Friday, January 13, 2012

Happy New Year, everybody!

I can't believe the holidays have come and gone. We were unfortunate enough to catch some sick bugs over the holidays, and it seemed every day of the break at least one of us was down.

Even Superman got it.

But we are all well now, and getting back into the normal routine.

This little man had a birthday and is way too grown up now.

Here he is on his first day attending Primary. We had 23 Sunbeams enter Primary that day--he was #23 (the youngest of the bunch).

Speaking of growing up too fast... cannot get enough of this little guy either.

Since we're farther from family now, we are doing more of this (Hooray for Facetime!)

And Christmas Day I got to Skype with my parents and ALL my siblings at the same time, including my youngest brother serving a mission in Boise, Idaho (currently in Buhl).

So grateful for modern technology!

Hope you have all had a great start to 2012!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

These two are best buddies. It's an unlikely duo--a 6 year old girly girl and a 3 year tough guy. But they always seem to pair off together and they have the best time.

Lately their favorite thing to do is build forts. More often than not, our family room has all the couches disassembled and a fortress built in its place. I just have to turn my back for a minute and they can transform any space into their new playhouse. It's simple child's play at its best.