of letters with their names at the bottom! They changed my life a little, and some, a lot. You could find us making Orange Julius and singing 'The Judd's' at Deuels house or having perfume fights at Fred Meyer. The boys we hung out with have just as much influence on my life as those girls. It's seems strange that I look back on the moms of those boys and know exactly who I want to be more like now, so that I can have that influence on my own boys. We all went from Mt. Jordan Middle to the torn down Jordan. I am so thankful I went to a smaller High School. I feel like we were closer and we knew everyone! Even now when someone asks if I remember someone from Jordan High, I almost always do. I love the memories I have of my teenage friends, I cherish them, all of them.

WORK FRIENDS: When you get out of high school and start life, many come your way with each new job. My most favorite friend from work has the same name as me. I don't know if she realizes what an influence she had on me. She was a little older than me, and I remember wanting so many of the things she had. The biggest, being a testimony and a clean car! Robyn - or 'Bob' will stay with me forever. My latest job at The Buckle provided me some new fabulous friends as well. My tall sister, Erika, and my favorite Elle were also stuck right in my life - right at the right time!

SPORTS FRIENDS: I played a couple sports with some pretty fantastic athlete's. Brook, Debbie, Jamie, Melissa, and so many more will always be family. When you are working together so hard towards the same goal it's very hard not to have a lasting influence on each other. I remember making promises to change so that we could win. Or challenging each other in different ways so that we could be successful. Every Monday during soccer season our Senior year we spent at GodFather's Pizza with every member of our team. We tried to out eat each other, which I may have won a time or two...that dessert pizza was heaven! When we won the State Championship those girls became stuck in my heart. They'll never leave. Basketball friends from then and now continue to change me. Just last year I met the most fabulous women, who also play a little ball. Another blessing at just the right moment. I can't imagine having them taken away now that I know each of them.

FOREVER FRIENDS: I moved into my first house in 1997. It was there in Sandy that I met my forever friends. It's amazing that every single month we still go to dinner for our birthday's. We have had countless babies, play dates, park days, Park City days, swimming adventures, and laughs together. Including last Wednesday night, when we talked in the parking lot for over an hour after we walked out. We continue to grow and strengthen each other. There was something about that little hidden area that brought us all together. We have all since moved from that neighborhood, but will never forget how living there brought us together. Tawny, Natalie, Nancy, Danielle, Lisa, Jolee, Tara, and Janet...I love you.

FRIENDS FROM HEAVEN: I remember praying to know whether or not we should move to this house. The decision was from heaven. This is why I call these women my friends from heaven. The first being the lady across the street! How quickly both of us knew that we were suppose to find each other. Around a few corners are the others! Michelle, Heather, Kelly, Amber, and Julia have changed me in ways they will never realize. Well maybe they will, because I will keep telling them! We have secret codes that we can use at anytime, at any moment, and know that we will do anything for each other. We have been through sickness, death, loss of jobs, family sickness, family crazy's, divorce, kid trouble and much more. They are my sisters. As a bonus, I think our husbands adore each other just as much as we do! A diet coke, chocolate or shopping bring us together often! How blessed I am to have them so close. Truly, so blessed. We have come to realize that we can never again live apart. If one moves, we all move.

There are church friends, neighborhood friends,and mom's at school friends. You become friends with the mom's on your kids teams and the dance mom's. We have 'bunko' friends, on line or blogging friends, friends of a friend friends, and the wives of husband's friends. There are so many who have an influence on us, without knowing they do. This, to me, is a beautiful part of being alive. A perfect plan. We never know the timing when one will come in, change us, and just as quick - one will leave, and change us again.

So here's to you, If you have a friend, If you are a friend, If you need a friend. We are all in this together - to unburden each other if there is any way we can. When something inside you says to do something for someone else. Do it. Don't wait to be the light in someone's life. Be the friend everyone wants. Thank you for being in my life no matter if it's a little in my life or a lot in my life. I need you. Like the song says, you have changed me for good.

April 17, 2009

the wasted three year old...

I know we all have days we feel like a crappy mom. Today is that day.

I feel like a bad mom because first of all I waited a year to get my son into the dentist. Then when we did go, he had three cavities. So I'm a bad mom for not brushing his teeth good enough. Then because he is only three, they have to put him under. That's right, a bad mom. Then it works out perfectly that we could really use that $350 somewhere else right now. Bad. Plus this three year old bites his nails, so I must be a bad mom. Plus that SAME three year old eats too much cold cereal. You guessed it, BAD!

So today I spent the morning crying and taking care of my wasted son.

When the anesthesiologist poked his arm and Luke rubbed it like 'what the heck was that for?', I started having this weird feeling inside. Then when he was sitting on my lap with his eyes open but his head started bobbing from side to side, the tears started coming. Then when I said his name because he looked awake, and the needle poker said "He's really not there," the tears were flowing. The nice man gave me a tissue and I gave him my son. That's right he just scooped him up and took him away.

What a bad mom.

When they asked me to come back and sit with him while he woke up, and things were hooked up to him and he had marks from where they taped his eyes shut, I couldn't take much more. I'm already a complete mess and this just wasn't working for me. Luckily, I had to pull myself together because there were people all around. Luckily, I had 45 minutes for him to wake up and in the meantime ask for some strength! Luckily, there was an angel there who when I mentioned what a bad mom I was, told me I was wrong. That the bad mom would have never gotten his teeth fixed. She said that it happens all the time, that kids come in with problems in their mouth and their parents never fix them.

I felt a little better.

Until Luke woke up and told me I had three eyes.

When your three year old says his head is wiggly and he wants to go to the car wash, you know he's wasted! But I was thankful for the next hour that he made me laugh and forget about being bad.




