Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Disneyland 2013: Isaac's First Trip

We left for Disneyland when Isaac was just 7 weeks old.
I was SO nervous to go on vacation with a newborn and I debated and debated whether or not to stay home while Jeff took the older kids.

I decided to go but after last year's Disney incident (you can read about that here) I wasn't too sure about things.  I sat on a park bench the entire first day while everyone else rode the rides.
I had zero expectations for this trip.  A fussy newborn who doesn't like to sleep in new places can sure ruin a vacation.

Isaac turned out to be a traveling rockstar!
He slept the entire drive.  We only had to stop about every 3 hours so I could feed him and change his diaper.
He slept great at night (4-5 hour stretch, eat, 2-3 more hours).
We discovered he LOVES his stroller and he happily napped in the stroller all day long.  I got over my anxiety after the first day and rode some rides with my older kids.  
Another reason I love Disney:
They have a baby station in each park where I could go every 2-3 hours and quietly feed Isaac.  They even provide rocking chairs!  How amazing is that?!  I would go in there, sit and rock, put my feet up, close my eyes, and just relax while I fed Isaac.  It was heaven!

A few more of my favorite photos from the trip.
I can't tell you how many people tell me they think Jake looks like Justin Bieber.

Haha!  What do you think? 
I'll tell you what Jake thinks.  He hates it.

Lucy goose waiting for her brothers.


This was fake vomiting.

Isaac's first character encounter.  He slept right through it.

Party of Seven (!!!) for Mickey's fun wheel.
One of Isaac's first and only rides.  It's a long ride and as soon as we got on....

...he blew out his diaper.
This took a good hour to clean up and I just threw the clothes away.  (His first time wearing them, btw)

The view from our hotel.

Bieber sighting?

Disneyland 2013 was a smashing success!!
Can't wait to experience it several more times through the eyes of my sweet little Isaac as he grows up.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Living Room Makeover


I sold ALL my furniture and moved my piano downstairs ($238 for piano movers--ouch!)
We ripped out the baseboard and put wainscoting all around the room.

New furnitureChair: Osmond Design

Coffee Table: West Elm 

Settee and side tables: Osmond Design 

Chaise and side table: Osmond Design

A few of my favorite accessories: Osmond and Tai Pan

Bookcase: Osmond Design

...and VOILA!
(I am still searching for the perfect wall hanging to go over the couch.)

 The kids know this is MY room.
I spend my mornings in here, reading scriptures, listening to  news radio (nerd alert), feeding the baby, reading, paying bills, instgrammimg, etc.  You can't see in this picture but i have the perfect view of the mountains.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Isaac: The First Seven Weeks

Here's what I remember of Isaac's first seven weeks of life:

It was all a blur.
It was euphoric at times.
It was REALLY hard at times.
Did I ever even shower?  I can't remember.
I sat in the rocking chair in my room for hours a day and nursed and rocked my baby.
I got spit up/peed/pooped on about 8 times a day.
I.  Was.  Exhausted.
I forgot how much extreme sleep deprivation messes with my mind and moods.
My husband took the 4-7 a.m. shift, taking Isaac downstairs to sleep on his chest so I could finally sleep a little.
Isaac's look changed every day.
We had a bout with acid reflux.  Not fun.
Keeping up with my other 4 kids and their schedules nearly killed me.
They all learned to become VERY independent.
I was sad Isaac is my last baby.
I was glad Isaac is my last baby.
Having a baby in my late 30's is MUCH harder on my body than it was in my 20's.
Jeff left for a week to Australia (for business) when Isaac was just 6 weeks old.  Hardest week of my life.
Having a newborn is the closest thing to heaven.  Literally.
Feeling overwhelming gratitude.  Everyday.

2 1/2 weeks old

3 weeks old

4 weeks old

5 weeks

6 weeks

6 weeks

6 weeks

6 1/2 weeks

7 weeks

6 1/2 weeks


Sunday, December 30, 2012

He's Here!

Isaac James
December 7th, 2012
3:05 p.m.
7 lbs. 5 oz.  20 1/2" long

This last picture was on Christmas Eve.
I held him and just cried and cried tears of gratitude (and hormones! :))
I am so glad he's here.
He's perfect.