Thursday, October 7, 2010

Memphis Zoo

Our trip to the Zoo was really COOL!! Actually it was REALLY hot and humid outside, but that didn't stop any of us from having a good time! We walked around the Zoo for over 5 hours. The kids got their faces painted, early on, and you can imagine how that ended up....especially for Zane. The Zoo had some really neat animals, and since I had been there in 1995, they had re-done it all. When we walked in I didn't even remember any of it, and then later learned that it had all been re-done. It was amazing! It was also my Birthday! :)

Zane, if you don't behave yourself, that lion will eat you for dinner ;)

Kids got their faces painted

He wanted his belly scratched...

The Pandas were the Zoo's newest addition.  They were really cool!

You can see the paint starting to come off....

Get out of my ZOO!!!  :)

Memphis/Mississippi Trip - Summer 2010

So in July we traveled far and wide! We drove through Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and finally into Memphis, TN and then on down to Olive Branch, Mississippi! WHEW!!! It is long just talking about it....try driving it. :) Really the trip there was very nice. We had a wonderful time with family that we haven't seen in a very long time, and most of them my kids hadn't even met. We also got to meet new additions to the family. It was great! We went for my Aunt Jodie's 80th birthday party. And while we were there, I had a birthday too! For mine, I went to the ZOO!! (pics of that to come in another post!) Then the kids decorated ice cream cone cupcakes for me! We spent many hours playing cards and visiting and laughing. Vickie made so much yummy food, and we ate wayyyyy more than any one person should. We went to the Memphis Zoo, Graceland, and Mudd Island. We also had yummy catfish and hushpuppies. There was so much to do, and just not enough time, of course!

Card Playin' Time!

Our destination!!  Nail Rd., Mississippi

Grandpa's showing us a card trick!

Lee (JR.), so sweetly gave up his room and his whole upstairs retreat, for us, and we were so thankful! It was so nice!!! 

Riley and Cela!

Charlie's Angels...A.K.A. Malia, Riley, and Cela

Zane and Cela

Cela and Twinkle Star...that was my new name! :)

As you can see, Cela was quite fun! She brought us MANY laughs!!

Jackson giving Aunt Jodie an early Birthday squeeze!!

Grandpa and big sis and Theresa

Robert, Ashlee, and Lila - amongst the spectators!  The kids started tumbling across the living room floor.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Who's the worst blogger in the world.....YOU guessed it!

Wow - I think I win the prize for the BIGGEST Slacker! I must just put a sidenote here and say that this is really the way my journal is, too! So maybe, I am right in sync with myself! :) Well, we have been busy, and crazy, and having more fun than I can say (most days). I will try to catch up all the summer fun and get everyone up to date. (((Okay, not really.))) I will try to make some other posts with pics from some of our adventures - you guessed it...later! Right now, here are a few updated pics of the kids - first day of school, etc... (I know it was over a month ago...silly!)

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Part of our family - RIP Missy -

Last night we had a tragedy. Our dear companion and beloved pet Missy passed away. Yesterday afternoon, Jarrod decided to take Missy and Roxy for a run. He said that to begin with things were kinda weird anyway, but th bottom line was that she charged his tires, and there was nothing he could do. He ran her over, and said he knew at that moment it was bad. He tried to get her into the vet here, but had to end up driving (racing) over to St. George, and on the way there, she passed. Our kids, and the sweet little neighbor kids were devastated to say the least! My heart is so sad, and I know time heals, but we will surely miss that pooch! She was such a good girl. RIP Missy! We love you!

Friday, January 22, 2010

New post....

Ok, I'll get to it when I have more pics! I know I am lame with a capital L, I promise that I haven't forgotten.

So far this year we have been good. Savannah came home today and told me that she is the only kid in her class that can read over 200 (209) words a minute. We are very proud of her. Jackson has been wrestling with the youth Bulldog team. He enjoyed it alot at first, but hasn't had much success in his matches, and is getting very discouraged. He is sticking with it, though, and we are proud of him for that. Riley was able to go to Disney on Ice with her nana and papa for her (early) 5th birthday. Her birthday is the 28th. And Zane, well....lets just say that he is being good at the moment....he is sound asleep!! ;) Jut kidding - that little boy is full of "it", and constantly keeps us entertained. He will need to be in wrestling as soon as he is of age...he has lots of energy to burn! And as for Jarrod and I - he works at a Power Plant, and I work all the rest of the time. I am patiently - ok, not really- waiting for softball to start in a few more weeks. I have also picked up running, and have worked my way up to 2 miles without stopping - I hope to keep going and going and going and going.........It has done wonders for my frustration release!! :)

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Thanksgiving #2 - Syracuse, UT

This feast was indoors, and very cozy.
Michael slaved over a hot stove for that was the oven and it must have been over the 5 pumkin pies he baked! He also made some of the best choc/butterscotch mousse pies that I have ever tasted. We had fun hanging up Christmas lights, attending the Nativity Festival, watching Mike and Allisha sing in the choir, hanging out and playing on the computer, and playing games till all hours of the morning!!! We had a great time, and can't wait for next year!!!!