Wednesday, August 18, 2010


James got stung five times by wasps. Three in the face, two in the wrist. His lip swelled up.
Staring contest. The chihuahua won.

We're selling two beds. Any takers?

I caught a fish!

Neener neener.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Four months later

Here's some recent pictures.

Rachel, standing in my shoes

James and me on his first father and son campout.

On Memorial Day we visited cemeteries in Morgan, Henefer, South Weber, and Ogden to see headstones of some of our ancestors.

Louisa - getting cuter

James got a bike for his birthday

Blessing day

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The ayes have it.

We will continue. And as an FYI, Emily is not on facebook (but I am). Here's some pictures. Probably too many. And no captions. And just in case you didn't hear the details, we named her Louisa Eileen. She weighed 8 lbs 12 oz.

Monday, February 15, 2010


Welp, as most of you know, we had another baby. This one's a girl. I promised some pictures here, but for some reason I get a "bad request - error" message each time I try. Maybe another day.

I wonder about the continued utility of a blog since I've already emailed pictures to our families, and posted them on facebook. Let me know if you need/want this blog to keep updated. If so, I'll keep at it; if not, I won't.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

and we're back

The months flew by. We won't try to recap everything since September, but here's some proof we're still alive and well.

Ok, so this one's from way back in July, but it's such a cozy shot of my girls I just couldn't resist.

He discovered the pocket, and the playdough immediately went in.

Through most of the fall Emily babysat these twins a couple times a week.

Making scones for October General Conference

Some of our fall treats

Late October walk around the temple

Had a sick kid for Halloween, but that didn't stop him from eating candy.

November - these are her three best sources of comfort.

A little Thanksgiving roundup, eh pardners?

December took us to see the lights on Temple Square.

And finally, the Christmas presents.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

computer down

Well, life's so good here we never want to take time to update this blog. This post does not break from that mentality, and while it is not an update, it is an excuse as to why future updates will likely be delayed. Our computer won't boot windows. We simply get a message at the top of a black screen that says "missing operating system." I can't even get into bios (unless I'm not doing it right). We welcome all bright ideas and extra copies of windows disks. We may even welcome a new hard disk.

Monday, September 7, 2009

new place, new pace

We have moved to Cache Valley. Now that I'm out of school there seems to be a lot more going on worth writing about. Here is some of what we've done so far.

Fixed up an old swing set the old tenants left.

Played in a wagon.

Sat in a tire.


Got wet.

Had some baths.

Scored a truckload of candy at the Wellsville Founders Day parade.

Donned and doffed our dinner dish (but the food stayed on).

And finally, tonight we had an inspiring family home evening lesson delivered by James.