Saturday, April 30, 2011


Introducing Will James Clark
Born April 8, 2011 @ 12:37 pm weighing 7 lbs 14 oz & 21.25 inches long

Well I hope that nobody passed out when they saw that I finally have updated my blog, I figured that this was a pretty blog worthy event! There really are about a million excuses that I can give as to why the neglect but frankly I really just like holding Will more than typing on the computer! So here is the short long snippit of our little lives! Pretty much for the last 10 months I have worn a hole in my rather comfortable couch (day and night...JD is so glad that I am now sleeping in the same bed as him!) Over and over I kept saying to myself well actually to everyone around me that I would never ever do this again...I even read up on all the various forms of birthcontrol so that I could avoid pregnancy once and for all! Needless to say I really did not enjoy the whole prego experience but loved the little outcome that joined our little family!! After some persuasion and I like to think a little sympathy Dr. Davey consented to induce me..seeing as how I like things not overly complicated I asked if we could do it on the 8th of April...why? Well for JD's sake so he can remember his children's birthdays, Lucy is March 8th, Evie is July 18th, so I just thought we'd keep the trend going and have little Will on April 8th.

Early on April 8, 2011 JD and I drove to the hospital, I think he was a little more excited than I was at this point, we checked in and went upstairs to wait for Dr. Davey to come induce me and hopefully work some magic. I got more and more nervous as I listened to the part lady part /wolf moan and groan next door. Anywho Dr. Davey came in at about 8 am did his thing and left me to mine. I actually felt like I was in labor but that things just weren't moving fast enough. The doc came back in at about 11:30 broke my water and said he'd see me later that know as good as he meant that to sound what I really wanted to hear was that this baby was coming NOW! Well after many deep breaths and 2 pushes little Will joined us at 12:37 pm...I couldnt have been more excited and have not felt this great for the last 10 months!! Our family is so much more with him as a part of it! Will had dark brown hair, more than Lucy and definetly less than Evie. I think he looks alot like a boy version of Lucy with his cute little nose and pointy little chin. All in all he really just looks like a perfect little baby boy!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Christmas' Past!

Well I am feeling a little sad and sentimental all at the same time. You see in all of my 30 Christmases there has always been 1 thing consistent. I mean Santa has come every year, Christmas Eve is still the longest night of the whole year (even when we aren't crammed in one room), homemade pizza was a must on Christmas eve, my dad's games got better and better with time, Linsey wanted what everyone else had, but the thing that has always been here aside from all of the traditions was my family. Throughout the years the frequency of us all being together during Christmas has become less and less, but at least I always had my mom and dad around to make it feel like Christmas. Well my parents this year "since no one was really here!" ( I really do forgive you for that little slip of the tongue mom) went and jumped ship....literally! They are off somewhere sailing in the Caribbean while we are bundled up here, making the most of this holiday season and I like to think that deep down there is a little bit of sadness as they are basking in the sun, that they don't get to see those cute little smiles on Christmas, and listen to jingle bells sung by Evie and Lucy, or see the reindeer prints in the snow, or dad staying up all night to refine his Christmas get the picture!! Needless to same Christmas will be great and I will keep as many of the traditions for my little family, but I will definitely miss having everyone around to celebrate with!! PS dad your games better be even better next year to make up for this one!!

(Love this picture...but when was Evie really that chubby?)

I hope that wherever you are that you all have a Merry Christmas!!!!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Clark Crazies!!!!

I often wondered if Evie would have as much personality as Lucy would, and often worried that if she was well, boring, that I just wouldn't quite know how to handle that!! Well maybe my worries were heard too loudly and they sent me Evie along with PLENTY of personality!

I had put the kids to bed the other night...Lucy all snuggled in her bed and fast asleep after about 2.5 seconds and Evie was supposedly asleep in her crib, so downstairs I went to cook up some bacon (no not for me...although being pregnant with some of these extra pounds may make some question if my nightly snack is bacon!) I was cooking it for some quiche I had to make. Anywho I was just about done when I heard Evie yelling "MOM!..MOM!!" so up I went to try and quiet her down and when I opened her door she said, "MOM...some BACON!!!" Well I got a good laugh partly cause she has the nose like no others, I mean what 2 year old can pinpoint that smell and also because Evie has a passion for well...FOOD! So I took her downstairs to quiet her down got her a piece of bacon...I know not even a remotely good bedtime snack but if it made her happy and she went back to bed that was a risk I was willing to take. I hurried her back to bad and once again made my way to the kitchen when I heard her yell, "HEY MOM MORE BACON!!!!"


