Thursday, February 26, 2009

Hailey's Letter to the Tooth Fairy

Hailey lost a tooth.... a molar (ahhh my baby is growing up!) She put the tooth in her room for two days and the Tooth Fairy did not come :( So, she put it on the kitchen counter the other night with a long note...

Dear Tooth Fairy,

Thank you for the money. It is fun when you come to see how much money we get. I have a few questions, please answer them, I will leave a space for you to do so.

Thanks Again,

Hailey Johnson :)


1. What do you do with the teeth?
2. How much time do you spend at each house?
3. How many kids do you visit each night?
4. Do you like being the tooth fairy?
5. Is there more than one tooth fairy?
6. Are you a he or a she?
7. How many years have you been doing this?
8. What's your name?

ANSWERS (LOLOLOLOL) left by the infamous Tooth Fairy

1. I sell them to spray paint companies, have you ever heard that rattle in the spray paint can?
2. 2.3 seconds
3. 2.347,865
4. Yes, except I'm very busy this time of year.
5. Nope, just me, pretty cool huh?
6. I'm a fairy, nobody really knows!
7. 5,377 years! Before that I worked in a Dental Floss Factory
8. Pat

Here are the pictures! This girl is too smart for me, geez!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

My Weird Remedies

If you know me well, you will know that I am not one to run to the doc at the first sign of something weird. I thrive on finding any possible natural remedy or health fix I possibly can. It began in my childhood...I swear, blame my Mom! She was bound and determined to make sure us kids ate well and that she used every ounce of her food storage, no matter how old it was! She will never live down her lentil pizza. I remember drinking apple cider vinegar when we had a sour stomach and eating garlic when we had a cold. We were not a pill popping family. If we were sick, there was a way to feel better instead of putting a band-aid on the problem. Well...I married Dan and was introduced to things like (no laughing) ibprofin and tylenol and Tums! Geez, that stuff saved my life when I was preggo with Hailey! Well, now that I've gotten a little older, I'm reverting back to my childhood ways and thinking my Mom was pretty dang smart.

I have caught the cold from HELL! I haven't been sick in years! It settled in right in time for the in-laws...LOL. I LOVE my in-laws, so don't take that statement the wrong way;) I was down in bed and felt like my entire mouth was full of cavities. I could not get out of bed! So, all the old remedies began to go off like a series of beautiful light bulbs. Also, I read the best remedy on one of my favorite sites! So, out came the carrot juice (because it's sweet) and 1 tablespoon of fresh ginger (finely chopped, helps settle the stomach and offset the power of the garlic), and a couple of garlic cloves (chopped finely) and blended them all together and took them on an empty stomach, with 2 probiotics and then 20 minutes later I ate my breakfast. I did that for two days. I've found that cutting down on breads, and dairy while sick really helps! Go ahead and think I'm crazy but you know what? I don't care! It worked! Two days later I feel like a new woman!!! I'm still a little on the runny nose side of things but all that pressure is gone! Dan was so sick, and one week later had to get meds. I'm thinking a nasty drink is worth it!

Oh I have plenty more funky things that I swear by, but unless you really want to know, I'll spare you!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

A Question Maybe You Can Answer?

I am getting ready to order tickets for the Draper Temple Open House. Does anyone know if I can take my two youngest, Joe and Rachel (ages 4 and 6)? Do you have to be 8 to go through?

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Punk and Stuff

So, I had my hair done last week and it's taken me 4-ever to get the pictures uploaded on my computer! My lifting parner (lol, that sounds so formal, haha!) Melanie has been talking about her sister Dorothy since I met Mel about a year ago. I feel like I know her sisters already! Dan, being the creative gift giver he is, decided it was time we met, so he called Dorothy (who does the coolest things with hair) and set me up with a cool new funky do. I was uber excited to meet Dorothy and her two cute little boys! I had so much fun hang a langin with her and Mel, whilst getting the new funky do (no idea whats up with the wordage today, prob my mood). Anyhoo, I LOVE IT! I usually have my cuz do my hair, but I hate bugging her as she is getting ready open up her new shop. This was a fun thing and wayyyy out of my conservative/ordinary stuff. I've gotten some funny reactions, so I'm anxious to hear yours....haha!

It's called a Peek-a-boo color (fire-engine red) Oh and I have bangs, haha, haven't had them for years. I love it! Thanks DOT!

The other day, we were on our way to they gym and Joe had his beanie on. I turned around and this is how he looked....LOL. I asked him why his ears were out of his hat? He said because they are supposed to be, Mom (duh!). He's so cute!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Pay it Forward!

My friend Liesl has this on her blog and I thought it sounded fun. So this is how it works..... The first 3 people to leave a comment on this will receive a hand made gift from me during this year. When and what will be a surprise. There's a small catch...You knew there would be didn't you? Post this on your blog then come back and leave a comment, telling me you're in. Fun, huh? Remember, only the first 3 comments receive the gift. Good luck!