Looking at my third eye!

April 15, 2009

spring break in this economy...

My kids were out of school for two weeks before Easter weekend. So in the year 2009 - we did it on a budget! Doctor, Dentist, Dermatologist appointments the first week and then...

SALT LAKE CITY BABY! (approx. 35 miles away)
That's right, we even took TRAX... We hit the Church History Museum, Temple Square, Gateway, Energy Solutions Arena, and the Planetarium. A little lunch and ice-cream and I think we managed to have one of our best day's so far.
The museum had a little section where the kids can hold, dress, rock, weigh and feed little babies. I know you would probably guess Savvy would love this part, but Luke would not leave this baby. When I made him put her down, he kept going back to check on her. One time another girl had his baby and he just stared at her until she was done, then he snatched her the second she put her down. The lady who worked there said she had never seen a little BOY hold a baby so gently and love them so much. I guess that's what happens when you have an older sister!
One of MY highlights! I heart #24.

Savvy was loving every minute of the day!
John Stockton and Alec. They're pretty much the same size!
Carter thought it was his lucky day when he found a CTR ring stuck in John Stockton's shoe. He chose the right and put that thing on his finger. I didn't know if I should make him put it back, until he said, "I'll keep it and then one day I'll come put another one in for someone else to find." I guess if he felt like it was a treasure, I was ok with that.
I wish I could taken them somewhere sunny with a big ocean to swim in, but I think just being with them is what it's all about. They were so thankful to be with me. They kept hugging me and telling me how much fun they had.
Mom is the best job there is.

April 13, 2009


Saturday was preparation for the THREE Easter egg hunts we had on Sunday....

Alec is always thinking of creative and different ways to do anything, including coloring eggs!

Husband was working on the basement so we took care of his egg for him!

I have been around this parent thing a while (13 years), and this Easter holiday with the whole Easter bunny has gotten easier for me. In the past I have taken the kids to see the Easter bunny. I have since realized that it's a huge joke. I no longer waste my time. I hope Sissa hurry and posts about her trip with the twins to see the Easter bunny and will prove what I am talking about. (Although the pictures are hilarious!) Why MAKE your child cry and shake with fear. I do enough of that at home! What child loves an enormous, weird looking, walking mute rabbit with the most creepy eyes??? And who wants to sit on that things lap? It can't even talk, and what are you suppose to say to it? Can you bring me an egg??? I really believe the Easter bunny I had in MY young imagination was SO much better than that silly looking thing we now visit in all the stores. I don't think my parents had the choice of taking us to see the bunny, and if they did but chose not to, I say THANK YOU to them! I have made up my mind, from now on, to let my kids decide what the Bunny looks like to them, and never expose them to that thing again!

Plus, Luke would NEVER get close to it anyway!

The kids left carrots with ranch. Because they won't eat carrots without it! Savvy colored him the picture of the egg.

Carter has adopted a little piece of the wood flooring that we are installing downstairs. He has named him Steve. He dresses him, loves him and apparently makes him a part of Easter. Just Saturday, he asked me if he should throw Steve away. I said yes, but he just couldn't do it. So Steve left a message for bunny himself.

Sunday morning we woke up to 'bunny prints' leading to baskets. Our bunny is probably much smaller than Addie and Emery's!
You got how much? Can you believe Luke found the egg with $5? You distract him while I take it from him.

After MAKING them eat something other than candy for breakfast, the kids sculpted their very own nests. They loved doing this, and Carter only had to start over 3 times! If it wasn't "perfect like Alec's" it would bug him to the point of tearing down and starting over. I think each one turned out perfect! And boy were they proud of them.

Hunt #1...

I have most of hunt #1 on video instead of pictures. Luke crying, if someone else found an egg. I think Carter is still looking for one that he knows is still out there. Savvy digging up every inch of the sand box until Carter came over and stole her DOLLAR egg the second she was about to uncover it. The best part of that was when she DIDN'T cry. Almost. But no tears. She's gettin' good!

Off to church...

Savvy has to pose when she see's a camera. Luke was trying to escape from church on his scooter. When we were getting ready he said, "Can I wait at Mimi's while you go to church and Nana's?"

Then to Nana and Papa's...for Hunt #2 (and the $20 egg)

It's not very often that the three of us are together. My two beautiful sisters, Dawn and Cyndy. I am the oldest sister and have loved every minute of it. Mostly because I'm the boss! Dawn is two years younger and Cyndy is 8 years younger than me. I love them! There is just something so special about a sister, I hope they always know how much they mean to me.

Alec and Carter fighting over plastic eggs...I would too, if there was $20 involved!

The skinny couple. Man I wish they would gain some weight!

And Alec was the lucky one this year! $20 in an egg...must be his lucky 13 age!

Off to Mimi and Papa's house for Hunt #3 - and all those babies!!!

Jeremy claims that he can not handle another child. Four is it for him. We are done. Here, I caught him handling TWO more children beautifully. Holding one, pushing one in the swing and patiently dealing with one of Lukes fits. All at the same time. I think he'd be just fine with another!

Luke decided if Addy wasn't looking, he would just help himself.

This is Maddie and the best smelling lady in the house! I am in love. I think Luke is too. He wanted to take her home with us. What a blessing she has to been to our family in just a month.

I have been born into a wonderful family. I am married into a wonderful family. I don't think I spent one holiday with my mom's parents. I never met her dad, he died right after I was born and her mom died when I was a little girl. My dad's parents lived in California when we were growing up so we only spent a few holidays with them. My kids have such a blessing in being surrounded by family members who love them like we love them. We get to spend holidays together and be a part of all the traditions that go with. I know little things like Easter egg hunts will stay with them forever.