"Mom has lots of pickles" translation "Mom has lots of Freckles"
"Gosh" "Gosh your cute"
"Look at my Fingertails"
"Lucy have a good sleep...great!!"
When asked "what does mommy say?" she replies, "blugh, blugh"(pretends to throw up!)
"Oh hurt...need a bandaid, Evie kiss it!"
"baby toot...lullaby and goodnight!"

Lucy as most of you know has a flare for the dramatics..unlike her mother and at times makes parenting a little trickier and well..entertaining. While out to eat one night after a few bites of soup she decided that she was done eating..being the well trained mom that I am I said that she could either eat it now and have a snack before bed, or I would save it for her to eat tomorrow and she would have to go to bed hungry. Being the smart child that she is she decided that saving it would be best because she just couldn't eat it!! We got home, her jammies were on and she came up to me with that cute little freckled face and said, "mom I'm really hungry!!" Well I usually don't stick to my guns enough but it has been a goal of mine to mean what I say so I calmly said, "Well Lucy you had a choice and you choose to save your there will be no snack!!" Lucy stormed off to bed, I followed and tried to reason with her just a little bit. As I talked with her she said,"mom that's not very responsible of you!!" I then explained to her that moms don't like sending their kids to bed with no food in their tummies but she had ma de a choice and needed to learn to eat her dinner. (We have been through this MANY times, and like I said I was going to stick to my guns!) The emotions were running high and I could tell I wasn't making much progress as the tears welled up in her eyes and came spilling out as she said, "How could you have a daughter and send her to bed with no food?" Pregnant or not how could I refuse? Next time though..I will hold strong!!

While driving home from my moms I told Lucy that I was just going to run into the grocery store and I was going to leave her and Evie in the car. Now before any of you calls social services on me let me explain. We live in a little tiny town (I know bad things can happen in small towns), it was -29 degrees other words FREEZING, and Evie had just peed her pants. I explained to Lucy that all I needed were some buns for dinner and if she was good I would buy her some watermelon gum (yep I was pulling out all of the good parenting skills!) Well being the dramatic little soul that she is the tears and the mom please don't leave me came and then she said, "Mom if you leave me my heart will turn black!" A phone call was made and JD was sent to pick up some buns!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Raymond Triathlon!!

You better believe it!! Raymond had their 1st triathlon and I thought it would be super fun to do it. So I talked to Lucy to see if she was up for the challenge and being the competitive little thing that she is she of course was pumped!! So JD, Whit D., & I did a team triathlon with Whit swimming 200 meters, JD biking 10 KM and I ran 2.5 km...but that isn't what was so fun, it was doing this race with Lucy!! First Lucy had to swim 4 lengths of the pool which she did really well, then it was off to the bikes!! I got my helmet on, she had her cute barbie helmet (it is the only pic I don't have since I was with her) and off we went for our 2.5 km bike. After about 3 blocks the legs started aching and she was choking back the tears asking over and over where the finish line was, but as soon as she'd see the people helping she'd choke back those tears and keep going!! We rounded the corner and she took off her helmet and off she was on her 1 km run (thanks saba for running it with her). As she ran in the announcer and everyone else was chanting "LUCY LUCY LUCY!!" She picked up her speed and ended in true racing fashion!! She was the youngest of over 120 competitors to do the race!! We are so proud and hope that she enjoyed it enough to keep on going!!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Two & Terribly CUTE

Well hopefully you can believe it cause I am having a difficult time with the fact that Evie is 2! Even with her frequent reminders of just how old she is it seems like yesterday that I was holding her in my arms admiring her and quite possibly laughing along with most of you at the amount of hair that this little one was born with. Evie was such a calm and perfect little baby, trying my patience very rarely, sleeping well, eating well and couldn't have been better. In the past year she has gone from a docile little baby to our little Evie MONSTER!! She has more personality in that little 23 lb body than we quite know what to do with! One of the greatest things about Evie is her love of food. Most if not all of you that know her have experienced her passion for eating, especially her fruit!! A while back I opened my fridge and out came the whole flat of blueberries!! AH!! What a mess!! As I went to pick them up Evie quickly got on her hands and knees and wasting no time started sucking them up as fast as they had fallen!

