Most of the pictures we tried to capture were of their two lil bums leaning over trying to see what new animal there was to see. What a busy exhausting day for them! And the moms too :) We spent the first three hours in the entry way after going on a silly 2 minute train ride, playing at the playground, looking at one exhibit and feeding was noon before we even ventured into the!
If you're wondering about the adventure pack you can your money :) Like I said, the train ride was 2 minutes long, and the carousel ride was equally short and silly. They never would have noticed if they didn't ride on them, but I guess they did enjoy them :)
That's when I looked over at Rei to see her doing the exact same thing! little Prairie dog...don't worry, I would never call you that, seeing as how that term has many meanings.
The kids were tuckered out before we made it to lunch and the Penguins. Ryu leaned forward on the stroller and fell fast asleep. Keizya was irritable until she got in her carseat. The funniest moment: Keizya crying a long drawn out "Mommmmmmmmyyyyyyy!!!!" and drops her head on the side of her carseat like she got knocked out and instantly falls asleep. I've never seen anything quite like it.

Reila is definitely my chunky of the two. She is more smiley and giggly as well. She definitely already has her own little personality and I love seeing new things pop up every day. She is such a calm baby but knows how to voice when she needs something :) She eats like a champ and I feel like I never have enough Leche for her. But she continues to get chunky so I guess we're doing well. Her cheeks attract millions of kisses from me every day. I don't think I have once picked her up and not given her a big ole smoochie on her chunky cheeks...melts my heart again and again.
She sits up great, but on her own she just roly poly's it to her face. She lays on her belly pretty well and holds her head all the way up to look around. She even rolled over twice the other day from her belly to her back.
She has giggled a lot and just today I got some good belly laughs from her! I love it love it love it! Melts my heart! (I should have given her a fuzzy wuzzy for that). I was talking to her when she was in a daze, telling her how spoiled she was and she brightened up and giggled at me.
She never spits up or pees when I don't have a diaper under her. She even waits for me when I have to open an entirely new package of diapers...Keizya would have had the entire bed peed and pooped if I did that with her.
But, trying not to compare my children for better or worse, they are both very much the light of my life! I have an amazing husband who comforted me in knowing that it would be okay for me to quit my 'at home' job to be the mom and wife that I want to be. These little girlies won't be this little forever and I want to enjoy every moment I can :)
Keizya is 2 1/2 and making me swallow my words when I once said "what am I going to do with a girl?" She is ALL girl, with the exception of worm and grasshopper hunts with Ryu. She loves fairies, princesses, dresses, shoes, nail polish, purses, lipgloss, jewelry, and any brattiness that may come with it.
She throws a good tantrum but hopefully is slowly growing out of it. She has had more than her fair share of time outs and talks. Let's hope that I have been blessed with enough patience to keep teaching her and then when the next stage comes up, whatever it may be. I know I'll need it :)
Keizya is going to a Pre pre-school once a week. Ryu gets to go with her and they just love it. It's mostly for social time and getting used to having structure in a different setting...but it's so fun to watch them interact with other kids and see how their personalities might be when they go to school. Ryu is polite and quiet but answers things he knows, Keizya gets excited about the fun stuff and forgets I'm even there at all. She's very independent and demands that I allow her to do many things on her own...even the things I would much more prefer to do on my own...such as pouring milk, putting her shoes on the right feet, and even getting me toilet paper to wipe with. I guess she just copies EVERYTHING I do...with the exception of putting my shoes on the wrong feet...ha ha! Except I did realize half through the day once when I was pregnant that I was wearing two different shoes!
So, now that the stress of one work is gone, I get to enjoy the stress of being mommy and wifey and making jewelries and crafts. (Blog and website coming soon :) The Huntsman family of 4 is doing well...we are very blessed and are living our lives as deliberately as we can.
Laughing Together, Loving for Eternity, Living Deliberately