Friday, September 28, 2012


First set of stitches..

This is what happens when you have a diaper that needs to be changed and a impatient little girl that wanted an orange peeled.. 4 stitches. She was so strong and didn't even cry!

Cleaning the church

For family night we signed up to clean the church and the kids had a really fun time. Im a little nervous because they all think it would be a fun thing to do when they grow up. But they will not clean toilets at home....

Stadium of fire

 We had such a great time.
 Kennedys smile.

Firework time!

4th of July & TWO BIRTHDAYS!

 Birthday boys 
 Miss A at the parade
 Independence baby
 Parade with uncle Adam
 This was a first for Jeff sharing his birthday...
My baby the 1 year old!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

New Family picture

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Shooters U9

This past year Treyson played on the Shooters U9 team. He has learned so much and and has built some great friendships with these boys! They took 2nd in the tournament too!He had tryouts last week for the U10 team and he is so excited to get started again...

Addison's 7th birthday party

 Addie and Camryn
 Miss May with her "Present cake" (It's what she asked for)

This year was a lot of fun! She wanted to invite her whole class and have a clown! Little crazy but fun.

Soccer, Soccer, Baseball

This is what our Saturdays have been looking like lately. Trey has morning games then we run to Jeff's game go home change clothes and run to baseball games...

Spring Break in St George...

 Love him
 Ry drove down with my dad and my kids had so much fun with him swimming!
Me and Kenny

Yes that is a baby on his back...


St George Air Show

 Trey took his friend Kopper with him and they had so much fun!
 Little windy but the Blue Angels were awesome!
And whats St George without a little swimming

Kennedys 4th Birthday

 She wanted a "Purple Pony Party" So I did my best...

 Kennedy and Ava
 Addie and Kennedy helping make the cake
This year was her first "Friend party" She invited all her Joyschool friends

I love this girl.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Mr. Aiden 7 months

We love this kid so much!
I cant believe how fast he is growing up.
He is already crawling and pulling himself up on things.
I wanted him to stay a baby for a long time because he is our last
but he decided he did not want to...