Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Wow I cant believe how fast this year has gone. Jaxon has been a really good baby. We have been so blessed to have him in our lives. Here is a little what he is doing!!!
He love to DANCE! 
(If you say dance puppet dance he dances)
 He loves waving at people if he wants something he turns his hand were his palm is up and move his fingers like come here that means he wants you or something
He says mama, dada, asyn, nene (kenzie), ma maw, papa, ball, bubba
He loves playing with our cat
He crawls so fast. 
He stands and has taking a couple of steps but things he can get some where faster if he crawls.
He LOVES to eat.
He loves to clap 
  He has eczema really bad that now he is allregic to his own sweat. So the Drs have him on some really good medicine.
He is such a good baby probably one of our best. We all fight over who gets to hold him or changes his diaper.
Jax- Jax, We hope you had a fun 1st Birthday Love you!!!
Jeff sister Mckenzie took this picture she does AWESOME work. She has her on photography blog check it out its under kenzi dawn. She does a really good job. 

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Happy Birthday Jaxon Jett

Wow where did time go. It seems like yesterday they placed you in my arms and now you are one. Jax I love you so much you have been such a joy in my life it has been such a blessing to have you in our family. you lighten up my day. You have made me strong as a mother and a person. You made our family STRONGER in the gospel. and we thank you for that.... You have done so much in this past year... Here are a few highlights of your life.

 you started out being a mama's boy and daddy hated it. but mama didn't care LOL. I love you so much...

 Jerzee love babysitting you when mom comes home from work. She is such a big sister for you. She just loves you...She loves making you bottles, changing your diaper. She thinks she is your mom....
You are so very handsome daddy gets so excited to wake you up in the mornings and to come home and see you smiling at him.. you have such BIG beautiful BLUE eyes everyone that looks at your eyes say they see Gma Cassie in them and It means a lot to mama... cause I miss her so much but I know she is watching over our little family.

You love the horses so much. You love going to pet them whenever we go to Gma,and Gpa's house.

Mama loved taking you to the baseball game you would love to clap when everyone would clap....

 You LOVE red licorce

Jax, We hope you have a GREAT birthday and We love you so very much.... You make our family whole. Love you Jax Jax!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Wow, It has been a little while since I have posted on here. I just would like to tell some people that mean a lot in my life CONGRATULATIONS!!!! To the first 2 people to My Best friend/Sister Crystal and Her husband Clint I am so excited for you. I cant wait to have another Niece or Nephew in our family. I am so happy. Crystal in due the end of June so congrats to Clint and Crystal on having another baby...

Now last but not least to my sister in law (Jeff sister) Mckenzie, she is Graduating from Weber state with her Bachelors in Science degree in Education. She will make an AWESOME teacher. We knew you could do it....
CONGRATS to all of you guys. We love you both and couldn't be more happier for both of you......

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Couples Halloween Party!!!

Every year we get together as couples and do a Halloween party. It is ALWAYS a BLAST. This year we decided to go as Lady gaga and her bodyguard.
Here is our friends Dawn and Matt who went with us...Here is Jeff and I. I lalalalove this man. It is so much fun to dress up as a theme with your date...

J.C and Lindsey went as Wolverine and Rogue... I thought they looked awesome

Tiffany and Jerald , Watch out Jerald you'll shoot your eye out. and Tiff as the lamp

Here is some of the couples

This game was really fun Its minute to win it. You had 1 minute to not use your hands and try to get the oreo in your mouth from the top of your head to your mouth... LOL It was fun I was really good at this game probably cause I have a BIG mouth LOL

I got it on the 2nd time

Jeff was praying about it a little to hard...

Angie that is my man.... Jeff I think you are enjoying that a little to much...

Dawn and me Just chilling

dount eating contest....

Matt had to dance the monster dance... It was too funny

Jeff and matt chilling too,

Holly and her husband dressed as Mr. Owl and the loli pop. It was a good costume they won with the most talented one !!!

this game you tied this box and you had to shake your butt with 7 balls in it.

Jerald trying to help tiffany shake her butt...

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Corn maze

Every year the Thomas side goes to the corn maze on 1900. My grandma Reta was always BIG on halloween. If you didn't know she would be all decked out as a scary witch and Boy was she scary.....She even went to some schools and go in there halloween parade to scare some kids. But since she has past and our family is getting to BIG and cant fit any where we just go here and have a party. The kids love to go down the slide. They would spend hours of going down if we let them... Here is Aspyn and Ellie going down..

 my kids look forward to this every year and they have a BLAST too.

My handsome boy he has got so BIG so FAST. Where has the time gone.  

Here is some of the GREAT grandkids you got from left to right (Izzy, Ryan, Aubrey, Sienna, Ellie, Jax, Aspym Kennedy, Aidan , Chandler, Victor, Chenielle, and Jerzee) most of the other GREAT grandkids showed up late and I didnt get a picture. but there is tons of us. There is 14 grandkids and all but 5 of them are married and has kids so when it comes down to it we have tons. LOL 
 Mama and Jax, I love him so much He is such a Mamas boy and I love it
Here comes Wyatt. He is such a cute little boy and fits into our family so well. All the kids just love him so much....

GO amber and Kail.....

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Jaxon's 9 month check up

Today Jax had his 9 month dr. appt. He did so good. He flirted with the nurse and Dr. when he grows up the girls are going to hang on him.He loves the Dr. so much and she was good to him

Look mom I am playing. He loves to play with this toy all the time when we come

YAY mom I am a big boy. LOL I can't believe how big he is grown in the past month.

They gave him some med to put in his mouth. before they gave it to him he took it and put it in his mouth himself

Hello Dr. how are you??? LOL

Here he is getting his shots and he didn't even cry He was so good.

He weighs 20 pounds and is 32 1/2 inches long. His weight is in the 13% and he is off the chart on lengh. The dr. couldn't believe how big he is. Here is what he is doing now. He loves to sit up and clap. says  mama and dada. He now is crawling backwards. it is so fuuny. he now has 6 teeth. and is trying to walk now...and BOY am I going to be in big trouble when he does. We got rid of his bottle and no he drinks normal milk YAY no more formula. He loves his mama and hates when I have to go to work his dad has to call me after an hour of crying. and then when he hears my voice he stops and bes good... LOL All in all he is such a GOOD baby. He is my best one.....We love him so much