February 24, 2009

it's all worth it...

So on our way to Summit Academy for the Charter school basketball championship game yesterday, I was trying to pump Alec up. You know the, leave it all on the floor - do your best - no regrets - play the entire game as if it depended on you - this could be your last game playing for Northstar, so make it count - etc.


What do you mean this could be my last game for Northstar? (said Alec)

Well, we are all a little burned out Alec. 5 games a week plus practices is a bit hard on our family. (said me)


Sad Face.
Oh no. Not right before the game. I had to change my tactic a little. So I explained that it was ok Alec, it was a learning year. It's been so much fun watching all three teams you play on, and you've learned so much from 3 different coaches. You've got to play in the Utah Valley University basketball arena, and won a championship game there. It's been great. Really. I promise.

Even though I can tell you've been playing like your burned out. I haven't seen the 'fire' for a while. The progress has come to a halt. And so what if you have tendinitis in both knees (jumpers knee) at age 12 - and I can tell they bug you when you're running down the court.

But it's fine...we just might NOT do it next year...or maybe we will...I just don't know...
Finally, I just said prove me wrong. Show me progress. Play like your knees don't hurt. If they do, play anyway. It's only an hour. Be a good team-mate, and have fun! Oh ya, and you better BEAT SUMMIT!
And it happened!

On the way home Alec couldn't stop smiling and laughing. He had such a great game, and totally proved me wrong. He played with heart, and was happy with himself. That was exactly what I wanted to hear!
Northstar went 16 - 0 this season, what a great group of boys!
Alec wanted me to post this picture on the right, because they thought his friend 'little K' in the background was hilarious. He supposedly brings good luck to everyone, kindove like a leprechaun! He's tiny, but we all love him for it. 'Big K' is the one next to Alec, those two are best buddies, and this is a great memory for both of them.
Good Job buddy, you deserve this!
On our way home, Alec was talking about playing in High School and how fun it will be riding a bus to their games. Then he stopped and said "but maybe I would want to you take me because you pump me up for my games."
It was a good night.

February 20, 2009

a couple rays of sunshine...

RAY #1

Two weeks ago Alec won the Science Fair at his school. He went on the Charter School Science Fair down at UVU. He won again. He now goes to the region fair down at BYU.

Who knew changing manure into methane gas in our garage would get him extra credit in science class!

This is the second year in a row he has made it to BYU. Last year he actually won 1st place at BYU and was nominated to go Washington DC with his 'DNA DETECTIVE' project. He unfortunately did not win the trip, but we were so proud of him. We appreciate all the extra time he puts into his school work. He got his second 4.0 last quarter. Made the Principal's list and also received student of the month in February. *Does not take after his parents!* You can find him after school in Math Lab making sure to bring up every B to an A. We don't have to tell him to go, he makes sure he does it on his own. He will also do ANY extra credit his teachers give him. As I was complaining to a friend today about how his attitude is changing slightly to that of a teenager, she quickly reminded me how lucky I am for the great kid we have. She is 100% right. He's our rock.

I am a forgetful person and I left my camera at home. I took a picture with my phone and have no idea how to get that picture from there to here...so until his teacher e-mails me hers, these will have to do.

This may or may not have manure inside, and Jeremy may or may not have had to mix it every few days!


RAY #2

A note from a friend...

RAY #3

A pretzel and a diet coke...love you Tawny.

RAY #4

A phone call from the husband...a new job starting Monday...we are in love with Mountain America!

All I can say right now is how thankful I am, and I hope the sunshine sticks around for a while.

February 17, 2009

the love weekend...

Some may completely relate, and some may think I'm completely insane.

My valentine's weekend included a baby shower, fortune cookie valentines, a heart shaped pizza, 8 soccer/basketball games, (yes, 8) a first place championship game, a missed championship game by one point, and a family birthday dinner!

Kim's baby shower started this weekend off. Lots of pink! We had the funnest 'candy - bar', and all the food was itty, bitty. Mini cupcakes, mini home-made oreo's, mini rolls, mini heart sugar cookies and mini quiche...it was really the cutest idea from my very creative sister in law, Sissa. Everything turned out so dang good, and Kim got the funnest little clothes I've ever seen! I think I want another baby just to get the hand me downs. That cute baby girl will be here any day now and I can't wait to smell her!


For years, I have made the kids a heart shaped pizza for Valentines Day. It's amazing that my kids are so giant right now. When I saw this picture, it kindove made me sad. I remember the first Valentine's Day with four children....

It's seems like yesterday, the picture below was our Heart Day. I no longer have a baby, I now have a teenager and I find myself in a place I never imagined us to be. Savvy turns 7 next week, with Alec a couple weeks later turning 13! I may be freaking out a little!!!!

I have issues with Valentines day. I love romance and all that goes along with it. However, I HATE getting flowers on that day. I think it's crazy how expensive they are just because of a dumb holiday where guys are suppose to get flowers for their lady. Write me a letter...that is romance. Send me flowers for no reason, or on our anniversary...that is romance. DO NOT follow the crowd (of other men buying flowers) and do something creative...that is romance.
Needless to say, I did not get flowers. Jeremy knows better. For the last two weeks, we have been giving each other little love notes. Our whole family has. We write a note to someone about why we love them and deliver them to our 'love letters' tin. At the end of every day we look to see if we got one. The kids loved it and wrote some great letters to one another. Jeremy out did himself with the funniest letter/poem to me. I would share it, but I think he might hate that. I will keep it in a safe place forever. Whenever I need a laugh out loud moment I know where I can find it. I am truly lucky to be able to hear his jokes every day of my life.

