Sunday, July 27, 2008


Jed has had to work really late the last few weeks and then trying to find time to study for his last CPA exam next month and make time for his two children and wife and sleep he wanted to make up for it and surprised us with a trip to the ocean today. We had such a blast! We love going to Santa Cruz and the weather is always amazing. Jed and Trey rode their usual rides but then I insisted that Jed go on a fun ride since he was such a great sport for going on the toddler rides with Trey, which I love watching this big guy on these mini rides that seriously go 2 mph! We got lunch, Jed's usual fried fish,shrimp and garlic fries and then headed to the beach. The waves were huge and we were sad that we didn't have a body board...and a babysitter, maybe next time. Trey loves to get chased by the waves and dig in the sand. This was Brooklyns first time to the ocean (she will be 5 weeks tomorrow) and she did great, of course sleeping for most of it. Thanks babe, I can't wait until we get to go again!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Trey loves to hold baby sister but he has to do it without any help. He is doing pretty well with only minor punches and kicks to the head, occasionally laying on, and trying to get in the car seat/bouncer with her in it. He loves to play "chase" to Brooklyn to see if he can out run us to grab her first. Poor little Princess is going to be so tough. My dad always said that babies are made of rubber so they can just bounce back, which is so true. Brooklyn had her 2 week doctors appointment today. She is 6lbs 12 oz and doing great! My mom and sisters call her "The Diva." She is such a good baby but when she wants something she lets you know and won't let you forget about it until she has it.