
If You Need Me...

So for 3 days straight my comment to the house full of kids was, "if you need me I'm in the basement."  Lost in the depths and layers of stuff.  Like holy cheese cracker I'd let this place go to POT!  I mentioned on my 52 canvases blog that this is the pattern.  Yep.  It is.  And right alongside this pattern is my crazy clean out freako mode.  I can't just clean one space and be done.  Nope.  Gotta clean out everything everywhere in the entire basement square footage. 

It started with the painting of the basement stairs.  Wait til I get those photographed.  You are going to flip out they are so cool!!  And then the bottom of the stairs, and then the storage area, then the gardening tool area, then the wood shop area, then the pretty part....then...then....geesh.  I have TOO MUCH STUFF.  Shut down, not sleep, ok get back to it Jenni you have like 20 people coming here next weekend!  I got it done.  Yeah me!

But I thought for a little treat I'd show you that indeed I can be messy, I can be a real person. I warn you, this is a tad scary.  hehehe....

The mess doesn't seem to bother little mountain lion Graham Cracker.   Cracking myself up that I am showing you this......I even found yellow jelly beans in a muffin tin on the table below.  From months ago, eww!!  Let me think, I want to say it was a van load for the Goodwill, 6 bags of garbage and a few boxes.   Like I said, when I clean out, I clean out! 

So, after all this work I am relieved it's done.  Especially since my Paint Something workshop is next weekend and there are a lot of you coming.  Now, the bomb that went off upstairs while I was downstairs is another story.  HA. 

Billy was most impressed.  But then said, "how long you think this will last?"  Oh he knows me so well!!  At least it will last until you guys come and see it sparkly clean.  And then help me make it messy again. 

Doodle Painting

The most recent series of paintings I've completed have been so much fun to finish!  All little images straight from my sketchbook.  Dooddles coming to life.  I love that I've got the confidence to run with these and not be afraid they are too simple, or too childlike.  In actuality I am more drawn to images like this.  And think its' about time to let go of the fear of what others think and get back to painting for me.  Honestly the paintings that flew outta my tent at the last show where these type of paintings.  So maybe, just maybe, they mean a little something to you to?


A Magical Island

This past weekend I had the privilege to visit many islands off the coast of Georgia.  This one had to be my favorite, one I can not wait to come back and visit to see more of its' magical landscape.  What's it called you ask? 
Cumberland Island is approximately 18 miles long and between one-half and 3 miles wide—or about 40 square miles.  And within this small space is a story, rich in history and beauty.  One that we couldn't grasp all in one day.

The legendary horses of the island.  These horses are wild.....meaning they have no interaction with humans for care or survival.  Don't worry, they keep their population going just fine with out us humans intervening.  The white horse baby was a few months old, and we saw another that was just a week old.

Walking on the island was intense.  We'd be under a beautiful oak landscape with lovely breeze to below, an almost desert feel heading to the coastline.  And once we hit the coastline, the wind was enough to blow you sideways.
 Look at these swirly trees!  And so cool under this canopy.  There are two ways to stay on the island, camping or an inn.  There are also homes on the island privately owned.  We didn't make it to this part of the island due to the tropical storm headed in.  In fact, they evacuated the island while we were there.  Talk about an experience!  The only way on and off the island is by boat.  We rode the ferry. 

It's amazing what an untouched shoreline can look like.  Unfortunately we weren't allowed in the water, not because it is sacred, but because of the storm.  So we walked the shoreline instead.  And picked up shells.....oooo....we picked a ton of huge ones!  Don't worry.  The ranger said it was OK. 
We also visited St. Simons Island, Jekyll Island and the Okefenokee Swamp.  It was truly a wonderful trip.  One I hope Mailey and her 17 little Girl Scout friends never forget.  Yep, you heard me.  We took 24 people to the Georgia Coastline.  Which during the weekend just happened to have a tropical storm hit.  And somehow, it missed us the entire trip.  No really.  It did.  Now the hotel we stayed it rained the entire time.  But each day we'd get up and go on with our plans and have perfect weather.  We did have to altar the plans one day....Jacksonville, Florida was out.  Instead, we visited St. Simons Island.  Another Georgia spot rich with history and beautiful landscapes.  Here are a few other shots that are my favorites:
 St. Simons coastline and lighthouse.