*8 Games*
I may sound silly to some, but I would say the perfect date would be watching one of my children play a game, without any other kids! Just hubby and me. Then going to the Red Iguana!

When I say 8 games this weekend, I have to admit I only attended 5. We had to do the 'you go to one, I'll go to the other.' My dad also helped out and we appreciate him always being willing to get them to a game or just come watch them play. When I was growing up he never missed one of my games. I now realize just how big that is. He never missed a game. He somehow took off work and was there to support me, always. Even when I was on a two year losing streak with a soccer team. He has taught all of us the importance of supporting each other and cheering each other on - no matter what the activity is. He has always been such a strength in my life. Amazingly he can still remember all the good plays I made like they were yesterday. He may exaggerate some of them a little, but I appreciate all the help I can get!

Both Alec and Carter were in President's Day tournaments. Carter - Soccer, Alec - Basketball. Carter had a regular basketball game along with all those soccer games.

This is one of Carter's goals. He actually scored some fabulous goals this tournament and we are amazed at the talent of these little 9 year olds. But the one thing I loved more than anything was in the championship game, when 4 yellow cards and 2 red cards were given, Carter knocked a kid down pretty hard on a play. Instead of staring at the kid and walking away, (which 2 boys did to him) my little Cart-man walked straight up to him, gave him his hand, and helped him up. He then gave him five and walked back to play defense, when they got a free kick from it. Not once, from either side did I see that happen the entire game. I think his older brother has had an influence.

I love how aggressive and how much fire he has in him, but to me, that little act is better than any goal. He also made my Valentines day at his basketball game when his coach asked him to try and pass the ball to a boy who had not had the opportunity to score yet, and Carter made sure to pass it to him over and over. He would get the rebound and instead of scoring himself, he would find that boy and get him the ball. He did a good thing this weekend, and I love him!

This trophy is a long time coming. These boys have won first place for the last two years in their league. They are amazing soccer players! But we have been cursed for a while from a first place trophy in a tournament! They make it to the championship game and choke! We have had many a silver! This is a much deserved first place trophy for the most exciting futsol game. It went into overtime and ended with a 4 - 3 win over the Champions.

Unfortunately, Alec missed making it to the championship game in his AAU tournament by one point. ONE POINT. They lost to a team by one point too many! However, his school championship game will be played next week and hopefully he'll get that one.

Well Savvy didn't play any games this weekend, but she did get a new basketball from Nana and Papa. We celebrated Nick's, Taygin's, and Savannah's birthday's with a mexican feast at Adam and Jody's.
Who know's, maybe she'll surprise us with some b-ball skills. I sure hope so.

February 12, 2009


OK, cute Nat,
Here we go...good thing I made a promise to myself to be better at tags!

10 things I love that start with the letter J...

1 - J.P. Johnson - he's just so handsome
2- JAZZ - not the music, yes the UTAH JAZZ
3 - Jeans - I may have a bit of an addiction
4 - Jewelry - especially necklaces, but all jewelry makes me happy
5- Java - ok not really drinking java, just the smell of java!
6- Jokes - on me, on others, anything that makes me laugh!
7- Jogging - I say I'm a runner, but in real life, I'm actually a jogger!
8 - Jumping - in a basketball game!
9 - Jaul Milsap - oh really his name if Paul Milsap, but I can't do a top ten list without him on it!
10 - Jesus Christ - changed my life when I started loving him most.

February 11, 2009

just a thought...

When life leaves you covered in bumps and bruises, running flat footed...

Sometimes all that's needed, is just a new pair of shoes.

(with better arch)

February 4, 2009

Cabela's isn't just for the hunter...

Luke has been getting bored. He has now started biting his nails (throw up), and I fear it has something to do with staring at me all day! I think he may need to start school, like tomorrow. With it being winter, there are not a lot of places to take him to see animals, which he loves more than life. I am pretty much Pet Smarted out, the Aquarium is quite boring and the husband is NOT going to get an animal in the house. This is when I turned to Cabela's!

I am a first timer.


Right when we walked in he kept saying, in his soft 'stewart' voice, "I love this place, I love this place, I love this place. That makes two of us already in love with Cabela's.

He ran. He stared. He smiled. He would hurry, then slow down, and then just take it all in. He asked a million questions about all the animals and couldn't believe they really had a POLAR BEAR! Almost two hours later, he was ready for a nap, and so was I.

You may already be aware of the treasure at the point of the mountain, but I'm sure glad we finally partook today!

I was thinking this was a cheap field trip, until he dreamily looked into this elk's eyes and wanted him to come home with us. This is him, begging me and explaining he couldn't leave without him.
He made sure to show him his mommy and daddy!
Elkie is as close as it's going to get to a real pet!

The funny thing is, we went upstairs to the little shooting range for kids. Oh yes, there was a family of three little cowboys with the boots, belt buckles, and hats hitting every single target. I asked Luke if he wanted to try, and he said yes. Until he actually had to hold a gun...he wouldn't even touch it!

The circle of life. All at Cabela's.