Monday, February 9, 2009

25 Random Things About Me. (Dan)

  1. This is the first time I've ever posted on our blog. (Arms are being twisted, typing becoming more difficllkjt.)
  2. I am from the mullet generation. (Boston, AC/DC, and Ozzy still ROCK!! deal with it!!)
  3. I'm obsessed with guns.
  4. Played football in High school.
  5. Simpson's fanatic, wife hates it!!
  6. Play the guitar at least once a year whether I need it or not.
  7. I like to lift weights.
  8. Own my own company, wanna buy it?
  9. I hate Corporate America with a passion.
  10. I believe that 401k plans are how Corporations screw the American Worker out of their retirements.
  11. Discovered first ear hair a year ago, melted to the bathroom floor and wept!!
  12. Come from a family of all Brothers and don't watch sports, Not Gay, refer to #3.
  13. Kinda shy, took me six months to ask my wife out, Not Stupid, only took 6 weeks to ask her to marry me!!
  14. My little man Joe makes me a new Lego spaceship every night before I go to bed!
  15. My friends and I spent a year making a documentary of people throwing up at high school parties and camping trips. (Hats off to the kid that ate a pound of hamburger before downing a short case, came up looking pretty much the same as it went down. Plop!)
  16. I like the smell of gasoline and nail polish remover. (OK, enough about High School!)
  17. I am a member of Road Ragers anonymous! I like to follow offenders home and plot weekend lawn jobs!
  18. I am a winter person.
  19. My father was my bishop when I was a teenager, I was a typical son of a Bish!!
  20. Love my kids, my daughters are going to hate me when they start dating.
  21. I once convinced my wife that I was a German Shephard in a former life, ask her about it sometime!! LOL
  22. #21 was my first lol ever!
  23. Volkswagen bugs float, golf carts? not so much!!
  24. Chocodiles are the food of the Gods, if you don't know what one is, go to your local 7-11 or hostess thrift store and discover life!! Three words, Chocolate Covered Twinkies!!!
  25. My wife and I are going on 12 years and it just keeps getting better and better!!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

25 Random Things About Me

Okay, so I did this on Facebook, but thought it would be fun to post it here as well ;) If you haven't done this, I would love to read about you, so consider yourself TAGGED (you know who you are)!

1-There is nothing I love more than my family.
2- Laundry is of the devil. I hate it!
3- I am addicted to sugar, I can try to deny it, and avoid it but will eat it eventually.
4- I "dated" my hubby for 6 weeks before we were engaged.
5- I love to play games...any kind. My favorite was World of I'm too competetive, it's a sickness.
6- I am homesick for Oregon.
7- I don't know anything about math. I'm grateful my husband can answer the kids homework questions...and thats sad, cause my oldest is only in 4th grade!
8- My favorite holiday is Valentines Day (NOT Christmas).
9- I am so happy I have such good looking, smart, funny, strong brothers!
10- I love music! I will listen to anything! I enjoy playing the piano and viola and even compose/arrange my own things.
11- I want a road bike.
12- I am strong. I can lift more than the average girl. Bodybuilding rox! Dang sugar, I could reach my goals if I wasn't addicted to sugar...flip!
13- I was the worst cook when I first got married. Dan (hubby) had to teach me how :)
14- I hope to finish Jesus the Christ this year.
15- I love to conquer mountains. Hiking is awesome!
16- I have 3 girls as payback for how sassy I was as a teenager.
17- I wish we could see our potential the way those close to us do.
18- I have an obsession with shoes, especially if they are red.
19 - I am NOT an animal lover. I'm so sorry to admit this. I want it to be different...especially for my kids. My Abby has begged me for a dog for about 1/2 her life.
20 - I am overwhelmed with gratitude for my amazing husband and all he does for me and our family.
21- My favorite Movie is Pride & Prejudice (the version with Kira Knightly).
22- I want to visit Eurpoe someday.
23- I love trucks.
24- I want singing lessons. I love to sing and can carry a tune, but it ends there.
25- My favorite color is red, but own way too much black.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

This is a Smile Only a Mother Could Love?!

Can I just say that the dentist is not my friend these days? The family has all had their turn visiting Mr. Robison and now it was my turn. I'm informed that I have plenty of cavities. Let me just say that I pretty much have sworn off sugar for the last 5 years of my life, and brush and floss to beat the band and have had only a handful of cavities in all my 30 years. But somehow in the last 2 years I've managed 5! I ask my lovely dentist why this is and he explains that I'm getting older...STRIKE ONE! He then asks me if I like my smile? I say YES! I really do like me smile! I had a gap in my two front teeth growing up and I hated that, but finally it closed and I've liked my smile ever since. Well he proceeds to explain that he could straighten out my front 4 teeth if I'd like....STRIKE TWO! It's cheap, he explains, 1/3 the cost of braces and it would be painless and he would throw in some teeth whitening as well....HA, at this point I'm sort of sensitive, go figure?! Well, the whole time he's in my mouth digging around he tells me about his lovely weekend adventure with friends, how they rented the most amazing house for $500 a night and skiied to their hearts delight all weekend....STRIKE THREE! I mean who asked him to tell me about his weekend. I'm not in a chatty mood with Mr. Dentist, and not in the mood to hear about how my rich, unemployed Mr. Robison is not affected by this retarded economy...LOL. I'm not quite sure I like this dentist, especially now that I get to visit him in two weeks for a three hour chunk of time so he can work on my old, crooked, yellow teeth and get rich off of my $500 to go ski in Aspen....ugh!

*I don't mean to rant...really...I am a nice person :) See the old, crooked, yellow smile? I'm happy, really I am ;)