Wednesday, March 16, 2011

china pavilion

the expo has been done for almost 6 months now....but the china pavilion is still open daily.  i have realized that i have been hibernating all winter long. i forget how much there is to do in this city...but the coldness has kept me inside and unmotivated.  plus, i have been subbing at the international schools on my days i havent had a lot of spare time.  this weekend i decided to say no to subbing...i needed some sanity and i needed to catch up on sleep!

today erik and i and his friend susan met up and went to the china pavilion.  we didnt think the lines would be long...boy were we wrong!

china pavilion
lines, lines and more lines
chinese ppl are not very patient waiting in line....we saw ppl trying to rush the front, cut, etc
so close, yet so far away!  we waited about 2 hrs total
shanghai apartment, 1978
shanghai apartment, 1988
shanghai apartment, 1998
shanghai apartment, 2008
shanghai apartment, 2008
really cool painting that also had moving parts to it

cute lil girl

view of the city.....gross day out

child art work
as the water falls, chinese characters (letters) appear

concept car...runs on CO2
taking the escalator down...leave the pavilion
so many ppl!