Saturday, August 4, 2012

Jacob is 1

I didn't post these pictures right away because I am kind of in denial--my baby is 1.

I made him some yummy cupcakes to celebrate.
 He couldn't wait to eat one.
 Jacob's pretty quiet, he just points at everything.
Jacob is so mellow and flexible.  He's a perfect number 5.  We all love him to pieces.  Out of all of our kids, he is the biggest mama's boy.  And I love that.  I don't mind that he is taking his time to talk and walk, because I need that.  I don't want this baby to grow any more.  I know it's going to happen.  We're just not in any rush, that's all.

Monday, July 23, 2012


A few weeks ago I took the kids out to California to visit family.  Ganon had to stay and work, so I was flying solo with the 5 kiddos.  Our flight out of Albuquerque was delayed, and we had a tight connection to make in San Diego, so they ended up holding the plane for us there while I dragged my kids off the plane, across the airport, and onto the next plane.  I got a lot of looks passing every single person on the plane as we walked to the very back row they had saved for the 6 of us.  But the kids did great--I was really proud of them. We had a great time with family for 2 weeks.  My most favorite part was watching the kids play with their cousins.  Everyone got along and had a great time together--I love how there is no awkwardness between little kids, especially cousins.  They just started playing together even though we hadn't seen them for a long time.

We spent our first week in Merced visiting Ganon's side of the family.  We did a lot of swimming, and enjoyed 4th of July with the extended family.

 Blake and Jake, look at those blue eyes!

 Camille with Great-Grandma Rowan:

 Emily and Camille, what cute girls:

 Ganon's parents with the kids:

After Merced we headed up to Folsom to visit the Kroffs (my side)

Boating at Folsom Lake:

The trampoline continues to be the center of activity...

Jacob safely watched from the sidelines.
 Andrew was in heaven with his twin cousins, Parker and Bryan.  They bonded immediately.

 Slip 'n' Slide fun:

 Again, watching safely from the sidelines.
This time guarded by Ace:
 Rub a dub dub, 6 cousins in the tub!

 We decided the Slip 'n' Slide alone was not dangerous enough.  
We pulled out a ski rope and started pulling them down it.
It was really fun.

 Lake Tahoe for the day:

 Riding my Uncle Jed's horses:

 And riding my Uncle Jed's bed (it rolls outside onto the deck):

Riding the 4 wheeler at my parent's property:

My parents had all 11 of their grandkids together for most of the week.  Here they are all lined up--so fun!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

On Friday we rode the Sandia Peak Tram in Albuquerque.  It's 10,000 feet up to the top and an 11,000 square mile view down.  It used to be the World's Longest Tram, but one was recently built that now makes it the second.  Still seemed like a long way up, but it only took about 10-15 minutes.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Andrew loves doing puzzles.  Our dining table has turned into his headquarters.  He will pick a bunch of puzzles out in the morning and put them together and leave them there.  He likes them to stay out, but sometimes I just have to have a clear table, so I will put them away during his nap.  When he wakes up and sees what I have done, he just shakes his head and sighs and gets them all out again.

The day after school got out we had a water party with our next door neighbors.

My little girls are not so little anymore.

Camille turned 7 earlier this month.  We were in Hawaii on her birthday, but we celebrated early at home with a few gifts and a party at her gym where she does gymnastics twice a week.

Camille can climb up "the rope" in just a few seconds (click to enlarge).  She is small, but she is mighty!

Mother's Day 2012