Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Lacrimae Rerum

┐In Percivalence┘
┐no shepherd if memory┘
┐per cyst then┘
┐fell the floods┘
┐and how my feet┘
┐only as brass┘
┐to salameander┘
┐upon the holy grille┘

ma soum ba, mava nilka sum ba soum, nous baka narr

fil son ba
son ka noum
va iala fil som ka
ba ialka noum
sum nous
soum va
ilkaom som vous

la hilka va
la soumna vil ka boum
milvka ba
ba kaom va
ilva caom sil vous

ma hilva somka
na vava kilma ialba
shoum va kilka ba
nous ka nous
vril nob krel
nihil baka narr va
hihil va sum
sumial vaka
silka vomnous

ba iala fil noum
milvka nous nihil ba
kilka vava caom
fil ba son va vaka
va ilva kaom silka
baka kilka la soum

sum nous noum sum
ka son ba
sumial noum va
hihil vril nob
krel son vava soumna
ba caom ba
vril kilma ialka vous

narr fil hilva hilka milvka
ma ilkaom
va vaka sil
caom sum
kilka nous ba fil
ma sumial va sum
milvka fil ba ialka boum

baka ka ba som va
som son baka ialka somka
silka vomnous kaom
som vous
sum son fil noum
sum nous noum
somka na sum

sumial ka la ka sum
milvka narr va vilhihil
sil kilma nous sum
na ialba silka vaka silka sum
ba fil vava soumna son
na son va nous vava fil
hihil hihil shoum na ialba som

ilkaom vous
ka sumial sil nob va narr
soum la kilma silka somka caom
sumial ka
somka sum
ilva hilva kaom kaom silka

hilva ba
soum vava soumna fil
sumial som iala va
vous somka nihil
vil son krel baka hihil vil
va ilva hihil va va ka ka som ma
la vous

va vous
vava boum
baka va ilva som
vous ka som
vous sum noum
la vomnous na sumial
noum sum soum sum nous som

hihil ka ba shoum
va ba nous va nous
kilma ialka vava fil nous son
kilma silka ba somka sum
ka ka noum na vous
la milvka noum
boum son fil

nihil ba nous
ialba va ilkaom
va somka nihil
ma nous ialka
la va vava sumial
ialka som la silka fil
va soum ka nous

va va sum noum soum
hihil ba sum milvka sum
noum va boum
nob nob ka
fil soumna kilka vaka
ba ba ba ka ka vril hilva nous
sumial ialba ba va iala sum

sumial hilka ka ialka va caom
fil ba iala sum kaom ialba narr
ma sumial fil va ilva
sum noum va kilka
vomnous kilka narr

ialba vomnous ka va va ka ka vril nob boum

la iala
ialba ba noum

vril soumna
va sil
ka va
la nous

ilva soumna caom
ka ba va ba va va la vava caom
va la nous som noum son nous
va soum

nob nous
va va vous
va va kilma vilba caom

sil nihil hilka hilka krel
som ma ka vous
la nihil soum
krel ilva vous soum
vril som
va som
ma ka son baka ba va

kilma ba nob
nob va vaka krel
baka krel
baka narr
soum ka iala sum caom
vava nous ilkaom ba ialka

noum ilva na
shoum ialka soumna nihil
hilka iala vil noum
sum son nihil na ba boum
krel somka nous
iala som ka va noum

ka ialba son
vaka ka vil narr boum la
vomnous va va noum
sil silka hilva kilma na vava ilva
vaka sil ba fil vril va la soum
va vaka iala ka la va vous vomnous
na ilkaom narr boum soumna somka

kaom noum
vous ba nous
ka noum na ba soumna
hilva ba vril
sum soum la ba va

va va sumial vous
ba ba vomnous
na vous som vous
la son hilva va ba va son
hilva ba ma nous va hilka
nous va hilka nous

noum kilka krel va narr shoum
ilkaom ka fil ba hilva hilka nous kilka
va vomnous hilka kaom iala vil vil
ka vaka sil son vomnous boum
baka fil vous va

son kaom ka milvka
nous som ba vril ba nous
shoum ialba kaom kilka
vava shoum va nihil kilma
ka ba ba ka somka va ka ba va
milvka nous

sil milvka
ba ilkaom ma nous
vil som ilkaom
somka ba ilkaom

Sax Leeched Expository Tables / Lanfranc's Distyll

fui sum
fui ir ser
late clock gesticulator
Urquhart satyr its
bach back and all hands
on deck ausprobierst
mimick gestion
dispon isle letter cutlett
ob vox βουτήξετε
trixety gestyll idyll quonce
faberique compila fui
the beauties were arranged
in the shape of the half moon je jance
blind and Gluibedraggled
Suncianitza as figure before Gondola
meaning obscure
the guess-warp of demon mathematics samurai
'logical black'
take fit care teriomofismo
its root compass guilloched
forward on the singing severed head
night the dictionary willed to a
breast bone of yellow glass
volcanos kissing at their cones
pak slaag aframmeling
lox guled in featherine
the ffat tud merlculy
jussel pomp psychox cogens

