Tuesday, February 22, 2011

this is for you... you know who you are...

Jack's 9month Old pictures... I'm only a little behind... he'll be 15 months this week.
this is the reason i have been MIA for so long... well, this and that my computer bit the dust. i'm sure i won't be up to speed on my blogging for a while, but this is to hold you over...

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

I'm not dead!!!

Can you believe that I have been such a slacker since last April... APRIL!!! Life has been crazy busy and I don't have time to pick my nose let alone blog... but now I'm really missing some of my good friends because this is the only way we kept in touch. So, I'm back, I think... is anyone out there?

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Our Hero

Jeff's Grandpa Ralph was wounded in WWII in Iwo Jima. He never received his Purple Heart or any other medals because he was wanting to get home rather than wait around for them to honor him (can you imagine?). So after all these years Kathy and Finn (his brother) sent away for his purple heart. We had a big get together and surprised him with the almost the whole family!!! Including his brother Finn and wife Carol and their son and daughter in law, Joe and Linda. It was quite the gathering! It was interesting to hear the story from Pricilla's (Ralph's mom) diary, the letter they received to inform them he was injured, and the stories leading up to him leaving for the war. I'm glad my kids got to see their Great Grandpa finally receive the honor and recognition he deserved for serving our country!!!! Thanks Grandpa Ralph for your bravery and service!
Grandpa Ralph, Jack, and Murray
Kate, Susan, and Ralph
Susan and Ralph
Our lil' fam with our Hero

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Soccer Games

Kamryn LOVES playing soccer... she was pretty passive to start out, but she's learning to get in there and kick the ball no matter who is in the way! We have loved watching her games... they get pretty entertaining. I wish i would have brought the camera to her last game. The goalie from the other team was standing on her head or bending over showing our team her bootie for most of the game.

Some of Kamryn's Fan Club...



Jack and Dad

Cali AKA "JoJo"

Addie Mae


and of coarse the lady behind the camera is her BIGGEST fan!!!

Say Cheese!

Just playing with Jeff's new camera he got for his bday... dang he's spoiled!!!


need i say more?

Blessing Day

I didn't get many pictures of Jack's blessing day. I was busy running around visiting and making sure everyone ate, including the man of the hour, so I hope my mom and mil did better than I did. But here are a few of the big day...

Jack and Grandma Jack...i



Ally and Kendyl made the best of friends

Kendyl and Kamryn on the swings

Papa Don, Grandma Jacki and Jack

Grandma Kathy, Jack and Grandpa Murray

The Fam Damily

Jack and Great Grandma Glenda


and more pictures to come as soon as i get them from the grandmas... (hint, hint, hint!)