Friday, April 25, 2008

Today Was A Good Day

An Update: We are still not sleeping in our house.

Solution for Now: Thinking Positively.

Seriously, Today was a really great day. Here are a few of the reasons why:
  • Deakon has learned to clap his hands. He has been clapping his feet for a year or so, but the hand coordination has been tougher for him. All day today, every time he heard clapping on TV, or he did something he thought was cool...he clapped for himself. And he has the cutest look on his face while doing it. He knows he's hot stuff. It is impossible to be unhappy when you have a midget-sized cheerleader clapping for you all day long.

(How can you not love this kid?)

  • My Abby is a walking oxymoron. She is such a little smart lipped girl with attitude, but on the other hand, she is so innocent and naive. She truly always just believes the best about people, even when they aren't being so nice to her. I love that about her, and hope it never changes.

(At her last dance competition, with her friend. She has another one tomorrow - I wish I could upload videos to post that. It is quite entertaining :)

  • Due to my lack of sleep, I am a little snappy and emotional. But, I am really trying so hard not to be. I came home tonight from Classic Skating with the kids to find a dozen red roses, candy and a bottle of full calorie Pepsi (The closest I can get to hitting the bottle) waiting on the counter for me. Blair had gotten me my three favorite things and he did it on is own, as a surprise. It made my week.

*I have to credit Ashley C. with inspiration for this post. I've loved her past posts about her favorite things; they have made me re-look at some of my days. Thanks Ashley.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Just What the Doctor Ordered

So, I am thinking that many of you might have noticed a little bit of a "edge" to my more recent posts. You may have had thoughts like, "Wow. I am so glad I don't let my kids play at her house," or "Good thing I really haven't talked to her that much lately, she might've bitten my head off."

I don't blame you, I haven't been at my best. So, it was decided I needed a little bit of a vacation to get some sleep and take in a little perspective. When I asked Blair about the possibility of me visiting my friend, Jane, in So Cal a couple of weeks ago...he was very supportive. I do think he might've been anxious to get rid of me.

SO...I left and got the chance to reconnect with one of my best friends. Jane and I have known each other since 6th grade. She stuck by me, the "New Kid" even when the cool girls told me in the lunch line the first day, (and I quote) "We liked our group just the way it was." (They were serving lunch, because that was the cool thing to do at Knowlton Elementary back then.) To be honest, I cannot remember a time Jane hasn't stuck by me. She is a true friend and one of the most genuine and kind people I know. We had only briefly kept in touch over the past years, and really she didn't have much of an idea what she was getting herself into letting me stay with her for 3 days. I could've been a freak cult polygamist wife or something...but, she took her chances -and within minutes of picking me up at the airport, I was pouring my heart out. It was like I never was away, and we were back in tenth grade.
Highlights of the Trip...

The very, way too cool for me, club where we got in and saw DJ AM "spin." (I am probably too old to use that word.) It was pretty awesome. (Other than the strange men using pickup lines like, "Hey, it's my friend's birthday, so..." Nice.)

Facials and Lunch With Mel

I am not in this picture, because I look like I may have walked out of a grease factory after the facial. But, Jane and Mel are always hot, so they stay. It was so fun to see Mel - I am afraid she is never returning to Utah!!

The Angels Game

We all know I am a sports' fan, and I love Major League Baseball. My parent's got tickets while they were in town watching Maddi cheer at Nationals, and invited us to go with them. (Maddi did awesome by the way!!)

The Love of My Life...Or, the Beach

I cannot go to the beach without crying. It reminds me of my childhood in San Diego and creates a peace within me I feel nowhere else.
That being said, I became burnt toast by evening.
Jane was the worlds' most incredible host. She drove me around everywhere, made me awesome food, and let me meet some of her closest friends (including Jake, who I like very much:), and listened - endlessly listened. I am indebted to her, and so are some of you who unfortunately are around me quite often:)
Now, the coolest part about coming home was of course, seeing my family, but even more importantly, the house was clean. Blair knew that would just be the "icing on the cake" to help top off a wonderful weekend. How cool is he to hang out with our two kids, take them to soccer, and give Deak a suppository while I go on vacation?
I am very lucky, and a lot more relaxed.
Don't worry though...bitchy Jenny will still make frequent appearances on the blog. She is never far.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

this is what happens...

