Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Harry Potter Trailer!

My sister had this on her blog and I just had to post it on mine too! What a great trailer. I got chills! I know this movie will be great!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Owen is 4 months

Owen turned 4 months old on the 18th. He just had his check-up on the 21st. Here are his measurements:
length: 25.5" (75%)
weight: 16 lb. 6 oz. (75%)

head circ: 42 cm. (above 25%)

Here's the cutie!

Owen loves to suck on his hands, so they're always wet.

Here's the lean during some tummy time. He really wants to roll over.

"I've had enough mom!"

Owen found his toes about 2 weeks ago. The left hand plays with the left foot. The right hand and foot haven't joined in the fun yet---maybe soon.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

New Twilight Trailer

'Twilight' Teaser Trailer No. 2 @ Yahoo! Video

Click on this black box above and watch this awesome new Twilight trailer. It's so much better than the last. Who wants to go to this movie with me? Aren't you so excited!?

Sunday, July 13, 2008


1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn’t matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It’s actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I’ll assume you’re playing the game and I’ll come to your blog and leave one about you.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

2.2 lbs!

I'm so excited! I lost 2.2 lbs this week. If only every week could be so wonderful. I've been losing an average of about half a pound a week. That's good, but frustrating when you are trying to lose another 20+ pounds. I love to get my hair cut. So to motivate myself a little I decided that I couldn't get my hair done until I lost 15 of those 20 pounds. I have to get within 5 pounds of my goal weight. When you are only losing half a pound a week, that will take about 30 weeks to lose 15 pounds. That's a long time. So a week like this week (losing 2 lbs) is reassuring. I can do this!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Real Men Dance and Sit in Pink!

We love So You Think You Can Dance. Benson likes it too. He's a pretty good dancer. Real Men Dance. Side note: Ignore the last few seconds of this video (his naughty side comes out).

Real Men Sit in Pink. I wanted to try one of these Bumbo seats for Owen. I didn't want to buy one if he didn't like it. I borrowed one from my wonderful neighbor, Courtney. She had a girl, so it's pink. Owen is starting to like it more, but he won't sit in it too long.
This video gives you an idea of what a cute dad Jeff is.

Stop Right Now!

As soon as you're done reading my blog --- go grab your camera to take some pictures. Just do it, and no cheating.

1 - Toilet - The seat was actually down when I went to take this picture. Good job Jeff!

2 - Laundry - I hate folding the laundry. I usually just dump it on my unmade bed (sometimes it's made). Jeff helps fold and put them away many times.

3 - Kitchen Sink - Not too many dishes to put away today. I got caught on a pretty good day.

4 - Closet - I like to color coordinate my shirts. It's easier to find what I want---but I never want to wear anything I have.

5 - Refrigerator - nothing too exciting here.

6 - Favorite Pair of Shoes - my brown and pink Reef flip-flops. So comfy and they even have a bottle opener on the bottom. Ya know, for those times we're on the beach with our beers. Hee!

7 - Favorite Room - Our Family Room. We love to just hang out together in here. And Jeff loves his huge TV. Lots of fun toys everywhere.

8 - What your Children are doing right now - Owen is stuck in this Bumbo seat while I'm blogging and Benson is sleeping. I wasn't going to take a picture of him sleeping. He can be a very light sleeper. I enjoy his naps.

I tag anyone who has a camera. It's easy---just do it.

Thursday, July 3, 2008


This post may make some of you question my priorities. Ok, I confess---they may be a little mixed up sometimes. So, here's the deal. Yesterday (July 2nd) was our 4th Anniversary. YEAH! Jeff said it was my turn to plan what we were doing, so I did. We ate at Maddox and then stayed the night at a little Bed & Breakfast called the Providence Inn on Tuesday night (July 1st). It's in Providence---just outside Logan. It was a cute little B&B. I would definitely stay there again. Here are some pictures of our room.

My wonderful Mom & Dad watched the boys in Brigh
am while we stayed the night there. I'm nursing Owen, so I had to pump a few times--which isn't fun. That's why we only stayed one night. I wanted to go somewhere near Logan because we were married in the Logan Temple. We went to do an endowment session Wednesday morning. We were actually in doing the session at the same time that we were married---and we were the witness couple during the session. It was really neat.
We headed back to Brigham so I could feed Owen before we saw a movie. We went to see the new movie Hancock. We thought it was good, but I could've waited for it to come out on video.

So, you're probably wondering why my priorities are a little mixed up. Well, last night--the night of our actual anniversary---I went to a Twilight party. Jeff was so wonderful to let me go. He stayed home with the kids and I got to go hang out with a bunch of grown women that are crazy about the Twilight books. It was so fun! We played a trivia game, talked about our predictions for the next book, ate lots of food, and just had a blast! Jeff was so great about it, but he said it was because if he forgets our anniversary someday, he'll just play his "Twilight card." I told him I was fine with that. Here are some pictures of the party.

{Just hanging out at the party}

{Yummy food - I brought Black-Eyed Pea Salsa and some chips. Cuz you know a Vampire's eyes turn Black when they are hungry! My sister, Dana, came up with that idea for me. I can't take the creative credit.}

{Me and Melanie - We have glitter spray on our face, but you can't really see it. Why are we wearing glitter you ask---real vampires sparkle!}

{We played Twilight Trivia - This is Judy. She is the one who planned this awesome party.}

{This is my Twilight Trivia Team. We totally rocked it! Our team got 8000 points. The other teams got 4400 and 2600 points. We smoked 'em. We even got some cool Twilight key chains for winning.}

{Judy and I wearing our "Team Edward" shirts. My iron-on didn't quite work out they way it should have. It's supposed to be red writing, like Judy's. I don't know if I ironed it too long, or not long enough. It was falling off, so I just peeled it off when I got home. Bummer.}

{We wanted to get a group shot, but half the people had already gone home. So here are some of us.}

We are all so excited for the next book to come out---in less than a month.
I just want to thank my wonderful husband. I'm so happy that I married you 4 years ago. You are so kind, loving, understanding, giving, hard-working---I could go on and on. Love you!