I'm going to include two Thankfuls in this post, because I was lucky enough to get away with Dan for a couple of days and missed posting.
I'm so thankful for Holidays...what a great way to celebrate important things (not sure if Halloween is important, but I think I celebrate more for the sugar), important people and spend time with those you love.
Any guesses what my favorite holiday is?! Well...you can wonder for a minute and I'll tell you in the end :)
I'm only thinking of the huge holiday's, the ones that you bank on each year, the ones that define a season, maybe. We just celebrated Halloween. I love this holiday for two reasons...candy and Fall. It means that the weather is turning cold, the leaves changing color and that I am one day closer to listening to Christmas music without everyone thinking I'm crazy, lol! Other than that, I'm not thankful for having to come up with costumes for 5 kids and the whole scary part of it. I'm not a fan of the scary.
Then there is Thanksgiving...again...yummy food and a chance to see family. I also am grateful for the
tradition of counting my blessings and the fact that my Mom would have us all share something we were grateful for.

Christmas!!! I love Christmas!!!! I love the weather...I love the color red, my favorite color, in combination with the green and all the silver and gold (I feel a Christmas song coming on), Christmas music, Christmas Tree's and staying up all night with my brothers (as kids, and a few times in years past), mimicking funny actors and telling funny stories and just anticipating the next day. Most important, the celebration of my one true friend, Jesus.
Valentines Day!!! Hearts, and yes, more red and it's sister color pink...oh man, how I love this holiday, I think probably because it is MY FAVORITE!!! I love telling the people I care about how much I love them and the anticipation of those who will tell me the same. Oh yes, and the....candy :)
St Patricks Day...gotta love green...the almost end of winter. PSYCHE!!!
Easter...We never really celebrated the Easter Bunny at our house growing up, so for me this holiday remains a sacred one, and the reason for the celebration is purely about my Savior and his sacrifice for me. Oh and Spring is almost here!!! :)
Memorial Day - Always around my brothers birthday and as kids, we would almost always go camping. Now, it's just another reason to get together and welcome the warmer weather and pull out the grill. I'm sure as time goes by it will be more meaningful me as I remember those I love who pass, not that I'm not grateful for all those who have already passed, those who fought in wars to protect my freedom and what not, I am grateful for that :)
My birthday - yes that's in my list of holidays....I love June. The perfect month for a birthday, don't you think?!
4th of July - I'm so blessed to live in this country! I'm also a HUGE fan of the summer time!!!
My anniversary - yes, another holiday for me!!! Best day of my life! August is such a good month for a wedding, yes?!
Labor Day - also, Dan's birthday, Hailey's birthday and Joe's birthday. This is a good month. School is in full swing in September, the leaves might be starting to change color. I really start getting the Christmas bug in September...I'm sorry but I do!
Aren't Holiday's wonderful?! I think so. I'm grateful for them and for the TRADITIONS they bring. I'm grateful for traditions. Here is a list of my favorite family traditions...
- date night with the kids
- breakfast pizza Christmas morning (Dan's side of the fam)
- Christmas PJ's
- Christmas Date with Dan
- Prayers before bed (yes, this is a tradition)
- Christmas stories
- Fireworks
- Summer Camping Trips
- Summer hikes with my brothers
- Easter Dinner
- Easter Egg hunt
- Wearing Green and making green cookies and green eggs and ham :)
- Driving Alpine Loop
- Conference Weekend traditions...Roast, and priesthood session, snuggling together as a fam and watching our prophet speak
- Father's blessings before school starts for the year
I'm grateful for Holiday's and the traditions they bring and mostly because they are centered around my family!