Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Thanksgiving #2 - Syracuse, UT

This feast was indoors, and very cozy.
Michael slaved over a hot stove for that was the oven and it must have been over the 5 pumkin pies he baked! He also made some of the best choc/butterscotch mousse pies that I have ever tasted. We had fun hanging up Christmas lights, attending the Nativity Festival, watching Mike and Allisha sing in the choir, hanging out and playing on the computer, and playing games till all hours of the morning!!! We had a great time, and can't wait for next year!!!!

Thanksgiving #1 - Las Vegas

So we celebrated Thanksgiving the same number of times that Santa checks his list!!! (twice, remember.....) Anyway, the first was nice and toasty and outdoors in Vegas at my parents house! We ate lots and visited lots and had a grand time with some of the Harris family, and some of the Hansen side, too. It was great!!

Savannah's choir concert

This year they did some cute Thanksgiving songs. She really enjoys choir.

Just a little behind....

I am going to do my best to update everyone in one message, about the Price family's most recent adventures.......
October was semi-uneventful until Halloween weekend when we ventured into "twin-territory". (We took a trip to Colorado to see my brother and his girls.) We spent our time playing at the park, soaking up the beautiful CO sunshine. The weather was gorgeous and not too cold for trick-or-treating. Here are a couple of pics of the kids dressed up.Jackson was Darth Vader, Riley was "Christine" from Phantom of the Opera, Savannah was a glamour witch, and Zane was one of the cutest chickens I have ever seen!!

Here is the whole group with Adalie as "Tigger", Akira as a little Devil (which she definitey is NOT), and Audrie as a sweet little strawberry!

November began (fairly normally), and then Jarrod had a gall bladder attack, and went into the emergency room. There (before they diagnosed the Gall stones) they ran an EKG to make sure that he wasn't having a heart attack.....thank goodness he wasn't! Then they did a CAT scan and discovered the stones. After a small (but fierce) battle with our insurance, Jarrod headed into surgery and had his Gall bladder removed. Here is a good pic of the after math. I hope he doesn't kill me for this one.... ;)

AND, Riley got all her long hair chopped off.......We love it!!