 Okefenokee Swamp boat tour

And yes, you do see a ton of these along the road to the water and in the water. 
 Happy Momma and daughter...with memories to last our little lifetime.


A Jar of Hearts

Christina Perri is totally inspiring me these days with her voice and her words.  Filling up my jar of hearts slowly.  Keeping them for a rainy day, but also sharing them here.  Thanks for coming by as always! 

I may be missing a spell from blogging just wanted you to know.  Not a loss for words by any means...oh man have I been one busy motivated  freaking bee......just needing to focus on some other things.  Like a vacation.   wink...wink...

So later next week I'll share the projects and the new paintings.  It's all good!  Have a wonderful holiday weekend!


Adult Painting Workshop Offered!

OK....ok....have you seen the sidebar picture and the top tab??  NO?  Well here's the link to the painting workshop with all the information you need to join the Paint Something Workshop!!  There's still room for a few more artists.  I do hope you'll join me!!  It's just 3 weeks away!  Yippeeeee!!!!  You can pay the day you come.  And since I''m providing everything, all you need to do is show up.  Cool. Right?  Come on!! 


Summer Markets

While in San Franscico all week I kept asking Billy funny questions....like, "Where do dogs go poo?  It's all concrete here?  Where do these people go to the grocery?  I 've not seen a Publix.  Where is the Chick-fil-a?  I'm not sure we could go a week without that.  And gasoline?  Where's the gas station?  Do they not allow cats in the city?  I've not seen one cat."  Yep.  Funny questions.  However, on a weekly, sometimes daily basis, these are places and things we as a family do.  We let Lily, Graham Cracker and Ellie out the front door to our rather large green yard at their demand, hit Chick-fil-a at anytime of the day because we luv it so, get gasoline at least once a week,  and see the Publix clerks so much they know us by name.

And then....oh then came Saturday.  We headed down to the Ferry and Marketplace for me some Blue Bottle coffee and gluten free pastry to find the mecca of all outdoor farmer markets was set up.  Good gravy peeps.....my little suburban heart just about fainted at all the glorious freshness.  It answered so many questions...so many.  I mean, who'd need Chick-fil-a with homemade cheeses and breads for the week?  And jams, and flowers, and meat, and milk, and...and......I just get all in a tissy thinking about what they had available that day.  They even had special crazy carts to carry their bags on!

As a child we were a part of a farmer's market co-op with a bunch of Mom's friends, but what I remember of that was creepy farmers under the interstate in downtown Birmingham.  It was loud and smelled funny.  Mom would take the collected money and buy in bulk fresh groceries from the back of the farmer's trucks.  Then we'd get home with the smelly boxes(they do have a stink about them....that cardboard does) and divide it amongst the families.  My favorite was when she'd get eggplant.  Oh, I loved the way she prepared it, lightly fried with cornmeal.  The only other person that's made eggplant as good is my friend Valerie, who makes a delicious eggplant parmesan.  I've never made eggplant anything.  Maybe I will!

Anyways....the long drawn out moral to this story is this.....THIS summer I am locating a place for my family to go and buy more locally fresh produce, eggs and cheeses.  I've already got the scoop on a few places, but if you know of another...send it my way!  We are south of the Atlanta Airport.  I'll be sure to share my favorite spots...and recipes!  Have I ever shared my homeade salsa with you?  Let's just say my 12 year old asks for it regularly, and he's a boy. 

Oh and....the cat question is still out there....we didn't see one.  Heard one wailing in Chinatown behind a blue steel door.  But we both promised to never ever ever think about that again.  Ever.


A Really Fun Post....Really

Hey peeps!!  Well, it's Sunday night 7:13PM.  Mother's Day actually.  And this is a really fun post.  Really.  I can laugh about it.  So you can.  Especially since my typing seems to be having fun and all my letters are dancing with one another.  Yeah.  My computer better not be having issues is all I am saying.  It will just be icing on a cake of a day. 

