Sunday, January 30, 2011

chinese new year=vacation!

as u all job owns my soul.  never thought i would be in a teaching job where i would barely get any vacations.  anyways...this week is chinese new i am off to southern thailand with my friend erik.  we are flying into bangkok tonight, 6 hr layover...then off to phuket in the morning.  i cant even wait to feel the warm sun on my white body.  this will be a much needed break from reality.  happy year of the rabbit!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

2010 in review

nye 2010:  spent new years at joe and alexa's apartment in carlsbad.  enjoyed drinks, mexican food, wii and good company.

jan:  missed 2 weeks of work due to massive snow in the canyon

feb:  snow snow and more snow at work
got offered a job in shanghai, started paperwork

march:  cousin jaime was in town for work....went out to fancy tea

april:  many trips
hung out with kristin and her fam in virginia beach, drove up to dc to hang out with cousin jaime and cousin ryan
weekend trip to lake mead/colorado river..camping and canoeing
met english kamran in vegas for a pre bday celebration
turned 30!

may:  closed another chapter in my life....finished working at outdoor science school.  no matter how much i bitch about that job...i loved everyone i worked with and i learned a lot.
spent a weekend in san fran for bay to breakers
6 week countdown to moving to shanghai
completed couch to 5k running program
taught swim lessons
got my visa taken care of in la
memorial day weekend:  on jackie's boat

june:  amanda and shelly came into town.  we participated in the hurricane olympics
world cup watching
packing, organizing my life
keith and mary came into town
june on a plane to shanghai

july:  signed a one year contract with disney english and decided to stay in shanghai
moved into my apartment

aug:  took a 2 day trip with tara to hangzhou...first trip outside of shanghai
said goodbye to my awesome summer camp friends

sept: teaching, exploring, sight seeing, sweating

oct: teaching, exploring, sight seeing, sweating
traveled to vietnam:  hanoi and halong bay with tara and ben.  amazing trip

nov:  2 day trip to nanjing with some friends from work
sage comes to visit during thanksgiving week!

dec:  started subbing at an international high school
city decorated for christmas
dec 15- first snow of the season in shanghai
spent christmas working, then dinner with friends, watched elf and then skyped my parents
first christmas away from my family
been in shanghai for 6 months

new years 2011:spent new years eve at teppanyaki and then to a bar.  no fire works, no countdown...kind of weird.

happy 2011....come visit me..i will be here for a few years.