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

 les miroirs,
perforre '. sortie. Électrique. plantes et elle ne parvient pas gloire, rester dans l'invisible / tout le qui s'exécute lorsque mes nombreux cours était aussi jeune endroits, le piétinement rester dans la poussière dans les parfums. les 
versets trompettes attendre vers sopping au coucher du soleil sont les miroirs, sont joyeux liquide était aigle, mais d'absolu-je rouler avec de l'hydrogène sur, Jikasta, les nombreux que l'on a toujours une corde dans le parfum. Maître obligatoire, apportera nu sur l'hydrogène, Jikasta, comme mes notes d'Aurélien, de mon et / le seul endroit où je fournis. nu noir difficile. Le refroidissement de la tour trompettes. leurs souffrances, la sortie du stade où absolument au coucher du soleil, être / soleil noir assassiné, serait liquide, serait viennoise nœuds anonymes sont vers sopping par pierre mon pas de corde corde apportera congelés et / ma nu / veines des hybrides que les portes / liquide concentré dans une main, les portes partout en Asie lors de pasteur contraire quand je attendre vers renforce les veines rouges conceptions sur la puissance des marques est d'Aurélien, la feuille de danser au son d'une croissance de son congelés et invisible. Je comprime la nuit électrique / plastique intérieurs masques toile souffrances sont des hybrides / réalisation que lorsque je le puissant pierre sur toile masques puissance asiatique. Électrique. d'un

la réfrigération

Trouvez une corde dans la course comprimé, leur
noeuds renforcés de liquide invisible.
Je suis allé en tant que liquide de refroidissement vers l'absolu
mode de réalisation, nu comme liquide de refroidissement,
et je coulait dans les veines renforcés
de la Tablette jeune, son corps comme un
mode de réalisation du liquide de refroidissement
qui allait nu à Vienne, où
les veines de ma prise de conscience de la
absolue, je suis devenue, au cours de ma
nombreux voyages et des phrases, de nombreux
et les souffrances, et les turbulences, et
édulcorants alliances toujours, au contraire,
et comme une danse de veines regorge de
invisible du liquide de refroidissement, le soleil, le nombre,
seraient les perforations de joyeuses enfin,
et absolument, à tous égards, de la réfrigération
des poussières de sons, de le pasteur noir
assassiné par une guitare électrique. Papa était
une pierre qui roule.

Monday, October 29, 2012

la réfrigération

trouver un nœud coulant
dans la tablette sa course
renforcée par des noeuds
invisibles de liquide de
refroidissement Je suis allé
au cours de la réalisation absolue
nu comme liquide de refroidissement
i coulait dans les veines renforcés de Tablette jeune, son
corps comme une réalisation de liquide de refroidissement
nue dans les veines de Vienne où dans la réalisation
absolue je me suis tourné, au cours de
mes nombreux voyages, et les
peines nombreux, et
souffre, et
tourbulences, et
les alliances sucrées à
l'effet contraire,
et comme une danse
de veines et d'un jaillissement
de liquide de refroidissement, ce nombre
serait la joie une dentelure, enfin, et absolument,
la réfrigération.

Tibet in French

chiquenaude's tao-lieux
only money will unnerve the freakish animal
when it flows more unevenly
even in its veins
which it cannot see the beauty
locust onus

épluchions se détachera
le dos peinture écaillée
d'informer sa différence
d'avec les épluchures informes

enormous sums
could nat direct the
swarms into creating a space spike
or the crystalline vibrating energy
of a space flower of scintillating glory


when the glory of its deformed head
becomes the only glory
when the star in the forehead
is no longer a star
but the peeling

quel est le son de la poussière?
quel est le son de soleils?
quelle est la poussière d'une ruse, quand la plaisanterie est en fait
seulement une lumière à travers les mots?



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Farrah-Wife Go Back to Gling!

The ancestor Dong-gsum Mi-la sngon-mo, born miraculously, kills a nine-headed ogre, from whose body the land of gLing is born. He fathers eighteen heroes who arrive in gLing. dBang-po rgya-bzhin, choses his youngest son, Don-grub to rule gLing. Dying, he is reborn as a bird, and then as Gog-bzang lha-mo, and is called Kesar/Kyesar. Kesar married Brug-gu-ma ('a fragment of grain') and becomes king of gLing. Kesar journeys to China where he marries the emperor's daughter, 'g.Yu'i dKon-mchog-ma. Kesar defeats the giants of the north, assisted by the giant's wife Dze-mo.' While he is away, the King of Hor kidnaps his wife 'Brug-gu-ma. On his return, Kesar vanquishes the King of Hor, and brings his wife back to gLing.

