Monday, September 15, 2008

My NYC Kids

A vacant building in our "hood" just got hit w/graffiti. I thought it would make a nice backdrop for a shoot.

1st day of K. for A./1st day of Pre-K for E.

"I cannot go to school today" Said little Peggy Ann McKay. "I have the measles and the mumps, A gash, a rash and purple bumps. My mouth is wet, my throat is dry. I'm going blind in my right eye. My tonsils are as big as rocks, I've counted sixteen chicken pox.
And there's one more that's seventeen, And don't you think my face looks green? My leg is cut, my eyes are blue, It might be the instamatic flu.
etc, ect, ect,
I have a hangnail, and my heart is ... What? What's that? What's that you say? You say today is .............. Saturday?
G'bye, I'm going out to play!"
This was one of my favorite poems growing up (I even memorized it). Needless to say, this is what I hear from A. every morning.

One Year, Two Months, & Twenty-One Days Later...

Swimming Lessons in VA

A&E both got brave this summer and learned to swim under the water. They are proudly displaying their graduation certificates w/suckers in mouth. E. was so tired one day after lessons she laid down on the warm concrete and fell asleep.

The Beach a.k.a. "The NJ Shore"

Beach combing is one of our favorite things to do.

Summer 2008

Hershey Park
Fishing w/Grandpa
Making Friends w/the Goats

The Flower Garden w/Grandma

Hiking the Application Trail

Close Shave

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Silver Lime

One of my very best girl friends (and college roomy) just started this company. She makes hand-stamped jewelry. I just had her make a necklace with Ayden and Emelia's name on it for me. It turned out so very cute and the kids love having their names around my neck.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The Countryside


When asked what I liked most about Romania my reply, "the people." Here are some favorites...

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Humpbacks & Kayaks

We went out three times. Once on the Big Island and twice on Maui. We saw whales each time. As seen here the whales got pretty close. I'm still amazed how large these amazing mammals are. As Ayden says, "Mom I'm "into" Pirates, your "into" whales." I will always "Love Me Whales!"

Ocean Shots

Sunday, March 23, 2008