Thursday, October 18, 2012

New Blog...

So, I had to create a new blog because I ran out of space on this blog(out of storage or something like that.) So, I will just pick up where this blog ends on my new blog.

The address is

Hope to see you there!

Sunday, September 30, 2012


Cole put himself to bed again, only this time on the rug in the kitchen. He was driving his car around that is still clutched in his hand, and just fell asleep. Silly, silly boy. Gotta love bedtime.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Tired Cole...

Cole fell asleep in motion again. This is what he does if he doesn't get a nap. I got Gracie down for a nap to, and Justin took Jace to the BYU football game, so I should have a few peaceful hours to myself!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Yellowstone Day 6...Driving Home...

We left West Yellowstone today around noon. We made quite a few stops and made it home around 8:30 tonight. These pictures are in Idaho around beautiful!

Gotta love following a big potato truck!

We stopped at the Warm River to feed the fish! The kids loved it, and the fish are huge! The adults loved it too!

A fish eating some of the bread we were throwing.

Gotta love Gracie's face in this picture.

Of course the kids had to put their feet in the water for a little bit! What a fun trip!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Yellowstone Day 5...Lamar Valley...

Today we headed out to Lamar Valley, which is a long drive from where we are staying. They also have a road closed, so we had to go the long way. Luckily the kids took a good nap, but Jace did start to say, "What is taking so long?, and this is so annoying."

On our way through Mammoth.

We saw a lot of pronghorn...

...and a ton of buffalo...I mean a ton!

One guy tried to tell us that this was a we waited for it to come out...

There you have it...a big bad coyote!

He loved strolling down the road too!

Cole with Thomas the Train.

Mommy and Gracie

Some buffalo looking like they wanted to charge us.

Cole getting a shoulder ride from daddy in the rain to take a closer look at the river.

Traffic stop for some more buffalo. We did see some wolves though...way out in a field with our binoculars. There were 8 of was exciting, even though they looked like bunny rabbits in the binoculars. :)

An elk bugling in Mammoth on our way home.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Yellowstone Day 4...Lower and Upper Falls, Hayden Valley, Sulphur Caldron and Mud Volcano...

After the men got back from fishing we headed out to see the Lower and Upper Falls. You always know there is wildlife when you see this!

The elk.

It started to downpour, and these 2 doe elk just stood in the river like it was no big deal.


Our hike to the falls.

Sweet Gracie

The Falls

More strolling and hiking along.

Beautiful raven

Jace's first view of the falls.

Simply magnificent

Justin didn't wanted to get Cole out of the stroller.

Seriously Justin, let the kid out of the stroller to see the falls! Don't worry, I let him out! :)

Our family with the falls!

Our friends the Garrett's.

Jace loved getting shoulder rides from daddy and wearing his funny hat!

My favorite!

When we got to Hayden Valley to see Sulphur Caldron and the Mud Volcano, it started to rain, so we all got bundled up. Doesn't Gracie look so stinking cute!?!

Sulphur stinky!

Mud Volcano...
  Later tonight when I asked Jace what his favorite part was about today, he said the Mud Volcano! He couldn't get enough!

Yellowstone Day 4...A Train and a Park...

This morning instead of going swimming we decided to take a stroll down town and head to a park to let the kids play while the daddy's were fishing. We found a nice train on the way and my boys were in heaven, especially Cole.

They wanted to touch every square inch of it.

Here Cole is saying, "All Aboard!" 

Jace walking down the train tracks.

Cole walking on the train tracks.

After a few stores we finally made it to the park.

This girl could swing all day if I let her!

It is seriously the cutest thing to see!

Cole playing in the sand with his train. 

Cole loved the swing too! Now it is time to hit up Yellowstone...