Wednesday, July 03, 2019

1200 - Stressful

A colleague told me she felt 'stressful'.
I had to agree.

A lady who presented with a dress-full
Declared that she was feeling quite 'stressful'.
I think she meant 'stressed'
But, by the way she was dressed,
The first was most certainly successful.
© 2019 J Cosmo Newbery

Tuesday, July 02, 2019

1199 - Past Lessens

Past Lessens
An anniversary.
What better than a rondeau?

But don’t forget that life goes on,
Events should end once they have gone,
Yet the human mind is a queer machine,
Sometimes kind but often mean,
It drags things back from the beyond
To make you relive and dwell upon
The unpleasant things you’ve undergone.
It’s time to wipe the blackboard clean,
But don’t forget.

And this is the strange phenomenon,
To learn our lessons, pro and con,
But not fall into that dark ravine,
To learn the lessons but shun the spleen.
To not forgive would be quite wrong.
But don’t forget.
© 2019 J Cosmo Newbery