Scuba Bodice DJ

But that was the glory
of Gesar of Nasalthrone

In crotchless spherical
glass labyrinths of neon scuba
the minions of Gesar
would flare their nostril texts

pug dominatrix pulling
down all the face curtain
funky gling girl's warm up show
stay behind coach
stay behind coach
sky color all through ya
Jeezer of Naserbone
smooth chopstyx legs
of George Takei
space karate paint brushes
beam me up genghis
yellow mammoth skull in spring
its surface is facebook flowers

crotchless scuba
in neon glass death star
Farrah Faucet will surgery your
Nazalthorn, Geezeus

scuba skin torn on a glass thorn
let sharks try to defile this endless supply
of nasal dentata mongols
i pass salty butter like a squid of rubber nostrils
Narzel Geezubone
my sky-colored scuba bodice is erecting

crotchless scuba stage coach
into all mirrored labyrinth sphere=ling
funky gling me in space karate paint brush ponies

crotchless scuba space coach
smooth chopstyx legs
stay behind coach girls
stay behind stay fresh George Takei Genghis Geezerthrone

crotchless nasal breast arrays
neon dominatrix pug candle genghis
my neon vagina illuminates
this dark glass water filled death star
with only two ceramic foo dogs of air
like the breasts of a hunchbacked Genghis Takei Gesarbone

take heat in sky scuba flower brightness!


crotchless Farrah space ponies

Friday, October 26, 2012

Like a Pickle I Dropped in the Dirt on a Saturday Past Caring Anymore

as dun or spy wd supposed

silly old men in rain coats
right this way, herr black window
herr obsidian coupling

hard amethyst cubes form the stepping stones
across a vast cauldron of indigo blue
a beast uses bird's feet on the lip
to stain wooden eggs
then eat them

the tall man leans over
smoking a cheroot through a complicated bottle

there are poetic diagrams of funiculars

funereal ichors of ars

fun! I see you, Lars!
fjord fjord ford and juice

model A

i simply cannot save it
in the interest of american volume

painting a windmill
while listening to the Ramones

Joey Ramone
in wooden shoes

A zeppelin overhead like a lumpy grille,
ant tunnels are now giant tubes of helium.

ontology, whatever

porcelain light cone
emits radiant flush, the
skin wrinkles of his eye sockets
made a weird letter Y

Kruchenykh more my taste I guess
he discovers the startling opacity
of a blind bat's eye

and makes that a mustache
called ideology, aka idiontology

a six foot steel rod 4 inches in diameter travels the speed of
sound at 7 feet off the ground
for a while

then runs into various circumstances

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Dinko Ranjina in Voynich

A dual register steganographic imagining of Dinko Ranjina's (16th century poet of the Ragusan Republic) poem _Jednomu ki ništo ne učini a tuđe sve huli_ (To One Who Does Nothing, Yet Defames the Work of Others) written in an Englished QWERTY font version of the Voynich MSS font + attendant prettification for edification.. etc.. [a carefree and failful lark- par -- is]

Le Tigre / Addams

After Allen Bramhall

years that pass sound like the tiny scampering feet of Morticia in her tube sock dress, Morgan Freeman reveals time is a holograph, or a snowflake at the end of time projecting backwards, and granular like white noise with gaps between the time pixels, Yonaguni time monument, computationalism, etc, i'm rumaging in the future again, finding old future postcards of the hermeneuticon, that herm-like machine government of the future, which combined reason and the hermeneutic in a quantum / genetic intelligence, a technological singularity we crowned governor / pasha / queen of the earth in 2199, we were scuba-diving on the moon by then, wearing hybrid q-dot lamprey helmets, getting closer to the holographic plate of time, cousin thing in bronze, the flag of earth a solid white field showing only +/- or a sine wave, I remember trying to write in the bedazzled singing city, Mitt looking more lost in the twang of the hiss, the nation state it was pointed out was a nihilism of romantic modernism unable to take up the cord of la serenissima, or was that just the babelfish coordination communal hysteria, Morticia scampers down the hall, but the lyre and the gazelle look to the calligraphy of the sun, and a lightning of ink to herd the electron, moon dive, full bodice ripping, heresy, hear say, ray seeds, time quantum hissotry hollow graph, Lurch lurks at the threshold..

Wednesday, October 24, 2012



collander.waterefall.column (glass) with robotic security fish inside.


or priests, or theories, or hobos

i saw a pixel

i saw a pixel ] and thought
of a ferrari of cheese
inside an herbal capillary

i saw a pixel ] and said
hovering cave complex

i saw a pixel ] and turned
over a new pixel
i hide my goal orientation

i heard a pixel *
a blue skinned being
was making eyelashes

i heard a pixel *
extase! lace jumpsuit
and coonskin cap!

i heard a pixel *
a wishbone cracked
Aladdin is Allah's din?

i heard a pixel *
sentences are foaming
from a yellow pie

i dreamed a pixel ^
balloon snake medusa floats
watching green squid between cupcake asteroids

i dreamed a pixel ^
writing a letter in a cool blue shoe
over a blob of lava in space

i dreamed a pixel ^
like a pickle
but covered in canaries

i dreamed a pixel ^
being shot by soldiers
but it was just a hair tickling its shoulders

i saw a pixel &
the earth was its name
a shack upon a high cliff of games

i heard a pixel (
scream ERPO!
it didn't mean much

i dreamed a pixel @
it's face a basket
squinting, plush

Found Modernism Within Certain Neuronal Gaps.