At 2 I DO:

You love to dress yourself. You especially love Lucy's shoes.

You are full of adventure, never seeing the danger in anything.

You love to cuddle with a soft blanket and baby.

You are a messy eater and say "mmm deeelicious!"

You love to sing and dance!

You are terrified of bugs..this you got from your mama!

You say just about every word that we say.

You are great at saying "please and thank you"

You love to socialize and are not afraid to go up to just about anyone.

You say your name is Ebie and hold up both your pointer fingers when asked how old you are.

You are a little bit of a tease.

You are our EVIETHING!!

Love you Evie!

Thursday, May 6, 2010



I just thought this was such a much needed reminder of how and in whom we should rely on to make it through some of lifes most difficult times. I know that so many of you have trials and that some challenges seem more than we can bear but today look for those tender mercies and try to be one for someone else.

Friday, April 30, 2010


I've decided that blogging is a little like house cleaning if you don't keep up then it can get a little overwhelming...and so much has happened in the last copule of months that I am more that OVERWHELMED!!! I also haven't downloaded most of my pictures so this is it for right now!

LUCY IS 5...


Can you believe how big and cute she many things that this once 4 but now 5 year old can do. She has developed a new sense of independence and responsibility that can only come when you turn 5. She no longer wants my help to make her bed (yeah) she can choose her outfits (no pants for her, only dresses and skirts...the twirlier the better), she is very opinionated about how her hair should be styled so that the other kids wont make fun of her (is it really happening already ), and honestly she is getting more and more pleasant to have around...not that she wasn't before but you know what I mean! Some of my favorite little things and not so favorite little things that she has said go a little something like this:

LUCY: Hey mom didn't your chesties used to be way up there?
MOM: Thanks Lucy I don't think I noticed (do you think that is grounds for a little lift?)

LUCY: MOM! I don't want to wear my skirt like that!!
MOM: Lucy it looks funny to have your shirt tucked in..look I'm wearing mine untucked!)
LUCY: (hands on hips and said rather matter-of-factly) Well...don't you think your the boss of my clothes!

LUCY: Mom I'm a really gross kid
MOM: what makes you a gross kid
LUCY: well sometimes after I go to the potty I get stuff on my panties and that makes me a REALLLY gross kid!

LUCY: Mom at school the kids say FART!
MOM: Well that's okay but at our house we say TOOT!
LUCY: If it's big is it a FART and when it is small it's a TOOT?
MOM: NO! it is always a TOOT and when small enough it is a FLUFF!! (call me old fashioned but I just can't use the F word!)


This picture just had to make is on the blog. Evie is...well, Evie!! She is getting more and more personality by the day and keeps us constantly laughing!

Here is the here and now with Evie:
I repeat just about every word that is said!
I love to say "I am CRAZY" and "I am BONKERS"
my smile is about a mile wide and use it as my defense against some of my acts of mischief!
I am a messy messy messy eater and have been nicknamed "pig pen"! (hope it doesn't stick)
I love to perform with my sister Lucy and am her little echo
I love to giggle and have a contagious laugh just like my sister Lucy.
My hair is now past my shoulder blades and I now give my mom 10 seconds instead of 5 to style it!!
I am very social and will pretty much go up to anyone especially if they have food.
My favorite songs are sleeping bunnies, vroom to the moon, popcorn popping, & Jesus wants me for a sunbeam.

