Friday, November 21, 2008

Lucky Number 8

I Got Tagged!!

8 TV Shows I Watch: (I am home during the day that is why you probably haven’t heard of them.)
1. Friends
2. George Lopez
3. Rachael Ray
4. Good Things Utah
5. The Extreme Home Makeover
6. The Doctors
7. Studio 5
8. My wife and kids

8 Favorite Restaurants:
1. Olive Garden
2. Costa Vida
3. Rumbi
4. Granny Annie’s
5. Chili's
6. Red Robin
7. Boston’s
8. The Mandarin

8 Things That Happened Yesterday:
1. I Slept In with my Hubby
2. I got ready
3. I Went to Work
4. I left work an hour early :)
5. I had my last day working nights
6. I drove down to the Jordan commons with Kelsie (my sister in law)
7. I went to the midnight showing of Twilight :) :)
8. I had so much fun with my in laws at the Twilight party.

8 Things I am Looking Forward to:
1. Christmas
2. Thanksgiving-Food :)
3. My trip to Cali with Jeff only 9 more days :)
4. Being able to see Jeff more now that I will be working during the day
5. Shopping for Christmas presents
6. Going to Temple square to look at the lights
7. Decorating our house for Christmas
8. The warm weather to be back I don’t like the cold

8 Things on My Wish List:
1. To be able to buy Jeff the camera he wants
2. To buy a house by the summer time
3. A new pair of Jeans
4. Go back to Hawaii
5. Go on a cruise to the Caribbean
6. Not to get sick any more this season or ever would be nice lol
7. For the economy to get better
8. Play Friends Scene it with Jacque :)

8 Things I Love:
1. My Hubby :)
2. My Family
3. To have a job
4. Traveling (just not in the car lol)
5. Sunny days
6. The beach (Hawaii)
7. Relaxing by the fire place wrapped up in a blanket
8. Hot baths with a good book (Twilight)

8 Things I Can't Stand:
1. Slow drivers
2. Working on sick smelly feet
3. People that chew their gum like a cow
4. Driving on the freeway
5. Construction work
6. Touching raw meat :P
7. Going shopping by myself
8. The cold, but I love the look of snow I know I am weird.

8 People I Tag:
1. Bridgette
2. Amberlee
3. Rach
4. Laura
5. Valisa
6. Kelsie
7. Beki
8. Suzie

Twilight Tailgate Party

I went to the Twilight movie last night for the midnight showing. It was very good, it was a little different in the movie than the book. But I think that usually happens when they try and take book and turn it into a movie. I had so much fun at the party though my husbands cousin's wife and her sisters that own a salon rented out two theaters at the Jordan commons center. They made it so much fun they gave out a bunch of prizes and goodie bags. I went with all the girls on Jeff"s side (well not all of them but a lot lol). It was funny when the movie started everybody started screaming they were so excited. This is the first midnight showing I have been to, so it was a fun experience. I loved it and I will defiantly be seeing it again soon :) Everybody needs to go see it at least once, it is better if you have read the book, because it makes certain parts funnier and you understand why it is funny. But still see it even if you haven't read the book! (sorry I don't have a picture)

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Back Into the Arms of the One I Love

Well I'm got home from my Vegas trip for the Sema show last sunday. This was the first time sense Me and Kiera have been married that we had been apart. And it was for a whole week to make it worse. Every year I go to Las Vegas for the Sema show. Its the largest Automotive trade show in the country and the experiance is just unbelieable. Well if your into cars that is.
In the past i've gone to the show strictly for fun but in the last couple of years its started to become somewhat of a job for me too cause I started doing Photography coverage of the show for the website This year I took around 1,700 pictures and it took me all 4 days to cover the whole show. Theres alot of work involved with what I do for the website. I shot photography for about 6 hours each of the 4 days at the show. Then after the show I spend another 3 hours orginizing and editing and uploading all the pictures I took that day up to Its a long process but I was doing something I love so I can't complain.
But no matter how much I loved doing the photography and being around my hobby of hot cars all day long and being with all my best buds. I missed the love of my life like none other. I know it was alot harder for Kiera while we were apart but I still missed her a ton. My mind was constantly thinking about her and wishing she could be there with me. I love just to walking around the town with her looking at all the hotels and sites and such. So everytime I go to Vegas without her now I can't help but think about her where ever I go. She couldn't go with me because she couldn't get off work. We are going on Vacation in 2 weeks to California so she had to save her time off for that week. I figure she would probably go to California anyways then looking at cars all day lol. But I hope that maybe next year she will come. Maybe the other guys will bring there wives/girlfriends and the girls can go do there own thing why we are at the show. But I missed her a ton and couldn't wait tell I got home to hold her again. I've gone to Vegas for Sema each year for the past 4 years now. But in addition to the Sema Show we have always made it a vacation get away. This year me and 5 of my friends went to Sema and it was nice to have a smaller group this year. (one year we had 12). We all share the same hotel room too so just imagine how nice our hotel room looked with 6 boys living in it for a week with no room service lol. But its fun chilling with the guys. It seems now days we never do anything like this anymore. Alot of my friends have also done alot of growing up in the past year so the drinking wasn't near as bad as it had been in the past. which makes me happy cause thats less babysitting for me to do. We also stayed on the Strip this year for the first time at the Imperial Palace. So everything was pretty much in walking distance and the drinkers could go do there own thing and the sober people could do there own thing sinse the drinkers wouldn't need a DD to get back to the hotel. One thing I didn't like about the strip though was how overpriced everything is. All the food is probably like 5% higher then what it is at home. And that sucks when your on a budget. But it was worth it. In addition to the Sema show we just did the typical stuff you would do in Vegas. Walk the strip, check out some hotels and outdoor shows, Hit up some buffets, Go watch the light show down at Freemont street, go to the Premium Factor Outlet stores as well as the Fashion Show mall. We also went to a Sports grill called Blondies at the Planet Hollywood Hotel to watch the Utah vs. TCU football game. I'm a BYU fan but I will root for Utah when they arn't playing BYU. So needless to say we were all freaking out when Utah pulled off the win in the final minute of the game. Luckly we fit right in with everyone yelling at the NFL game being played at the same time.
Kiera isn't home right now so I can't tell you how she felt while I was gone. But I think I can give you a pretty good idea of how she felt just by quoting the lyrics from the Avril Lavign song "When Your Gone":

I always needed time on my own. I never thought I'd need you there when I cry. And the days feel like years when I'm alone. And the bed where you lie is made up on your side, When you walk away I count the steps that you take, Do you see how much I need you right now. When you're gone, The pieces of my heart are missing you, When you're gone, The face I came to know is missing too, When you're gone, The words I need to hear to always get me through the day and make it ok, I miss you. I've never felt this way before, Everything that I do reminds me of you, And the clothes you left, they lie on the floor, And they smell just like you, I love the things that you do, When you walk away I count the steps that you take, Do you see how much I need you right now, We were made for each other, Out here forever, I know we were, yeah, All I ever wanted was for you to know, Everything I'd do, I'd give my heart and soulI can hardly breathe I need to feel you here with me. Anyways overall I had a good time. I was in Vegas for a week and that is way to long to be in that city. After Sema was over I was ready to come home. So next year I think i'm going to go down only for the show and thats it. We do enough at night after the show to make the Trip a vacation too so I think thats the plan for next year right now. I also hope to have a better camera with me next year for my photography work and who knows with how big of success was this year maybe it will open the door for my photography in the future. I just hope that next year Kiera will be by my side for it. Anyways i'll leave you now with some final pictures of my trip. Enjoy: