Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Livie Talk

So my sister and I were trying to coax Livie into helping me clean her room the other day. Here is what was said.

Auntie Jessie: "Livie, don't you want to help clean your room?"

Livie: "Nope."

A: "Livie, do you know who's watching you?" ((Santa))

L: (With a serious face) "Jesus."

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Friday, November 7, 2008

Olivia Jeanne

So... Olivia is now four! I am so thankful for her. I know Heavenly Father sent her to me as my first child for a specific reason. She is so willing to help me with her sisters, and loves them as they are her own. Its hard to comprehend that the mothering instinct is so naturally intact at such an early age. So many times before I can get to the scene of one of her sisters crying, she is hugging them and repeating "don't cry... mommy's here." Livie wants to wake her sisters up when they are napping just so they can play with her. The second she can hear them awake in their beds, she is chomping at the bit to be the first to open their door and come to their rescue from nap time. I really appreciate her help when it comes to finding Ava's blankie (frequently reported missing), or sorting the spoons and forks in the dishwasher. Here are some tid bits I want to remember to tell her when she grows up:

When Livie was 4:

Favorite color: hands down pink.
Absolutely loves: to color and learn new things (especially practicing letters and words),going to the park, camping at the beach, daddy's song, aj's song, shopping, dance class and eating "egg in a holes" with daddy.
Favorite Food: pancakes with peanut butter and syrup, chocolate milk.
Wants: to go to Las Vegas on an airplane to visit our family, to go to Disneyland with Grandma Jeanne, to make jewelry with Grandma Di, and Hawaii with daddy and mommy.
Does not like to: clean her room, eat her dinner (most of the time), wear clothing.

Time is flying by so fast, and I love having her so close to me and watching her grow.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Some Ideas I <3

Love, Love, Love this pillow.
I am a shawl girl.

it's weird, but since having children, when I see a cute bag...I don't think purse; I think diaper bag. I wish it were the other way around, oh well :)

These are so sweet! I even have enough material for this project (shrunken sweaters!)

Hey, a girl can dream...

I am going to do this soon. Let me know if you want "in". We will make a girls night out of it!

This is called an egg warmer. This only applies to the pregnant women who want to wear their cute, pre-pregnancy clothes as long as possible.

The person who did this must not be raising toddlers.


This post is for everyone who lives in Port Orchard with children. Come to the library for story time on Wednesdays at 7:00pm. My kids love it, yours will to. Let's make it a big deal!