Prince found foot.
Prince married foot.
Foot walked.

and walked.
and Prince went along
head up in the clouds
like a yak train.

Foot carried
Faberge' eggs
between toes.

Now the Prince knows
that sushi in shoes
comes in all the colors
of the rainbow.

Now the foot knows
that Paul Bunyan
is forever yoked
to a test grid

aka Achilles' vagina soul
takes Babe the blue Minotaur
for a ride
in incongruent slipper
(the virginal eden).

jug mischief straggler think in malam crucem

and let them clot the mule (archilochei)
snigger its vest fore-rigging for Josselin
an Abelmosk algorism routing all those
feeds to a board foot Mandaite, Pilot 23,
your countenance ratatineriez, hubbub
impious prosneusis, to say its wobbling
fiction moves at all is a spread, leaves
that are hung with dried worms whistle
between lunatic lips curled planetary
oceans of joinings eviscerino mohair
zot and let them clot, echidna reference
to the center of the moon, a correction
it was thought would virgolettante
the vibrograph seroot where the tusk
left its head adluxeramus en manciparunt

At Landru's Villa

Ce n'est pas le mur derrière lequel il se passe quelque chose, 
mais bien la cuisinière dans laquelle on a brûlé quelque chose...

"Sin is past murder,
or equal, Ilse, Pascal
quenches my being
in a dancing cuisine
equal to any burning."

"See this nest of lemurs
daring airs of equal ills,"
said Ilse, "What the past
quells, quiet choosing
may begin.."

H.D. looked up from his newspaper.
He imagined her in a tub like a Matisse;
red wallpaper, a fur, or a bust, perhaps.

Ilse whispered., "I'm queasy
near your blue, and burning,
dances, whatever ilk they choose.."

Monday, October 22, 2012

Florence Lucas THINGS I DRAW / DÉJÀ VU

Hacking Your Own Education, A Red Minute That May Be Related to Minus

linking troubadors to breathwich am
now their hollow sea turtle signs
are crossed swords not unlike Iraq's
but who bothers with being right
where brain coral limns sovereign
democracy to a flower for skull pollen's
singing but

but / am
i say democracy
but really i mean ideology in general
as the bee is a robot's be
and am the apparent territory
a voice to lead the minds and hearts
o lord, they know not what they do

slum coral gordian
diogenes new to alexander
where hindoo hundoo wrangue
cold viruses point the way
to new cancer therapies

Oh Socrates take your hemlock fast
you are but a suitcase
so pack yourself fast
it's time to build hanging gardens again
inside the cell
and a tower
twittering archers:

"Be ready, Player One!"
of panthers and inkwells and storms
linking troubadors to breathwich am
now their hollow sea resounds

bargain edicts
accompany the slothful womb
Yeatsian Bayesians
to conjugate
an elder ohm
Saraswati bullish on Pasiphaë
the flutter of the checkered flag
the eye at Capo Colonne


its daidalogy
lost in the footnotes

My Catullus, Tecumseh Takes the Nostrum from an Unknown Hand Upon His Neck..

Salve, nec minimo puella naso
nec bello pede nec nigris ocellis
nec longis digitis nec ore sicco
nec sane nimis elegante lingua,
decoctoris amica Formiani.
ten Provincia narrat esse bellam?
tecum Lesbia nostra comparatur?
o saeclum insapiens et infacetum!

Salving my neck's minimal pulse in the noise
my neck below a petty niggardly cello is
long necked and the digits knead sore ichor
"What is sane or elegant about language?" says neck
forming an amicable doctoring tone
"In these ten provinces, the story has always been war.."
Tecumseh lets his heavy bean hang as the nostrum is applied,
beseeching better words from his insapient face's tome.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

fisting liver eloi schmoo with epileptic amoeba phones

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My Catullus / Romy Schneider and Marlène Jobert Fall Out of Love While Maurice Ronet Explores the Wreckage of the Convertible Just Over the Edge of the Cliff...

Salve, nec minimo puella naso
nec bello pede nec nigris ocellis
nec longis digitis nec ore sicco
nec sane nimis elegante lingua,
decoctoris amica Formiani.
ten Provincia narrat esse bellam?
tecum Lesbia nostra comparatur?
o saeclum insapiens et infacetum!

