One of my favorite bloggers & stampin' idols, Nancy Riley, tagged me earlier this week and I'm finally getting a chance to play! BTW, if you haven't checked out Nancy's blog, STOP and do that NOW - she's amazing!! You can read the rules for yourself. It was tough coming up with 7 interesting facts about myself, but here goes...
1. I grew up in small town Oklahoma and from the age of 5 yrs old I didn't miss a SINGLE home OU football game until I moved to Maui 4.5 yrs ago. I feel the most homesick in the fall for this very reason - it's just not the same waking up at 4:00 am to watch football on TV on a Saturday and nobody else really seems to care! (it's about all we had going in the fall in Oklahoma!!) GO SOONERS!!
2. Skittles are my favorite candy. I have a method for eating them. When I open a bag, I pour them all out and seperate them by color. Then I eat each color group in order, starting with my least favorite and ending with my favorite. Purple first, then yellow, green, orange and finally red.
3. When I was in grad school at OU I worked as an athletic trainer for the Univ. of Oklahoma Athletics Dept. I worked mostly with the wrestling team. I didn't know a THING about wrestling before then. I have to say, being single at the time, it wasn't a bad gig...I was the only female in a room full of 19-25 yr old college wrestlers for 5-8 hrs a day, 7 days a week, 10 months a year (and in case you didn't know, wrestlers are YUMMY...seriously, none of them have over about 4% body fat, lots of muscles and by the time they get to the level of competing for a division 1 college they look pretty darn good). Anyway I digress....
4. My husband, Joel, wrestled for the Oklahoma Sooners (197 pounder for those of you in the know). We met, became friends, then started dating. It was somewhat frowned upon for a trainer to fraternize with his/her athletes, so we kept our relationship a secret (for the most part) for nearly 8 months. Then the head coach caught us making out (actually I would call it more of a very innocent kiss, but when my husband tells the story he uses the term "making out") in the deserted training room one day after a late practice and we were BUSTED. All's well that ends well. We've been together ever since.
5. I LOVE to surf, but don't very often because I get so seasick that even just sitting on my board waiting for a set makes me nauseous. I spend more time in the water hanging over the side of my board that it's almost not worth it. Almost.
6. I do have a "real job". I'm a physical therapist. I work 3 days a week and mostly specialize in outpatient orthopedics. Unfortunately, my job requires me to inflict some small degree of pain on my patients on a regular basis. I don't hesitate to tell my patients to suck it up and stop whining if they want to get better. I have virtually NO pain tolerance myself. I am the world's biggest wimp.
7. Prior to January of this year I had NEVER inked a single stamp.
OK, now for the 7 bloggers I'm tagging (if you have yet to visit these girls' amazing blogs, you HAVE to check them out...some serious talent here!):
1. Theresa at Addicted to Stamps and Scraps
2. Jaime at Cre8tive-or-Crazy?
3. Kimberly at For the Love of Paper
4. Enjoli at Stamping Under the Sun
5. Nicole at Little Inklings
6. Stephanie at Steph's Stampin' Stuff
7. Anthonette at Chavez Designs