so i am too lazy right now to do anything fancy with this post. been up since 2:30 am with the Deakster and have been to work, Deak's occupational therapy, and ballet with Abby. and, i have to play two volleyball games tonight. so that's my excuse for the lack of capitalization. and a very fulfilling pity party for myself.
i have discovered that when you don't sleep a few things happen:
  • you greet your babysitter at 7:30 am with "welcome to the house of hell."
  • all junk food items are desperately craved and needed. i have had a corn dog, fries, a peach rainbow from pace's and a cutler's cookie (i have 4 more too).
  • you can jump from being really, really nice to telling your daughter to move her damn legs, (when they weren't even touching you, what am i, 4?) - all in front of Deak's therapist.
  • you cry at your morning staff meeting because someone wasn't being nice.
these are all true, why I am admitting them to you all - i do not know. i guess i am hoping you send me good sleep karma for the next couple of days, or i just may have lost my babysitter, my waistline (or what there is of it), my daughter's sense of parental stability, and my job.
these are all things i would really like to keep.
*i do have to note, that as i am watching sesame street at 4:45 this morning, with Deak in my room, eating cheerios in his highchair - i realized i really can't stay that mad at him. every time i would take him out of his crib screaming, he would look at me with those big blue eyes and say "he he he...ny ny ny."
he isn't as innocent as he looks.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Swinging for My Sanity

Our little Deak has never been known as a great sleeper. Abby would sleep 12 - 13 hours a night (still does actually) and take a 4 hour nap, at two years old. We're lucky to get 9 hours out of Deak, and maybe a 1 -2 hour nap.
I can't say I blame him though. He struggled to breathe enough air in at nights his first year of life, and has dealt with countless ear infections in his second year. Plus, he is always hungry (partly due to his asthma meds, and a few rounds of steriods.) Needless to say, there have been some days when I have wondered how I have even functioned, let alone do things like drive a car and attempt to counsel other peoples' kids. I cannot tell you how many times I have been blessed at 3:00 in the morning, after being up maybe 2 or 3 times already - when poor Heavenly Father hears me saying again, "Please just let us sleep for a couple of hours. I need to be here tomorow. I have to go to work." I have always felt really guilty even asking for this, because I deeply understand that my lack of sleep pales in comparison to the miracle of Deakon being here. Heavenly father must still love me though, because somehow I always get by.
Well, as of a couple of months ago, Deakon had finally become healthy enough to sleep through the night. I found myself waking up several times a night and turning up the monitor just so I could hear him breathe at first, but then when I realized he was okay, I rediscovered that this sleeping all night thing was pretty cool. But, in Deak's little life - months don't often go by without some sort of medical procedure, and last month was no different. Deakon was scheduled an MRI to use as evidence for our insurance company in order to help us get Growth Hormone Therapy for him. Deakon has learned a little too much in his short life about Hospitals and Nurses and Doctors, and recently (probably due to the age and an awful blood draw) he has decided he hates them. He had to be sedated for the MRI and it was a nightmare for him. He hit the nurses and kept yelling "Naaa, Naaa" or "No" in Deaky language. They actually had to sedate him early to prevent him from going into an asthma attack. Once sedated, the MRI went fine, and he recovered really easilly, thankfully. With one minor exception - he now refuses to sleep again. Deak will hit us and scream, and then laugh when we come get him out of his bed (even though Supernanny says not to, we do, we can't help it).
Moving on to the importance of the swing...because he is so small, even though he is almost two, he is still under the weight limit and can easilly fit into the seat. Deakon loves swinging and has not yet discovered it is a magical sleeping machine. But, we know - and are thankful for its' awesome powers. At midnight a couple of nights ago, after I had rocked him for an hour and a half, driven around town for 30 minutes, and fed him 2 bottles - I remembered that I still had the swing. I carried it up the stairs and into the family room. Within a few minutes, he was peaceful.
Now he will sleep again...he will even go into his bed after falling asleep in the swing. To quote Blair, "Abby, that swing is not a toy. We cannot waste its' batteries on your doll. We do not want the batteries to be dead, because when we need it - it is an emergency."
Let us all hope that it takes him some time to figure out what the swing really does.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Take me out to the Ballgame

This, my friends, is our second place trophy from last Spring season's Kaysville Coed Recreation Division Slowpitch Softball Tournament. It has been nicely cared for in the corner of our basement kitchen, and will now be making appearances on the upper floor. It will serve as inspiration and motivation as we strive to continue our good fortune and improve on our skills. I will personally be working on trying to make it to second base without having an asthma attack (I don't even have asthma). But, then again to make it to second base requires hitting it past the infield. Oops.
Anyway...We are back, and in it to win it.
First place or die.