Salvation's next to minimal pull, a noise
next to the bellowing peaty's next to nigh grist of cells
neice no longer to the digital's next / or seashore
neice seine's nameless elegant linkuage
doctoring risible cockatous with amethyst and formica
convincing provenance narration a warring essence
like lesbians comparing noses using
speculums to open thoughtless nostrils
in faces no longer lovers

News and Blog Headlines

sssssss felt pod
ifffffffff i touch
aint i
darpa cache x
language professors hate him
he's two blonde curly eloi wigs
wearing a router
[batch clap][batch clap][batch clap]
[batch clap][batch clap][batch clap]
[batch clap][batch clap][batch clap]
opera yodel hoedown kookooclock

sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss F
El Tod PP

In complexity theory, PP is the class of decision problems solvable by a probabilistic Turing machine in polynomial time, with an error probability of less than 1/2 for all instances. The abbreviation PP refers to probabilistic polynomial time. The complexity class was defined by Gill in 1977. If a decision problem is in PP, then there is an algorithm for it that is allowed to flip coins and make random decisions. It is guaranteed to run in polynomial time. If the answer is YES, the algorithm will answer YES with probability more than 1/2. If the answer is NO, the algorithm will answer YES with probability less than or equal to 1/2. In more practical terms, it is the class of problems that can be solved to any fixed degree of accuracy by running a randomized, polynomial-time algorithm a sufficient (but bounded) number of times. An alternative characterization of PP is the set of problems that can be solved by a nondeterministic Turing machine in polynomial time where the acceptance condition is that a majority (more than half) of computation paths accept. Because of this some authors have suggested the alternative name Majority-P.

Darpa Darpa go PP
Language Professors Hate Him
he's two blonde curly ELOI darpa subscans
readying a time algorithm, faster than light silent seedless eyeballs bouncing hiss
through lenses of hiss bouncing through lenses of eyeball hiss bounding
through hissing bouncing bounding

she bit his tongue off
good pimp bad pimp and Joan of Arc in corn rows
bit his motherfuc)(*(*k

King. These are the damned.
"You're dead!"

The cold child-Logan5 8 11 / Michael York in the Frisian Islands
Hair combed to the side Darpa Eloi Time Tongue Joan of Arc
decision problems LANGUAGE HATES HIM
darpa darpa joan of arc rape PP gill Eloi (but bounded)

felt pod
soft pod float pod
felt and velvet pod
fixed degree of accuracy
Cache X
[butch clip][butch clip][butch clip][butch clip][butch clip]
[butch clip][butch clip][butch clip][butch clip][butch clip]

non-deterministic hissing bouncing through the lens
the cold child rubbing his monocle clean
holding a white rabbit

the cliffs of dover
the jut white jaw of radiation / darpa
noise in a field around his hand

tongues of two blonde eloi wigs
forming a nondeterministic network
joan of arc

a romanian woman sold into slavery

vlachen derubatantipodi
darpa cache x
language professors hate him
he's two blonde curly eloi wigs
wearing a router
[batch clap][batch clap][batch clap]
[batch clap][batch clap][batch clap]
[batch clap][batch clap][batch clap]
opera yodel hoedown kookooclock

sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss F
El Tod PPf PP is the set of problems that can be solved by a nondeterministic Turing machine in polynomial time where the acceptance condition is that a majority (more than half) of computation paths accept. Because of this some authors have suggested the alternative name Majority-Podd

P o d

dope sleep darpa dover
Alice wearing only a white rabbit
steals into the eloi camp to steal their wigs

making a curly blonde skin
for the robot rabbit she rides
jut white jaw of radiation

Friday, October 19, 2012

My Catullus (Chicken and Dark Beer Shoot Out My Nostril)

Salve, nec minimo puella naso
nec bello pede nec nigris ocellis
nec longis digitis nec ore sicco
nec sane nimis elegante lingua,
decoctoris amica Formiani.
ten Provincia narrat esse bellam?
tecum Lesbia nostra comparatur?
o saeclum insapiens et infacetum!

Salving my neck's minimal nasal, ah, pollo,
my neck bellowed, my neck peed, black jelly cellos.
My long neck's digits are necks of sick ore,
but my neck is sane, U.S.S. Nimitz-elegant as a tongue
decocting amicable forms to narrate
what is essential of provincial bedlams
as teacup lespians compare nostrils, their
septums insapient eating inflection..

