But true.
This is no longer a PG blog.
But, hey, I'm all about staying current...
...and this is no longer a PG world.
One of the last bastions of civility and PG-ness has gone over to the dark side.
I now find myself compass-less and I can no longer resist the pull to use sexual inuendo as entertainment.
Apparently, according to the Food Network anyway, food that is amazing is now known to give you a 'foodgasm'.
Heaven knows I've had some serious food moments over the years, but I never, ever considered those moments
'Harry Met Sally' 'foodgasms'. You know that movie, right? You know what I'm talking about, right?
Early one morning last week, I awoke Mr. Jenny to tell him about Food Network using a new "F" word.
He did not see the urgency in the conversation.
He did not recognize that the Food Network has, officially, stepped over the line of sacred PG-ness into the dark decay of STANDARD TV PROGRAMMING!
"What's next?" I inquired passionately at 2:52 AM. "Is the Hallmark Network going to start running ads for Lumber Liquidators informing you their wood products will give you a 'FLOORGASM'?!!!!"
Mr. Jenny didn't answer. I think he had gone back to sleep.
I poked him awake again. because, hey, this was an important conversation.
"OR," I questioned ominously, "Are malls going to advertise "STOREGASMS" OR high school algebra classes use the word "BOREGASM!" in their class descriptions!?!"
"Go ahead," Mr. Jenny said in a soft, sleepy voice.
"Go ahead and what?"
"Go ahead and do all the letters of the alphabet so we can both go back to sleep."
I did.
Coregasm, doorgasm, eeyoregasm, goregasm, loregasm, moregasm, poregasm, snoregasm...blah,blah, blah.
I hate to air our personal laundry here, but I'm pretty certain somewhere between poregasm and snoregasm, Mr. Jenny had one.
Ha! Haha! That was funny.
So I just lay in the dark thinking about this.
There's a lot of 'gasms' in the alphabet, aren't there? And those are only the rhyming ones.
I'm sorry to subject you to this non PG post...
I figured you'd want to know what was happening in the world.
And I figured, of course, you'd want to go along on my tangent through this.
I hope I figured right.
It's just that you're ominously silent.
Uh oh.
You're not having a 'madgasm' are you?
Or an 'eyerollingasm'?
Hee hee.
PS. I promise I have gotten this out of my system and shall write of it no more.
PPS. Agreegasm?
PPPS. I lied. Sorry.
PPPPS. Gasm.