Time and season, time and season is what I keep telling
myself. This time in our lives seems to be a sweet spot and some days I just
can’t believe its real.
We have had the most amazing summer yet with our little
family, camping, day trips to California and Yellowstone, birthday
celebrations, the international dance festival, way too many trips to burger
king for play date lunches, park dates, swimming, jumping on the tramp and
swinging, hiking, way too many kid in the bed sleepovers, so many baby giggles
and following big sisters around, and entirely way too much ice cream on my
Last winter I was struggling to find a happy medium between
what my children needed and what I needed. I needed something for me that didn’t
take time away from them. And my prayers were answered ten fold, or should I
say five fold. I met some great friends and have loved getting together with
our kids doing fun activities and having a few girls nights.
started kindergarten last week and I started classes the week before. Kate
starts preschool tomorrow and couldn’t be more excited. For two mornings a week
it will just be me and the baby boy. Except he isn’t really a baby, this kid is
so curious, such a little teaser and will be one in a month!
I feel
like this time in my life is such a sweet spot. We stay busy but not to the point of being overwhelming. My kids are only gone at school
for a couple hours each and then they are mine for the rest of the day. Kellen
still naps (most days) two times so I am able to get a few things done. As much
as I would like my house to be spotless all the time I know that that is just
not realistic and I am finally feeling ok with that. There is always at least
one load of laundry waiting to be folded. I tried the one load a day idea but
by the end of the week I ended up with five random loads of things that went in
every. Single. Room. So for now I am embracing the mess.
I am not
saying that I don’t struggle, I definitely do and I am writing this today when
I feel like I’ve got enough of my crap together to call it a good day. I’m
writing this as a reminder to myself that I’ve got this. The house is messy and
that is perfectly alright, I’ll have a few hours tomorrow to get it cleaned.
Today was a good day, I didn’t yell at the kids, we played hide and seek in the
mountains for an hour and I feel like I let my family know that I love and appreciate
them. That doesn’t happen nearly enough.
One other reason that I wanted to write this was for a few hilarious
things that the girls say that I do not want to forget.
Last night while we were facetiming my parents
and doing family home evening Elle said that she liked to turn off the light
and play the ipad and hide under her bed. “I like darkness,” said with a
completely straight face.
Kate said “Ugh the internet must not be working.”
Cody asked why and she said, “Because the toilet wont flush.”
Kate loves to call everyone chicken heads or
duckheads. She also loves to stick out her tongue and shake her booty at everyone.
From February (Kate 3 ½) she couldn’t get her
yogurt open and said, “Seriously?! Come on!”
Kate finally started being able to say her f’s
and it makes me sad. She used to say “shash light” instead of flash light.
Both girls for a few weeks called the movie Princess
Diaries- Princess Diarrheas.