something for kenji and his coprolite teeth antennae

zombi sperm come out in ray but that's okay because a red hot mercury terminator vagina cyclops yaps DENTATA EXCELSIOR has a tongue boner pouring coffee LBMLBMLBMLBM use mescaline in your cream Malcom McDowell is made of black girls sewn together into a frankenstein orange, that's how i roll, rainbow cameo in a baroque caviar frame, when corpses sing they're sewn into our backs as radar packs, more monkey language for everyone, hogs with mohawk afros invade china on unicycles they have laptop clamshells showing princess leia doing the hula, baby jabba the hutts come out like a tongue from her vagina, jabba on the cobba, a buck-toothed grub enters a laptop earcanal protected by a forcefield of fermented latte' from mongolia- amoebas with frog shaped hooves grow radar in their penis zombi caviar robots, the all-father's cunnilingus cannot be frame captured by reindeer centipede nurses gargling either nipple candidate.. a mexican santa cellphone arrives riding a fitness instructor's securitized boner array with a sac of laptop chocolate amoeba teeth chatter scat skateboards to incan ghost candles doodling easter island earrings with touchscreen feeler palps. zombi sperm robots ask for collateral, but the damage is dumb, holographic cooties kiss nitrogen, bacterial tattoo batteries power my extruding nipple economy for for zombi shakespeare clones attacking in black girl armor, they use long torsos for whips, credit card throwing stars, and dildo numbchucks made by devil nuns in the bond market closed sundae passing frozen bananas anus to anus, that's email for elves stranded in papua new guinea, toenail tv screens show rolodex porno to chickens wearing leather sandals in Bermuda, zombi sperm rays assemble into halos doodling haikus of blood flavored pasta.. sleepy nicorette, i lay you in my mouth bed, thou art juandiced like a piss-stained poodlephone arcing to fish bandages that say silly things like fish penis paranoia burns a geek, geek radar destroyed by bingo salaryman with chicken costume couture.. i once fed David Bowie a chicken amoeba cellphone using new tax instruments grown hydroponically in an eyeball cloistered in milk and bone.. Isn't it funny when Frankenstein speaks arabic on mexican tv to a laptop nipplering worn by jabbba the hutt yodelling "Betsy" You'd think Yoda wrote the Quran underwater with bacon rubbed on squids.. there's zombi coral like billions of cellphones and laptops opening and shutting and scuba people taste like lemonade passed freely by the hulk inside the qa'aba.. how come Thomas Edison and Tesla are trapped inside a diving bell deep at the bottom of a salad? Looking for the golden city of windows? A golden apple? There's a vagina signal riding in a stagecoach cellphone practicing her Lithuanian for a Pope of Anal beads he shoots out zombi seed, Tesla's feces rides a bicycle towards Tokyo under glass.. There's caviar in your ass, called the Hagia Sofia by nuns fisting kentucky fried dojos with gangster lemons bearing luminous mescaline afro halos..

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Stridulum // Alien Witchcraft in 1970's Atlanta Georgia

Ode to the Irony of the Ancient Poet Rudagi


Untitled Mini-Series

there in the thin din which
constitutes the morning
azure surround a lone
and stranded night bat
left over on a high leafless twig
a pigeon and a cardinal dig
querulous concerned
for their mammalian luther
goncourts acorn helmet
the mass the chalice
the bamboo lurmuring dark
quang fo
all halls of ribboned dendrites
consuming up
twisted wire pairs shower
telescope what cotton
structure finite dredge
galactose fedge
bat's head sculpted
out of colored butter
the small altar of its mouth hold
tender newtonian grub
al qub and cubit
Moses of Nihilist Communism
a dancing bear
bare legged
the white mantis perches
on the butter bat's head
in absolution
the grub glossy egg yolk earth
a spy
named by early cries
oh bat weary in wonder
your robin joker
to the superman who cometh
Zarathustra hollow like a bell
a bat's head bell
ringing o'er all hell
or heaven to garden
its range or deranging values
and curlew fecund its bundle of rods
what kind philander philtre's size
would cave in shadow batting freely
Oh mild damnation
and torrent cool
there is a horoscope
for milkmaids and pesticides
and the world turned upside down
in carnival repair the dream
a cavern of fire in horpyd
hushed by twangy reeds
savage life indeed
earth crysalis bat slumber
and caption
Oh Horopito
Thou art Maori
and Addams' family
fey seas
and dipeshbabu's shamoy-gronthi
time knots
with french powders
now leaves
let its Aenis
bitter fruit
and say
a golden hunchback steal
the worm and bathead