Monday, April 7, 2008

I Love Conference Weekend

I guess it should just be "assumed" that I love General Conference Weekend for the actual conference itself. It is true, I do. I really enjoyed seeing President Monson speak for the first time as Prophet of our church.

But, I have to admit there are other, less religious reasons I love General Conference Weekend also.
  • There's no need to stress out about staying up late or getting the kids to bed on Saturday, because there is no church to attend, or Primary class to teach.
  • I can sleep in...kind-of. If I prepare ahead, and turn my TV on to PBS Kids or Noggin the night before - Abby can waltz right on in and turn on the TV herself without waking me up completely. I can also wheel Deak's highchair in, put an inhumane amount of food on it, and let him sit and watch the shows with Abby. Oh - and earplugs. Good, construction-grade, no high pitch squeaky cartoon voice allowing ones.
  • I don't have to cook or plan meals. Yesterday I ate eggs (thanks to Blair who delivered them to me in bed with the kids), 2 sugar cookies and a diet Mtn. Dew for lunch, and pizza and gummi bears for dinner. I think my kids ate the same.
  • Clothes are overrated. Although I did feel a little uncomfortable watching conference in my actual "g's" so I put on some sweats.
  • I finished my Tivo'd season of Friday Night Lights, watched August Rush with Abby (really good, predictable but good), and Season One of Office Space. I also got the kids in bed in time (which wasn't hard considering that they hadn't been out of their pajama's all day), to watch Dexter. (Which I will not officially recommend because it is about a serial killer. But, if you are not squeamish, it is really, really, good.) (My favorite line from last night, "I can't kill my therapist yet because I need another session.") Sorry, I've wandered.
  • Held my babies, listened to Deakon mimic everything everyone said, only using the sounds "ah" and "na," (there are a lot of words that only use those sounds actually -think about it) and last but not least, woke up today feeling really relaxed.

I wish conference were every other week.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Good Food and a few "Bushism's"

Suggestion: If you get a chance, go see Frank Caliendo live.
Blair and I saw him at Kingsbury Hall last night, and it was hilarious. I swear that guy can do 15 different impressions in 30 seconds. The crappy picture was taken from afar because I was too tired to wait in line. Sorry.
The guy who opened for him, somebody Stubbs, was actually pretty funny until we realized that he totally stole the opening scene to Office Space and pinned the joke as his own - because he threw the name "Hyrum" into it. (The scene where the white guys are driving and listening to rap while pulling up to a car full of "gansta's)
We also ate at Market Street Broiler which I love, and Blair doesn't love so much (he's not the world's biggest fan of Seafood). But - we both agreed the dessert was awesome (Sabayon).
Overall, a really great night, and a really good reminder that we genuinely enjoy each other's company.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Happy Birthday Mom!

In my attempt to win the race at being "1st Daughter to post a birtday message" - I am sad to say I lost. But, then I realized that's not the point.
Happy Birthday Mom! I hope you have a fun day and get some cute clothes. I love you and appreciate what you do for me!
(PS - I think Cheesecake Factory is a great choice for dinner. :)

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

"Oh - Oh ah ah oh, Oh - Oh ah oh.

..."The Right Stuff."

I know that this post may not increase my popularity, but I just cannot contain myself.

New Kids on the Block are back.
Set your freaking Tivos.
They are performing on the Today Show Friday morning, and will be announcing their Reunion Tour.
I feel like I should ask my mom to buy me a TigerBeat Magazine so I can rip out some pictures of Jordan and Donnie to tape to my bedroom wall. Until then, I will just drag my NKOTB tapes out of my box that also contains all my Babysitter Club Books.
Hang Tough.