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Thursday, February 18, 2010

attitude of gratitude

I heard that in difficult times the best thing to do is think of all the things that are good if not great in your life and dwell on those things. So here it goes this is my list:


a warm house, especially when it is cold and snowing outside.

a new van that JD is picking up for us right now, deal was that when I was pregnant with the 3rd that we would get a van..well we will keep trying for the 3rd but thanks JD for not returning it!

that today I may just eat a soft yolked egg, deli meat, tuna sandwich, feta cheese and all the other things they tell you not to when you are pregnant..actually those don't sound very appetizing, but the thought of no restrictions does.

hearing 2 little girls yell at each other (actually it is usually our quiet little Evie exercising her lung capacity) and know that they will love eachother forever.

a warm shower or bath all too myself, it is a rarety I don't know why Lucy and Evie think it is so much fun to be in there with me.

a good book. any suggestions?

a husband that is patient amidst all the female emotions.

online shopping, way better than going to the stores, fighting the crowds, chasing kids and most of all going out in the winter cold. Don't get me wrong I like to shop, but don't feel quite so bad when it is just a click of the button. Now if I could just figure a way to keep it from JD online shopping would be the best.

good food...I don't care what as long as it is good.

waking up to a little person in each arm and knowing that I am the one they cry out for in the night when they are scared or just need to be loved.

friends...I think I have the best friends in the whole world. Not only do I have wonderful friends that have known me and put up with me forever and that we can just pick up where we left, but I have so many others that call and cry when they know I am sad (thanks regs) and continue to love me in all of my craziness. Thank you all for showing me what true friends are!

a dad that tells me to call him whenever I need to talk, even if it is in the middle of the night, and I know he means it.

a mom that knows how I feel yet just listens to my rantings and continues to put others before herself.

a big little brother that knows when to be sensitive (I think he has had alot of practice) and keeps a pretty protective watch over all of us.

sisters. I don't think I need to expand on this but I will. I feel awfully sorry for anyone that wasn't blessed with sisters because there is no one else in the world that I want to talk to more than my sisters, and no one else that I can share all my inner workings with and know that they will love me regardless.

a second family (the clarks) that have welcomed me and loved me more than I could ever have asked for, and that love, love, love my kids.

indoor plumbing...could you imagine at 3 in the morning, maybe my bladder would be a little stronger if I was compelled to go outside.

slippers and housecoats..never go a day without them!

others inspirational nie nie

prayer...I know it works

knowing who I am, and to a small degree what my purpose is.

dance & singing parties with Lucy and Evie being the special performers...even better when JD breaks out some of his moves. fact one right now would be fantastic.

and last but definetly not least...JD, LUCY & EVIE!!!


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Not this time

Lots of emotions and hormone are racing through my body right now. I feel that I am being blessed to help cope with this right now. I really am kind of a hodge podge of emotion, gratitude for the two terrors that I already have, disheartened to think I have to start over again, reality in that I know something was wrong, worry that it will take a long time to get pregnant again, relief that maybe I can get this body back into a little bit better shape so that I can go into another pregnancy a little healthier and happier. Yesterday after going to the doctor and not being able to find a heart beat I of course was still optimistic that everything would be okay, when I talked to Summer she said to say a prayer and honestly I did not want to. I did not want to know if this baby was not going to make it. I distinctly remember last miscarriage praying and having an overwhelming feeling that that baby would not be a part of our family ( at least not now) Yesterday I felt really alone, partly by choice because I didn't want Heavenly Father's comfort, I just wanted a baby. But then I called Brady to come give me a blessing. As he gave me a blessing the tears that I was trying to keep in came flooding out, no where in the blessing did he mention me having a little baby, he only mentioned being comforted through my trials, and loving and being a good mom to the children that I have. As I prayed last night and this morning I could not even ask Heavenly Father to give me a healthy baby, cause he had already told me that instead he would be there so that I would not feel so alone and hopeless. Needless to say that has not eased the tears and the hurt of knowing that it was not our time. I can not wait for JD to finally get home so that I do not have to do this on my own, I know it is hard for him, he was as excited is not more for his family to grow. Although I don't have my family here this week I feel so grateful to have the great friends that I do. Thank you Linds for the yummy bread and for the company and knowing that being alone is never as fun as good company. Thank you thank you for knowing how to be a good friend.