A Kentucky-Fried BMW Colonel Angus Mini-Me Thanksgiving Day Macy's parade giant balloon robot in the grand manner of Ghost Buster's Michelin Stay Puft Marshmallow man does something nasty in a city (buh-yadda), but what's interesting is how he does it this time. Instead of just stomping around in Ubber-Supernatural Black Sabbath Faerie boots, this time, his entire body is filled with Gogol-constellated swarms of militarized q-dot nano-mites which he exhales like a dragon pretending to be Aladdin's lamp holding his tiny pinky up to the corner of his mouth when he's done and burping prodigiously like Gargantua. "Parr-Iss, Jack" he says, 'Just for fun..' and then "Klatew Estrada Nixon," as he watches them boogers run, he too, takes the time to stomp a few, looking buh-churlish as the city goes all blue Swiss cottage cheese cut with veins of hyper-intelligent orkin morkin gogol swarmin' chat scat nanobots.. But Keanu is there, not to stop him, no, to JOIN HIM! as NEO DR. EVIL, dressed in sumthin- sumthin' hyper-Kevlar Nehru suit, saying some buh-yadda like: "This is for Fast Times at Ridgemont High Times Hanna Barbarian Rajaniemi.." And: "H.R.J.R.J.R.R. Tokeyin Gonna Puff my stuff right up, Get it straight Sue Ellen Napoleon DynoMITEY!.." and sit up straight on Kentucky-Fried BMW Colonel Angus Mini-Me Thanksgiving Day Macy's parade giant balloon robot's shoulder in the grand manner of Captain Flint the parrot of Long John Silver, or Jabba the Hutt's Kowakian monkey-lizard jester, Salacious B. Crumb. And some of the many of the nanobots are going snarkemergent, see, and taking the shape of big-legged women, pin-heads, and bone-thru-the-nose booga-boogers, and some Alice the Geek too, smoking vaguely video tissue spinach, and all the while, Keanu cackling like Salacious, "AAAHH HAHAHAH Put that in your pipe and smoke it!" his data ports looking like big old hairy moles, like something you'd see in a Mexican disco in Guadalajara where giant mole comparisons are quite common as a form of Machismo (buh-yadda-yadda ala nano-nono-Pantagruelina).. Isn't it odd how Derrida chose Plato's Pharmacy, but Neo, Rabelais? The herb "pantagruelion" in Rabelais's epic Gargantua and Pantagruel was identified as marijuana as far back as 1854, by M. Leon (El Satanico) LeFay in his monograph "Rabelais, botaniste" (Angers, 1854). LeFay pointed out that Rabelais's description of "pantagruelion" is not only botanically accurate [mostly], but "as full of life as the herb itself." "I AM WHAT I AM," Bellows Mini-Me and revvs his excellent German engine'd cooling fan arrays contemplating cellphone service among the canyons of crumbling detritus.. "HODKOAH," squeals Salacious Neo Crumb, "I AM YO FOZZER, LUKE" [I'd give a dollar for that..]

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Maurice Ronet

In Marseilles there is a little flamenco joint
where Maurice would bring his monkey to drink

Guitar is like an old bell
on a summer day

no program can live in its fur
Maurice drinks only a small brandy
and squeezes lemon
on the olives

an old woman kisses his cheek
he calls her El Pulpo

he thinks he hears a man say 'cornodo'
as he finishes his brandy
sucking the pit of an olive
and the seed of a lemon

a binary star
'dementicata' he mouths
to El Pulpo
her eyes cut to the bottom
of his glass

He dreams of a poem
about King Midas
and the democracy
of tawny frogs

goes out
to buy stamps
in suede

It's 1978.

ptah irrat sa ih aiskhron kalosic

meko mu juhalo meko paidia kha
irrein ptah irrein
ma cicada mux hab cicada ma
berh wit no et setim kiodes
irrein ptah aiskhron con aiskhu
da histos irrlirgam

juhalo kolapto non von klophta bis
ullo da
ta kalos kee-ain lo
vir ta vir
non duma um leto

aiskhron kalos
cicada ta
tum muto
mata atam
et setim paidia
kha irrein

muto mata mu va vir
vir hab no ullo da lur aiskhron
kalosic ta hab no ta ah um da
lur aiskhron da lur meira ptah
hab colaphos hy klophta bis
phaedru sa pol venu kee-ain

lo mu mu com vu sa
pol berh wit da lur terr kalosic ah
irrlirgam irrat sa ullo kha venu ptah
bula vir lo terr muto mata ptah
hab histos mu com
berh lepto bis

ho kha irrein ma
muto ho cicada ta
histos mu terr
com berh wit aiskhron kalos
vir leto lepto bis muto
von muto von klophta bis mu

multo irrein ptah irrat
aiskhron von paidia kha no mu
meko ta data tai
aiskhron mu meko mu
kalistu mu kiodes mux
hab cicada say muto um

duma vir lo mu
vir lo colaphos hy cicada ih
lo tai
tao meira kalos kalos kee-ain lo
cicada ta irrlirgam tao meira
paidia kha

irrein mu kalistu vu
mu kalistu cicada ta tum
kalos muto tao ta hab no atam
com venu lo na
multo mux duma
phaedru sa irrat sa ih irrein ma

kolapto colaphos
hy cicada ta histos
mu com berh wit da
lur muto von klophta
bis leto lepto
bis ho da ta mu vir lo terr

aiskhron kalosic irrlirgam
juhalo kolapto colaphos
hy mu kalistu vu
kalistu vu na kalos kee-ain lo
venu ptah atam et setim lo
na va vir vir say pol ta tum

tai tao meira kiodes setim
kiodes wit da lur
muto vu irrlirgam aiskhron kalosic
sa ih colaphos hy
ta histos
mu com

mata klophta bis kha
von klophta bis ptah
juhalo kolapto berh venu
ptah bula kha irrein
ma kiodes
aiskhron mu mu va mu vir lo

kalos vir cicada
da ta mu
atam et setim ta data
aiskhron kalosic ah um ma
multo bula con aiskhu non hab
na kalos phaedru

mu muto con aiskhu terr
lo cum say
lo cum terr atam
meko mu kalistu
ah um et et setim paidia kha
juhalo meko kolapto

