Wednesday, November 28, 2012

New Blog

So long first blog.

My picture memory is full, and I refuse to have a monthly blogging payment to keep adding to you. 

You will still be around, for reminiscing purposes.

To continue following our family to date, please visit:

Thursday, November 15, 2012

EYE Love You

Cade had eye surgery this morning. 
(To see previous posts about his eye condition, click here)
Once again, he was such a trooper.
He woke up, had to take a shower, NOT do his hair (that's tough), and NOT eat or drink anything (even more tough... but a good lesson on future fasting) received a blessing from his dad, and left for Sacred Heart Children's Hospital.
He is a major Daddy's boy, and seeing as his dad has been gone a lot lately, he wanted to take him. (So, of course this Mama was at home trying to stay busy and keep from freaking out!) 
Here are some pics of Cade PRE SURGERY:

They let him bring his bedtime buddy, Koda. :)

Here he is all prepped and waiting for Doctor Nye. He got to color and play batman on DS. 
He said, "Dad, this is like on UP when the wife gets really old and dies."(Being in the hospital bed. ;))

Waiting for him to wake up.
When Jonny sent me this one it made my heart want to burst out of my chest with love for this guy. He is SUCH a good boy. I am amazed by him, and his continual bravery.

Still waking up. Apple juice and fishy crackers. :)

Meanwhile, Jay boy was at home with me (and Tyce) and proceeded to help me make a sign, pick out movies and buy medicine for Cade. He could not wait for him to get home. It's so fun to see their love for each other. Come to find out, Cade had also colored a picture for Jay in the hospital. :) Warms my heart.

The surgery went perfectly. We are so grateful. We want to thank everyone who prayed for Cade and sent nice notes.
His eye will be very bloodshot and have blood tinged tears, etc. for 1-2 weeks. He will need Tylenol and eye drops for a couple of days. 8/10 kids are good to go permanently, but there is still a chance that we might have to do this again in the future. 
Now he is lying on the couch, eating fresh baked cookies and watching avengers. :)
Here's to a speedy recovery over TG break!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Old McDonald

Jay-Jay had a preschool field trip to a family farm.
He got to see and feed lots of animals including chickens, cats, a cow, and horses. 

This blows Old McDonald's farm out of the water. ;)

Ride 'em Jay Boy!

Friday, November 9, 2012

God Bless America

Obama was re-elected as President of the United States. I cannot even begin to describe how shocking this has been for us.

Not only did we neglect to elect one of the best candidates we have been offered to date, but we chose someone who has taken us into trillions of dollars of national debt (more than many presidents combined... and he did it in one term), has made sketchy military decisions, has not helped unemployment, and who has implemented Obamacare, which is basically inching us towards socialism.

In the words of my amazing sister-in-law Sherry:

 "It is unfortunate that the majority of Obama’s voters do not understand the economic impact of socialism. Another Obama presidential term equates to a sluggish economy, increased inflation, continued unemployment, governmental bankruptcy, federal medical mandates and higher taxes. Do you prefer freedom or equality? America chose socio/economic equality. I would rather be free."

... and the ever-wise Howard W. Hunter (a leader in our church):

I will not bash this country. I and my children have lived a life where we can choose for ourselves and have never had to go without. We are so blessed to live in America. I am just frustrated with the trends of our country right now.

With that, we are making plans to do all that is in our power to do... and that is, be prepared for whatever may come and continue to pray for the future of our country. 

"Tumultuous times ahead."
-LDS church press release

Welcome Mr. Winter

Today was the first snow! The boys played in it for almost two hours... then requested hot chocolate. :)

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Political Propaganda, and a Cute Cade.

Tuesday is the big day.
This nation will have the choice between these two men.

The choice is obvious to me, but it's not to everyone.
After numerous debates, documentaries, articles, interviews, etc. etc. etc., it has been flooding my mind.
This is a HUGE moment.
For our country, for our families, and for the future of our children.

I didn't find it ironic at all that Cade, out of the blue in the car the other day, 
said this:

"Mom, when I say the pledge of allegiance at school, it gives me a warm feeling it my heart."

Isn't that how it should be?
The future leaders of our country and our church are in these children.
I hope and pray we will make the right choice in this moment.


We had a fun and safe Halloween with
Our little band of SUPERHEROS!!
And let me tell you, we had them pumping weights for MONTHS to prepare for these costumes!

Jay (aka Superman)

Cade (aka Wolverine)

Tyce (aka Captain America)

Here are our pumpkins carved. Jay's spidey pumpkin:

Cade's wolverine on the right (starting to rot) and Tyce's jack-o-lantern by the door. :)

 Over the weekend my sister Cassie's and my husband were both away... and you know what they say! While the husbands are away the girls will play! ;)
This was our costume for a couple's party.

 From 20 year olds to 80 year olds. ;)

Another great Halloween!