Thursday, February 11, 2010


As Lucy climbed into bed this morning to cuddle with me she said "Your body is not very warm, but you're one hot mama." Thanks Lucy for the compliment..sometimes I wonder what you think of me!!
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Monday, February 1, 2010


So here it is...just a quick peek at a little of the insanity we put ourselves through for Lucy and Evie's christmas!! The pictures don't do it justice in the collage don't get the whole picture of the hardwood floors, and some of
the litttle details that went into this. We know it will be a work in progress.




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Diaper GLUE

I wondered why it was so quiet....


Oh why do i love you so....
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Monday, December 14, 2009

Happy Holidays!!!

I'm only back at the gentle proddings of so many, I know that I have neglected my duties for far to long but the winter cold has set in and being compelled to stay indoors may make me blog just a little bit more. As you can see we visited Santa at my mom and dad's ward party and he was a hit with everyone except for little Evie. She stared and stared and then scanned the crowd for mom with those terrified little eyes, she couldn't get away from him fast enough. We have been getting ready for the holidays, baking cookies, wrapping presents, budgeting (oh wait what is that) and getting Lucy and Evie's big gift all ready (I have spent many a late nights getting it just perfect!) I have but a few holiday traditions that are in my mind classics that hopefully I can continue in my own home.

1. Christmas eve homemade pizza...nothing more delicious!!

2. The nativity (except now we all fight over not doing the roles, Loron I still think you make the perfect angel and Brady...well you know what role best suits you!)

3. Christmas PJs who doesn't love them? JD did forget to get me them last year and as much as I pretended it wasn't a big kind of was (hint hint).

4. All the kids sleeping in the same room ( that one has kind of dwindled seeing as how some of the husbands don't really want to share a bed!)

5. The longest night of the whole year.....STILL

6. The famous holiday unwrapping games thanks to many sleepless hours!! Thanks dad!

7. Staying in your jammies until late in the afternoon until your finally compelled to wear a little something new!

8. Christmas day movies which JD and I usually fall asleep in.


10. Being with family and friends!!

This Christmas is a little sad cause although I will be with lots of friends and family a few of my favorite people will not be home for christmas. It is so hard to have everyone scattered allover the place but wherever all of you are MERRY CHRISTMAS!!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Here There and Everywhere

Well as you will soon see the Clark crew has literally felt like we have been here, there and just about everywhere. To start out our adventures back in May we took a trip to California to see our favorite Aunt Jamie and to see all the beautiful princesses at DISNEYLAND!! I really do think it was a toss up between who enjoyed it the most!! Courtney and Ryan were able to come along for the adventure as well which made it even more fun for all of us (thanks guys for helping out!) Lucy's favorite ride was Splash Mountain, as the ride went on she liked it more and more and at the final SPLASH her laugh was more than worth the trip down there. I really forgot how magical it is for little kids, I can't wait to do it again. Jamie was super good to us and took us to some fun parks and of course some delicious restaurants. We really enjoyed every minute of being down there. Afterwards the girls and I took another plane ride over to see the Powelsons in their new home a in Fernley, NV. Summer of course was a perfect host and we loved being in their home. It has such a nice feel there and Summer has made it look so great (surprise, surprise!) After all our adventures we were ready to get home and start the big move to Raymond!!

JULY 1st
Well of course July 1st is a highlight of our year....not just becau
se we are proud Raymond folk but because it is the one time that we know that the Powelson family will venture up here, but we also had Brady's girlfriend Hollie come see what life in Raytown is all about. We did the usual candy parade where grandma Marilyn ran out and got candy for the kids and maybe a little for herself, afterwards we had a fantastic BBQ and mom and dad Woods!! Of course July 1st was extra special with the grand opening of the new pool. We spent many hours up there (and yes I had to sport the suit).