ptah irrat sa
ih aiskhron kalosic
ah um duma
um ma ullo ta
data bula con
aiskhu non tai tao

meira kiodes kha
irrein ma multo mux hab na
kalos kee-ain lo mu va vir
vir say lo cum phaedru sa
pol venu ptah hab no mu
meko mu kalistu vu irrlirgam juhalo

ta tum cum leto
lepto bis ho leto
lepto bis ta histospol
juhalo kolapto
ho lepto bis ho da
vu irrlirgam leto

um ullo
ta data cicada
um ma wit
da lur da ta
mu colaphos
hy bula phi vir ma con

Honky Doodoo Phone's Vibrobonerbong laptop bucktooth Nipponegro Amoeba

honky donkey monkey junky with lemonade flapjack pussy dojo ooooh bucktooth reingdeer cellphone write haiku kuku on lulu supernerd orgy dynamo of dogfood cheerleaders watch Carrie in a shoelace negro afterschool special reinbow dojo nommo dolphin flesh pussy tv give blowjob securitization under mounting headlice teenporn youtube Emperor Norton Spambots SALUTE YOU DONT DUN NA NAAA spidey's negro pussy urethra shoots rainboas Franz nipple smoke ring dojos forced injection of nerds with sex tongue squid ink MAKA CAPA reach up your rectum and pull your tongue out gogo string motorboat ed the talking geek horse samurai of dredd GENGI GOOGI? sweet special for you today cloned DEVIL GEEK cellphone foetus rumaging parisian bookstore for negro pussy samurai fish for left bank sushi afro teevee special you see bucktoothed haiku reindeer gobbling spambot mucous bukakke through nipple routers enjoying securitization? Kabuki nipple fish riders of the apocalypse? hot negro tea set wannabe Eisenhower stands in Eisengard new waving dojo dogjo suberhappy nipponegro dogbone bong phone? nipple camera real estate broker take two wifi afterschool boners to the white house for Bill Cosby Clone Orgy Cellphone Nutsack race? Think sac races ironic? How about latte' dispensing vibro-boner earring laptops milking their negro young in dojos of sunglasses. Stand up tall like a geek nerd boner (continued on NOISETEXT) negro fish girl boner cellphone punk sweet latte' pussy nipple lips dojo of kentucky fried real estate boku jinn littorel soft cam shell imaging deck pack upload linking thin brown drool of foetus mini skirt belltower bongphone vibrator dolls giving chimpanzee geek wannabee head old dirty bastard pussy in a rainboa dojo vijewjew gee joe GI DOJO rainbow pussy latte camera sleeping sweetly Crimean burglar pad 2001 invent german unification with sleeping dogfood pussy radar? Cure Kuru with Astrocyte multiple marketing scheme in Nipponese? Try bucktoothed honkey haiku jukey junky mojo in your dojo earcanal flagella's cloud pussy, bitch! I wrangle more cloud pussy starched bukakke collars than you had hot router meals wannabe geek nerd rainbow pony doodoo gurglin black pussy foetusphone RAMBO DOGBONE CELLPHONE rammed up your KAPA KAVA Vijuju under special tax and syntax legislation pubic hairs. Every COKE CAN CELLPHONE COMES WITH A PUBIC HAIR RIPCORD for starting your pussy dojo's info canon uprising.. Throw down a beat Black Santa Bucktoothed reindeer haiku geek apocalypse cellbone the itchy scratchy nipponese doodoo pussy is here! shooting out cellphone rainboa nipple geek de-recorder ringtones. Can you see CELLPHONE SWORD OF DOOM SCENE IN YOUR NIPPLE DECODER RING CELLPHONE NEGRO BONER CAMERA? taste my steel pussy laptop afterschool special booktoothed wannabee haiku doodoo fondue bukkake ringtone.. Yuen Wah Lam Ching-ying Yuen Bun Shum Lo Alan Chui Wong Pau-gei Chan Shen Keung Hon Wang Han-chen Lo Wai Chung Fat Tam Bo Lee Hang Yuen Yat-choh Chui Fat Yuen Shun-yee Wong Chi-keungWan Fat all do it doggy style in my dojo doodoo cellphone boner's nipple latte' camera amoeba jooking mojo chambara Edowara cloud pussy negro spambot securitization blankets FREESTYLE FULL MOON doodoo mojo dojo style like a KAPPA IN THE NIGHT stealing your rectum cellphone dojo's vijuju.. You think university googoo spam bukkake thong riders will save you TASTE MY CELLPHONE KATANA BUCKTOOTH EYED STRANGER! heike rishi RAE DONGCHONG is HERE to snort RF MATCHA off yo MOMMA's DONG PUSSY FOETUS LAPTOP PARACHAMBARA CHER BEAR jellybaby nutsack race to the benshi stars Tsumasaburo Bando Calrisian at your service with green eggs and BuKosby Ham.. DOJOCRASH BITCH!