Hailey lost a tooth.... a molar (ahhh my baby is growing up!) She put the tooth in her room for two days and the Tooth Fairy did not come :( So, she put it on the kitchen counter the other night with a long note...
Dear Tooth Fairy,
Thank you for the money. It is fun when you come to see how much money we get. I have a few questions, please answer them, I will leave a space for you to do so.
Thanks Again,
Hailey Johnson :)
1. What do you do with the teeth?
2. How much time do you spend at each house?
3. How many kids do you visit each night?
4. Do you like being the tooth fairy?
5. Is there more than one tooth fairy?
6. Are you a he or a she?
7. How many years have you been doing this?
8. What's your name?
ANSWERS (LOLOLOLOL) left by the infamous Tooth Fairy
1. I sell them to spray paint companies, have you ever heard that rattle in the spray paint can?
2. 2.3 seconds
3. 2.347,865
4. Yes, except I'm very busy this time of year.
5. Nope, just me, pretty cool huh?
6. I'm a fairy, nobody really knows!
7. 5,377 years! Before that I worked in a Dental Floss Factory
8. Pat
Here are the pictures! This girl is too smart for me, geez!