It is true, a whole year has gone by and now that little baby has officially turned one. I could hardly believe it, and part of me didn't want to. We decided to have a "WATERMELON" party seeing a how Evie is somewhat fanatical about that juicy watermelon goodness (I think it has a little something to do with all the watermelons I ate while pregnant with her). We knew it wouldn't be a birthday without some of favorite family and friends come over. We had a great BBQ with watermelon jello, watermelon, watermelon punch, and of course Evie's very own watermelon cake. Thanks guys for making it such a fun day. Here are some of our favorite Evie moments of the past year.
1. 7 haircuts (2 professionally done)
2. always happy and smiling
3. when you are tired you like to pinch and scratch at our skin, I have a permanent scab on my neck that just wont heal up.
4. When learning to walk we thought you looked like frankenstein cause you wouldn't bend your knees.
5. you love to eat...especially fruit.
6. you love to play with your sister Lucy and follow EVERYTHING she does!
7. you do not like your hair done...go figure!
8. you are very busy and are into everything when given the chance.
9. you say mama, dada, up, puppy, birdie (sounds the same as puppy), hi, nana, and when we ask you how old you are you put your little pointer finger up and say "one"
10. you love the phone and walk around pretending to laugh!!
Evie thanks for being such a great part of our family!!!

Of course the summer wouldn't be the same without at least one trip to waterton. We took a small hike up to Blakiston falls...the perfect hike for little people. Always reminds me of how much I love the summer time!!

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Here there and everywhere part 2


Well of course summer just wouldn't be complete without Magrath days...the candy at the parade (I have to admit I think they got more candy than in Raytown....Ryan I guess there is something that Magrath does better). JD rode on his 10 year float, he took Lucy on board, and the 1 of them got more than soaked. Magrath days eve we went to JD's highschool reunion..can you believe it has already been 10 years...I feel like we were just in highschool planning our attire 2 weeks in advance just so that we could look just perfect come Magrath days. It was really fun to see everyone, and actually see how everyone has changed (for the record I think JD looks even better than he did 10 years ago...hope that's true for his 20 year!!) After the parade we went back to the Clark's house with all the family, food and treats...of course Bonnie's desserts never disappoint. Lucy loved the fireworks, she kept saying, "oh that's my favorite!!" Evie on the other hand didn't quite know what to do with all of the noise, she was a little sensitive to all the noise and would jump with each boom!!
The Clark family ha
d a more than
welcomed addition to the family. Ryan and Court FINALLY decided to tie the knot. With all of the festivities and planning the wedding day snuck up on us. The night before the wedding they had the family dinner at the Magrath Stake camp was SO much fun, and the perfect place for the entire family. There was a little program at the end and Lucy sang "No one like you, or as she said "No one LIKES you" she did such a cute job and has been singing it since. The next morning was busy, helping with Court's hair, helping make the bouquets, and of course trying to make our little family presentable. Evie of course wouldn't keep the bow in her hair, but they did look kissably cute. As for the newly married couple....Courtney was a stunning bride, and Ryan was such a happy and handsome groom. We were just so excited to be a part of all of the excitement and of course Lucy was more than excited to have her favorite friend Courtney become her favorite Aunt Courtney. Thanks again for letting us be a part of your special day!!!

Of course our summer wouldn't be complete without a trip to our favorite vacation spot....Grandma and Grandpa Mac's house. We have kind of made it our little summer tradition to go down there and stay at there place for a few days. It really is one of our favorite places to go. Grandma Mac is so welcoming and the perfect little grandma, the girls just love her, which would be difficult not to. Grandpa Mac is great to visit with, he has had more adventure and experiences than most would have in 10 lifetimes. This year we went to the Treehouse learning museum in Ogden (right across from the temple). It was so much fun for the kids, with more things to do than what we could fit into our few hours there. They had dressup centers, music, art and history was such a great place, I would highly recommend it if you ever have the chance to go. We also got to go and see Ryan and Court's new little apartment at BYU, I was a little jealous that they live down there and get to be poor students...oh I miss those days! All in all our summer was busy and more than full of adventure....summer comes and goes all to fast, and as the nights get colder I realize just why I love summer so much.

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Thursday, May 7, 2009


Hurray our house has finally SOLD!!!! I am going on a no cleaning strike for right now! So we were at disneyland getting ready to climb on the Indiana Jones ride when our realtor Geoff called and said we had an offer. WHAT...if I had know I would have gone on vacation months ago. After negotiating we settled on a price and let me tell you it really felt like the happiest place on earth. We are so excited except that we have to be out of our house on May 29th, and I don't get home until the evening of the 11th! Oh my I am already feeling a little bit stressed and hope that it all goes okay. If there is anyone dying to have a packing party just let me know and I will have plenty of fun for you, or if there are any good packing tips to make this easier I'd love to hear it! Oh, and if you are wondering where we are going, we did get the house in Raymond which means we can move right in and not have to worry about building! Oh man I can hardly wait to be out there and get to be closer to family and friends!!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Spring has Sprung

Evie was such a mellow baby but is really showing us her colors the last couple of weeks, she is not shy of personality, I think Lucy will have a perfect little partner in crime!

