Sunday, February 15, 2009

LOVE is in the air...

St. Valentine's Day
was a fun one this year. It is always a fun excuse to acknowledge the love you share with those around you!
We all slept in until around 10:30 (in our bed...SO nice). Then Jonny suprised Brynnee with the beautiful flowers, Brynne suprised Jon with a movie and Axe spray, and Cade got a cookie in a tin that said "I love you" from Mommy and Daddy. Jay would have gotten one too, but he can't eat cookies. :) They also got a cute Valentine from the Larson boy cousins in Kansas City, MO.

Can you feel the love?
Later that evening we adults got to get away with some friends from our ward and have some good Mexican food at Azteca...
(below LtoR: Tevis and Katie Hull and Sara and Tim Bastedo)
(LtoR: Glen and Shawn Chamberlain (thier outfits were hilarious) and Amy and Kirk Holding. Tim and Lizzy Gatten showed up later.)
Then we got to go to a super-fun adult stake dance!! We danced the night away to a live band and had some yummy treats.
It feels great to be surrounded by so much love.
Happy V-day!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Bleeding BLUE

Utah State University vs. University of Idaho
It has become our little family tradition to drive down to Moscow, ID when UofI is playing our alma mater, the AGGIES!!
Although it is nothing like a homegame where the stands are PACKED and everyone sings the fight song, it feels good to be one of a few wearing blue...
especially since we have beat them every time. :)

We all wear our aggie attire (even Jay who had a shirt reading "my mom and Dad are true aggies" which Cade wore 2 years ago also) and Cade was into every minute of it! Except for when the Vandal mascot came by and scared him. He kept tabs on where he was the rest of the game!

It was actually a good game to watch this time but our Ag's pulled it out in the end 62-53. This made it their 19th win in a row and they are ranked 17th in the nation right now!!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Our future model(s)...

I decided to take my own newborn photo shoot (4 week) of Jay, and they turned out great. I was able to capture our little "Jay bud". He is such a beautiful baby.

I threw Cade in there at the end and I LOVED these brother pictures:

Looking at these pictures makes me really appreciate these two lives I have been blessed with to mother. I really can't imagine my life without them now. The first week of Jay's life was very challenging for me (getting used to a two year old AND a baby), but after tears of frustration and the support of Jon, I realized how incredibly blessed I am to be in this situation and how much I loved each of them. I very humbly thanked my Heavenly Father at Cade's bedside for giving me these amazing boys.

Things have looked nothing but up since then. I still pray for increased patience and I am continually learning. Every day has been an adventure and I'm sure it will continue to be! These two are SO much fun! I hope they grow to be the strong men I want them to be...and that they are great friends.

I love you Cade and Jay!

Always another project.

My (Brynne's) cute Mom is always doing something for her grandkids. One thing she does is for the oldest kid in each family. She lets you pick out a kid's table and two chairs at an all-wood furniture store and then she finishes it however you want. Well, I chose to do it this antiqued white color. Little did we know it was, like, a 12 step process to get the look! No kidding! So we did it together and it took 3 days at her house to finish it. It turned out great!

This is the finished project in Cade's room. He helped me put it together today and he loves it! Now I just want to get a magnet board to put right in front of it where he can hang all his pictures he colors, etc. Later Jay can color at it with him!
Thanks Nana!

Saturday, February 7, 2009


Jon says that Jay is going to be "dangerous for the ladies" because he is so goodlooking,
has great hair:

And always has this look plastered on his face:

Who wouldn't want to kiss that??!