So this is my scene right this second.  Of course you gotta picture my peppy self in the chair.  Drinking from dear Xavier the bottle of very expensive wine my hubby gave me this am (I usually buy cheap stuff, this is a treat)  Love that man.  Good gravy look at that wine glass!  One can not HELP but be in a silly fabulous mood looking at it!!

So let's take this back a few hours.  This is me driving, yesterday at the weeeeee hours of the am.  Very, very excited about the Dunwoody show.  No, really.  I was excited.  It's my semi-retirement partay day.  Remember?  Ok.. It may not have been very smart to be photo journaling...but hey.  It's Sunday.  So I obviously made it.  Right?  And it was wayyyyyy early in the am.  On my way to set up for an amazing art show.
All was good.  We set up.  We were all stoked about the set-up.  Yep.  And then it started RAINING.  Bummer.  And then it stopped.  YEAH!  And it didn't rain ALL DAY!!!  Woooohooooo!!!!!  But I forgot my camera.  Never do that...like ever.  So this is all I got peeps.  Sorry.
I-Phone cases were a hit.  I have to make more, yep.  So may be an extra week before they make it to the etsy shop.  Sorry guys that live in far away places.  Of course...there were some that flew to see me.  Good gravy again....I am a lucky gal to have such amazing friends.  (wink..wink....Cara and Rene)
I love all of you who came out yesterday.  Like not want to marry you or anything freaky like that....but LOVE you for coming.  Supporting me.  And buying all my paintings.  Like 20 of them.  No really Francis the guru show director of all times,  20 original paintings.  Like holy crapper I sold 20 paintings yesterday.  Plus all the other stuff I had to sell.  LIKE OH YEAH I ROCK~!!  Day.  yeah.  yeah.  That is not normal.  But I like it.  And really, really, really want to thank you for coming out and supporting my artsy self.  Really.  Like somebody better get me off this high white horse soon. 
Well......white horse riding came to a rather abrupt halt due to nature on Sunday.  Mother's Day.  I had a lovely morning with the kids and Billy.  They gave me an orange purse...that I'd fallen in love with earlier in the week at TJ Maxx while shopping for my Momma.   I swear,  he had NO idea, really....Billy got it for me for Mother's Day!! And the bottle of above said wine.  :)  Awww....I know.  It's that branch thing.

I hopped in my car at 10:00am and this was the scenery for today's trip.  Again, yes...I am here to share it.  No comments from the peanut gallery.  This is what one would call crappy weather period.  Art show or not.  It is not good.  Right?
Luckily I had packed up all the left over paintings, jewelry and other goodies into my van the night before.  I'd just left the tent and grids.  Whew.  Because this is what was running free in my tent:

I am literally ankle deep in water above.  Ekkkkk......!!!!!!  And it's running through my white tent.  I just laugh and tell everyone who will listen "ahoy matey!!!!".  I may or may not have even offered to host a dance party.    What else can I do?  Below is my artsy peep Natalie from Newnan.  We happened to be neighbors at this show.  Which was such a sweet thing.
 So.....what did I do???  After getting more coffee I started to unload my van and set up.  Why not, right?  And then it started to rain.  And I said to myself...."why am I doing this?????"  So, instead of setting up I took it all down....packed up orange van....and headed HOME.  I got home to a very quiet house.  You see, the family had their plans with Gammy/Billy's Mom.  So still raining, I literally just ran into the house, rented "the Vow" and laid on the couch with my Lily.  It was a lovely way to spend the Sunday.  My family yes eventually made it home and now we are chilling together.  I better get back really.  So....bonus for the weekend?  Look at my super cool feet tan:
I mean, you can not buy that sort of coolness.  It may just be the new trend.  So anyways,  I am rested, belly full to the brim from left-over Maggiano's and ready to finish my last 2 weeks of school.  And beyond puffy hearted from a weekend that literally could not have been more magical.  For a last show for a while...you all made it that way.  Thanks.  Really. 

Good grief....it's still raining.  I love this porch during the rain.  But thinking it's time to head on in.  See you later in the week.   :)
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