Evie is crawling EVERYWHERE!!  Oh whatever happened to the days of laying them on the ground and when you came back they were still right there....the fun is only beginning that much I do know.

Evie got a kick out of the swings

What better thing than bare feet...kiss em sunshine!!

Spring has Sprung and I think I'm not alone when I say...IT'S ABOUT TIME!!  Finally the sun is shining and I can say goodbye to the seasonal despression (until next winter).  We really have been taking advantage of this weather and I PROMISE I will not complain once about being TOO HOT!    Bring on the freckles!!

"Chloclate" milk moustache 

When we go to the park Lucy wears out the swings

Lucy: hey mom I found a mole on my bum...that makes me old like you!!  

Lucy has put some serious miles on this bike, I don't know if that helmet would really help in a high impact crash but at least she's ridin in style.

Saba Dave took her on an adventure to the spill gates, she collected alot of branches, grass but mostly dust.  

Saturday, April 11, 2009


A while back at a night out with the gals my friend Linds B commented that as she read the book "Breaking Dawn" (twighlight series) and read about the baby Renesme she thought of Evie. Compliment, Yes, fortelling the future, Undoubetly so!! Yes my cute little human baby has turned part vampire in the past days and is making me think that weaning might be sooner rather than later. I don't know if our feeding time is healthy for either of us. Jd said that all he hears is sweet talk and then "NOO NOO, OUCH, NO NO!!" "EVIE STOP, THIS ISN'T FUNNY!" followed by tears from a not quite full Renesme, ie. Evie, and me saying, "I'm sorry for yelling at you!" I have tried staying calm and collected but when those little fangs get near, the hysteria seems almost inevitable. Whatever shall I do?
I have had people say tap on their lips...done that.
Flick way. Bite them back...ya right. Yell at them...not working, just makes her laugh.
Bottle feed...enticing.
If there are any vampire survivors out there with a little bit of advice WE would love to hear it!
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Friday, April 3, 2009


I have known for quite some time that I had a serious problem, I can't even remember when I realized I had this disorder, if you will call it that, but I feel that since everyone is airing their dirty laundry I might as well get mine out is time to come on out of the closet so that we can work together on managing what has been dealt to us. What is it you wonder? I was in the shower the other day and have my routine, part of which is keeping a scrubber in there, and as I am rinsing the shampoo from my hair I am scrubbing the shower with the sponge under my foot. I rarely "just" talk on the phone, there is dinner to be made, kids and husband to be fed, dishes to be done, diapers to be changed and beds to be made, etc....I don't remember the last time I watched TV without a pile of laundry to be folded or blogs to be read. I rarely can just sit in the car, there are phone calls to long lost friends and family, songs to be sung, kids to be entertained or yelled at I find my parenting skills or lack there of gets extremely creative when confined to a small, fast moving vehicle with no place for "time-outs". Do any of these "symptoms" sound familiar? You may have what I like to call Obsessive Compulsive Multi-tasking or OCM for short. So put down that laundry and watch your TV, sit and talk on the phone for once, and instead of appearing to handle more than one task at the same time lets just devote ourselves to setting, and completing VERY small defined goals.
P.S. Thanks for letting me sneak peek into your lives and realizing that I'm not the only one falling short of the perfect mom, wife and friend marker, maybe with all of our minds and ideas combined we can make it that much closer to being where we want to be!!

Monday, March 30, 2009

The Bob

The Bangs

The Flip 
I thought that I should post a couple of pictures of Evie to redeem her and myself just to let you know that I do try and work with what we have.  Evie is on the move non-stop now, she is crawling all around trying to get into everything and has become my little shadow following me around from room to room.  She also loves patty-cake and says both mama and dada...get this she said mama first!!  I knew I liked her!  
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