Friday, November 21, 2008

Crazy 8's

Crazy 8's
Jen Lords tagged me with this.

Here goes...

8 Things I'm Looking Forward to:

-Christmas shopping this weekend with my mom
-Thanksgiving at my sis-in-laws house
-Twilight movie
-cooler weather
-then warmer weather
-looking better in my bathing suit
-spending eternity with my husband and family

8 Things on my Wish List:

-cute, SMALLER, new jeans
-new perfume
-to get to visit more of my friends and family this next year
-Disneyland with the kids
-Zanes adoption finalized
-more money $$$$$$
-to be debt free

8 TV Shows I like to watch:

-All My Children
-One Life to Live
-Don't Forget the Lyrics
-American idol
-Ace of Cakes
-Good Eats
-How It's Made

8 Things that Happened Yesterday :

-I babysat Koby
-I took my kids to school
-I finished New Moon from the Twilight series
-I talked to my friend Jordan (from Chicago)
-I went to Walmart to buy the rest of the Twilight series books
-I ate pizza and then pumpkin pie - I know, GREAT for my diet, but I don't splurge very often!!!
-I talked to my kids about why we celebrate Thanksgiving
-I talked my mom and dad into running to Costco just to see if they had the new protein bars that I want

8 People I am Tagging:

Anyone that feels compelled to!!! ;)


Here are the rules:
1. Link to the person that tagged you:
2. Post the rules on your blog
3. Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself
4. Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs
5. Let each random person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website.
6. Let your tagged peeps know once your entry is UP.

Six non-important things about me:

1. I watch daytime soaps - AMC and OLTL everyday (that I can) In general - I watch wayyyy to much TV....

2. I have become recently OBSESSED with the Twilight Series - I know, a little behind everyone else, but I am secretly wishing that (1) I was Bella, or (2) my husband was really a dangerous vampire!! :) AND, I cannot wait to see the movie.

3. I wish that I was better about making my kids birthdays (and other Holidays) a bigger deal.

4. I have lost 26 lbs in the past 2.5 months, and feel so much better than I did even a month ago. I never thought that I would be able to lose any - I just kept seeing the scale go UP!!! YAY ME!!

5. I can't cry in front of people. This only concerns me when there is a situation that I should be crying - IE: testimony meeting, funerals, that sort of thing. Even though I feel sad, I can't really cry in front of anyone - only my family has seen me REALLY cry.

6. I hate to mop my floor. I don't mind doing all the other cleaning, but I hate to mop. However, this is NOT to say that if you drop in on me my house is clean - it probably will not be!! :)

I am just adding a note: I had a hard time with this, because I can't think of anything about me that you (or anyone else) would really like to know. I hope that you get a laugh or two..... :)

I tag Sherrie, Angelina, Janeece, Carrie, Christa, Jen Lords, Jen Cheney (Everyone that I know that has a blog - besides Amy ;))

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Twins visit!!!!

My brother and his girls came for a visit this past weekend, and it was so fun to see them. Those little girls are growing up so fast, and are changing so much. They kept us entertained the whole time they were here!!! :) Here they are with my mom "Nana".

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Spiderman, or monkey boy??......

This past weekend while we were in Henderson at my parents house, Jackson decided that he wanted to start climbing the walls - LITERALLY! He got up there about 500+ times over the course of the weekend, and at one point was even hiding up there from his sisters and the little dog (Roxy) chasing him!!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Nellis Air Show

We spent the majority of our Saturday at the Nellis Airforce Base at the air show there. Now, this was a first for all of us, and it was fantastic! We had a great time, and LOVED seeing all the cool stuff that these pilots can do in these aircrafts. They are AMAZING!! The best moment was when the Raptor flew by and "flashed" us. :) (He flew by and opened the doors on the bottom of the aircraft that hold the bombs.) Jarrod got the coolest pic of that!! I will enclose some pics, of course!!! :) The group pic of us was in this HUGE (HUGE!!!) C5. This is used to transport tanks and stuff like that - it was enormous!! There are some pics of some of the planes, and then one of the kids on this jacked up truck that was there, that the military claims is used for "military purposes", but I secretly think that it is for them to crush cars with!! ;)

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

So now what.......

Well, it seems that we have a new President. Yipee.....(can you sense my excitement) NOT!!!! What is going to come of Obama?? What is going to happen to our wonderful country?? I know we are going to have to wait and see. I, myself am going to try to make the most of it. I am going to try to make this the last time I make a complaint about the election results, although I had hoped for a better outcome. We are all in this together, and we will look to our church leaders for guidance!! Let's move forward with faith!!!

Sunday, November 2, 2008


Hey, one more thing before I go......on Tuesday if you didn't vote early - GO VOTE!! Make your voice heard!! I stood in line for early voting, and it wasn't very long, and it didn't even hurt!! ;) No, seriously - if you need to drop your kids off, I will watch them while you go. Just GO and VOTE!!!!!!!!!

It's getting to be my favorite time of the year!!!

I love the start of the Holiday Season. Halloween is over - not my most favorite holiday, but fun for the kids. I must say that I am thankful for those who watch out for my kids as I do - "those" being people such as the elementary school (staff) and ward members who don't want the kids wearing scary masks and bringing the vile things of the devil to halloween. I love dressing the kids up, and seeing all the other kids dressed up. I know imaginations stir this time of year, but I appreciate the "lighter" side - at least for the sake of my kids!! Enough about that.....

November brings lots of new adventures. We will be traveling to No. Utah for Thanksgiving, and I am excited, other than the fact that there is a STRONG chance for horrible traveling weather. Snow is one of the only things that makes me want to stay home!!!!! Jarrod's birthday is in Nov, as well as my younger brothers. It is great, because it means that I am not the only one getting older. I love the changes in the air that fall brings, even though it is minute here in Mesquite. Let's not forget the biggest and best shopping day of the year......One of my favorite post-Thanksgiving traditions is to visit the craft fairs the day after Thanksgiving. My mom and I and her sisters try to go every year. I love that!!

I have a lot to be Thankful for. I have a wonderful family and (just as) wonderful friends here in Mesquite. I have a strong testimony of Jesus Christ and that he lives. I strive to pass that on to my lovely kids. I have a nice home and food to eat every day, and once a week, I get to do one of my favorite things in the whole world - play softball (Thanks to Jarred Noel!!) :)