Tuesday, May 27, 2008


I took the boys to the doctor today. Benson went in for his 2 year check-up and Owen had his 2 month check-up. When I set up the appointment I thought it would be a great idea to just do them both at the same time. Then I thought about it more......and realized it could be very difficult. You have to help hold down the child that is getting shots. I was worried Benson would be a terror and take off or get into things. It actually went really well. Benson was pretty good. The nurse actually said she thought he was one of the best 2 year-olds she's ever seen. I told her to come to my house sometime. For some reason Benson is always really good when he goes to the doctor. Benson just had to get one shot. He cried for just a minute and then he was ready to play with the light switch again. He didn't even care to keep his Thomas the Train band aid on (and he loves Thomas). I think he thought the band aid was making it hurt more.
Here are Benson's measurements:
Length: 35 inches
(above 50%)
Weight: 29.6 lbs. (above 50%)
Head Circ: 49.25 cm (above 50%)

Here's a picture of Benson playing with his Trains that he got from Grandma Bean for his Birthday. He loves it!

Owen had to get 4 shots. Plus I had them give him the first anti-Rotavirus dose. He'll get another one at 4 months and 6 months. I had Benson take this when he was a baby too and he never got the Rotavirus. We were so grat
eful! His cousin, Garrett, got it and it was really bad. I know many other kids have gotten it too. I don't want to go through that. They throw-up and get diarrhea that lasts many days. Not pleasant. Owen Cried after getting his shots, but soon fell asleep. I gave both of the boys some tylenol before so that it would work when they got their shots (I know---I'm so smart).
Here are Owen's measurements:
Length: 23.5 inches (above 50%)
Weight: 13 lb. 14 oz. (90%)
Head Circ: 40 cm (above 25%)
Doctor Johnson said he is definitely thriving. He is a great baby. He goes 8-9 hours between feedings at night. Which is a miracle to me since Benson went every 2-3 hours forever! I'm a firm believer in

Here is a video of Benson holding Owen. This is what typically happens when Benson wants to hold him (which he doesn't get to do very much--obviously).

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Cook it up!

Well, David Cook is our new American Idol. I guessed that it would be Archuleta, but I was wrong. I agreed with Simon when he said that he would be happy if either David won. But my jaw did drop in a moment of shock when it happened. I'll be honest---I didn't call and vote for either one (because I was fine with either one of them winning). I do like David Cook and will probably even buy his CD (or download it from itunes).

My sister Jena has (yet again) said that she'll never watch American Idol again. She does NOT like David Cook. Love ya JENA! It drives her crazy how he screams that high pitch note at the end of many songs. Here's a picture of what he looks like when he does it. I'm sure it's familiar to you.

Another good thing that came from David Cook doing American Idol is that he looks a lot better. Don't ya think?



Wednesday, May 21, 2008

David or David?

Anyone who knows me knows that I love American Idol. The finale is tonight (if you didn't know--you must live in a hole). I really like both Davids, but I'm guessin' that David A. is going to take the cake. That'll be awesome to have our homeboy from Utah win it.

I really enjoy my TV shows. They are all ending this week, or they already ended last week. Here are the shows that Jeff and I love to watch:
CSI (Vegas---baby!)
Grey's Anatomy
The Office

Some of just my favs:
American Idol
The Hills

Some of just Jeff's favs:
Without a Trace
Orange County Choppers

There are not many good shows on during the summer, but we are looking forward to So You Think You Can Dance. I love it. I wish I could move like those people. WOW!

These pictures did not come out as clearly as I hoped. I don't know how to fix it. OH well!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Attention all TWILIGHT fans!!!

Here's the teaser trailer for TWILIGHT. It's good, but what a tease! You may need to hit pause on my music player---it is now at the bottom.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Birthday & a Blessing

We've had a very eventful week. Saturday, May 3rd was Benson's 2nd Birthday. He still isn't into unwrapping the gifts, but he likes what is inside. Benson was so tired by the time we got to doing the cake and gifts, so we saved some of the gifts for Sunday after Owen's Blessing.

Blow out the candle!

The classic Birthday cake squash!

A cool musical card from Grandma Bean.

Cake on Sunday with all the family over for Owen's blessing.

I love my new bike!

Owen's Baby Blessing went really well. Jeff gave a beautiful blessing and I even shared my testimony in Sacrament meeting (which is a rare occasion in itself). I found a cute blessing outfit the day before for $29. Anyone who has blessed a baby knows how expensive the outfits are. I couldn't find one I liked that was cheaper than $40, until I found the one we bought.

Our family after the blessing (on our porch).

My sweet Aunts...Dana, Jena, and Julie.

We love baby Owen!

Grandma Bean and Owen

Grandma and Grandpa Gunther

Jena turns 24

My little sister, Jena, turned 24 on Tuesday (May 6th). I've been a little slow with the blogging lately. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JENA! I hope you had a good day. Here a few funny pictures I have of Jena and her hubby Chris.

Jena loves Halloween. She puts together a party for us every year. We love it!

Wait, I'm getting ready for the picture.

Waiting for our food at the Rain Forest Cafe in Vegas.

Waiting for our dinner in Sun Valley.

I can't quite remember what Jena was trying to do here...