Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Thanksgiving Point

We took a little family vacation up north and ha a lot of fun! We crammed in as much fun as possible in a day and a half. We spent a day at Thanksgiving Point enjoying the beautiful flowers at the tulip festival.

The kiddos loved the dinosaur museum and the 3-D dinosaur movie. They love to watch Dinosaur Train on KUED and were so excited to see dinosaur fossils that they recognized.

We also went to the farm country at Thanksgiving Point. Here the kids are picking up corn kernels off of the ground to feed the animals. Yes, we were too cheap to give them a quarter!

We also went swimming at the hotel, went to the Living Planet Aquarium and Chuck e Cheese and got to see my sister and her husband. It was nice to have a family get away before Jeff starts his Masters Degree.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Finally, an update!

Wow, so much has happened since my last post! I suppose that the biggest thing is that we moved! We got our first house! We moved in the week before Christmas, which I would not suggest. :) It's been a big adjustment, but a really good one. We love our home and have so many projects we want to do. We live super close to Shelbies new school and we live in a wonderful neighborhood with neighbors we already knew from where we were renting. Shelbie and Caleb are very attached to each other, as you can see. I hope that their friendship will last throughout their lives.
Me and my girlies at Christmas. We got up our small tree just in time.
Jeff and Caleb. Caleb really admires his daddy.
And our little Ashley girl. She is so much fun and such a good baby. She has the cutest curls and bright blue eyes like her daddy. She is really close to rolling over and will be 6 months the end of this month!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

All good things must come to an end

I have decided to sell my wedding business rental supplies. I am turning to all of you for help. If you know anyone interested in starting up a wedding rental business, I have all that they need. I have backdrops, table linens, trees, lights, benches, centerpieces, and more! I will still be doing floral design, just not all of the rentals. I am asking $2500.00 OBO. If you know anyone, please let me know!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Updates and a mothers nightmare

So I realized that it has been awhile since my last post. Life sure is exciting in our home. I'm sure ya'll want to see pictures of the little babe, so here you go. My awesomely talented friend Amy took these pictures for me.

Ashley had jaundice bad enough that she had to be under lights for a few days. I of course cried on the way home from the Doctor. I hated not being able to hold and snuggle her. She could only be out of the lights to eat and get her diaper changed. She had to have her little heals pricked every day for almost a week.

Very concerned siblings.....

A lot has happened in the past 8 weeks. I survived a full week with 3 kids all alone! Jeff had a business trip to Texas and Chicago to go to. I was actually amazed at how fast time went by. Other times when he has been gone it seemed like forever.

Shelbie is lovin kindergarten. When I ask her what she learned that day she replies, "Nothing momnmy, I already know everything." I guess it is possible to go over a little overboard with positive reienforcement! Shelbie loves being a big sister. It's nice to have a diaper fetcher!

Caleb seems so big to me now. He has had a harder time adjusting than Shelbie. I guess it's hard not to be the baby anymore. He does love his new sister and is very protective of her.

So now for the not so happy part of my post. Last week Ashley started to get really cranky. If she fell asleep in my arms and I moved her, she'd scream. She would moan in her sleep too. On Wednesday night she had a fever of 102.6. So it was off to the emergency room. I went alone so Jeff could be at home with the sleeping kiddos. We were admitted right away, which was nice. If there are any other mothers out there that have had to watch a nurse try to find a vein in their newborn, you know the torment I am about to talk about. My sweet baby was pricked for over an hour 6 times in her arms trying to find a vein. After 2 nurses and endless screams from Ashley and tears from me, they decieded to shave a spot on her head abover her ear to put the iv in. We spent 5 hours in the ER, and when we left they diagonised her with the flu, however she had a cyst in a not so comfortable place for a little girl to have, but the ER Doctor did nothing about it.

Thursday we took her to our Doctor. He couldn't believe that she had a cyst in the place that she had it. She had to be strapped onto a papoose board and have a little surgery done in office to get the cyst to drain. I had Jeff take her back, but I could still hear her screaming. That evening she did start to perk up a bit. Friday morning I had to take her back to the Doctor to have the packing removed and replaced. That was no fun. She is doing a lot better now. We think that she had a fever from the infection, not because she tested positive for the flu. It has almost been a week now, and I still feel like I have not caught up on my missing night of sleep. But seeing Ashley smile makes it all worth it.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Ashley Ann Caldwell

Ashley Ann made her way into the world at 3:30am Saturday morning. She weighes 6 lbs. 7 oz and is 18 inches long. She is absolutely perfect! Shelbie and Caleb just love her to pieces. We feel so blessed to have her in our family.

Friday, August 14, 2009

A New Chapter in our Lives

Today was Shelbies first official day of Kindergarten. Yesterday I went to class with her for a 30min. treasure hunt. It was basically to become familiar with the class room, where the bathroom was, her cubby hole etc.. This morning while we were eating breakfast she said, "Mommy, I know this is going to be hard for me, but I want to walk to my classroom all by myself." Talk about a grown up! I did end up walking her to her class. The early morning session sure is going to take some time to adjust to, then once we have our baby it'll be another story. Shelbie had so much fun today that she asked if she got to go to class tomorrow....too bad it's Saturday! I'm glad that she is liking school so far. Otherwise it is going to be a long 13 years!

Monday, August 10, 2009

7 Years.....

Wow, time sure does fly! We look sooo young! I guess at 21 we were...