September 30, 2009


when he sleeps, I smile (and stare!),
when I'm on the computer, he's on my lap,
when he's eating, I stare (yet again!),
when he's laughing, I'm laughing,
when he's crying, I'm soothing,
when he's fussy, I'm rockin'!
I love him.

caught my breath

While I was driving home from errands today, I was asking myself why I haven't been posting much..

my answer: because the beauty in my life is focused more on one little person than everything around me. Thinking as much, I opened my eyes a little wider and took this in. My breath caught in my chest and I pulled over with my hazards on. I stuck my camera out the window and snapped a couple shots of this cloud-shrouded mountain.
Opening their eyes just a little wider might be all someone needs to be inspired just a little more.

September 26, 2009


Before Mark headed out on his short trip on Sunday, he checked the weather. It is supposed to snow soon, and in case it snowed while he was away, he didn't want to wait for the possibility of wind. He raked up the leaves (as many as he could!) so the snow wouldn't turn them into a mushy mess. I love my husband! Many times I ask him what he's thinking about when he's so quiet and its often things like this: projects, tasks, work, and fun. Always thinking ahead.

September 25, 2009

Reeder's Digest

This week in gathered pictures:

Mark can get some smiles out of Mont.. and I can get some on camera:
all set and bundled up for church!
my handsome husband getting some burps out of our little handsome boy:
uh oh, he burped:
and he didn't like it!!
at 7:00 am one morning, there were three very bright stars
(notice how dark it's already getting??):
the next couple of days brought low clouds,
and "Termination Dust" turned into..
that night, wind blew many leaves off the trees,
and onto our still-summery, green-green grass:
but before the sun set, Mark saw this off our deck:
One day this week, I took a picture of Mont,
talking to his dear friend, Mr. Wall:
After his little chokity-choke,
he was still a little pale,
but he was still dang cute.
Featuring, The Yawn:

step 1. Open Wide!
step 2. stretch!
step 3. look like a mouse. yawn complete
...did you notice Buckwheat's sly moves through the frame?

oh ya. step 4. cuddle with mom:
and step 5. get some love:
Here's my Christmas Quilt I'm working on.
Giant candy canes go on next:

i will

I will blog tomorrow,

but tonight I will jot down some thoughts:
- Mark got me an iphone 3GS so I won't forget things :)
- I sewed almost an entire quilt top today
- Mont scared me terribly tonight by choking. He is A-OK now,

and better be until he's 110 years old.

- Mark got to bed before 11 pm! SUCCESS!
- Snow is 1/3 of the way down the mountain behind the church's steeple from the last post's picture.

I know.. it moves fast.

- tomorrow there will be some pictures on here.

... tootles.

September 20, 2009

and we're back!

*photographed same day as the new banner

Mont was the most reverent person in all of church; he slept the entire time! People might begin to think I just don't like to hold him because whenever we're out he's in his carseat.
In fact, when we were at a baptism after church, he didn't wake up until half way through. Thankfully there was someone there to take over the piano playing, because he was all sorts of hungry. What a sweet little fellow!

September 18, 2009


Mont is still such a teeny guy, but he's putting on some weight. We're still waiting for him to look like a chub though, because both Mark and myself were pretty chubby babies!
Mark was playing with the camera while I was holding him the other day and even though he's still teeny, his face is developing! His eyes are still a dark grey blue... I'm curious to see what they'll be! So here's some shadow-y black and whites of our little Mont:
laugh-y (this morning I'm pretty sure he laughed at me!):
chubby (should be a dwarf):

September 16, 2009

new banner

...after nearly 2 years of the last one, I thought it was time for a new one. I got so attached to the last one, I didn't think I'd ever change it. But I'm in love with Autumn, and taking this picture on a walk two days ago made me consider turning this into a banner. So ta-da!! Here you go. Something new for Autumn's sake.

Outside the air is at a cool 59*, the wind is whistling under our door, and the yellow leaves are swirling outside our window.

September 14, 2009

it's okay

I'm still in my pj's and slippers...
which means I haven't showered yet...
Mont is sleeping once again, and I'm about to go join him (hence the pjs)...
And Buckwheat is hiding out under the bed,
watching the world where the world can't see him...
and it's all okay.

September 13, 2009

who else is excited?

...because I know Mont sure is. ;)

September 8, 2009

sun spots are only good when...

they light up the side of the mountains:
the 3 mile walk I took Mark on with me yesterday (where I snapped the picture above)
changing days and nights
9 hour flight from Japan
driving home 2 chinese warriors who can't walk... or move
listening to me tell him about my week's adventures and fun
led him to 14 hours of straight sleep (perhaps more... we will see if he passes the 11th morning hour)
... it's good to have him home. :)

September 7, 2009

happy 1 month

to my baby boy
with many funny hats
and many funny faces:

he's just so cute!

September 6, 2009

in sight

While nursing Mr. Mont last night I saw the beautiful moon
through the late summer trees at 3 am:
I saw a cloud above the river at 7 am:
I saw that Buckwheat was awake with the sun and me at 9 am:
At 11:30 am I saw one of Earth's smaller creatures outside my rain-stained window:
Then I noticed this creature doing something I desperately wanted to do...
nap on a soft pillow:
even tired, it's a glorious Sabbath.

September 4, 2009


While my mom was here visiting, she told me about a movie called Walk, Don't Run. What got us talking about this film was Timothy Hutton from the show Leverage. She saw him on a commercial and knew just who his father was because of this movie. We looked it up on Netflix and ordered it, but it said there'd be a wait. It came the last night my mom was here! Perfect!!

This was Cary Grant's last movie before he died, and he still looked handsome as ever. The movie begins with the viewer thinking he has an ulterior motive by being the young woman's roommate, but you quickly find out that he is just a clever matchmaker. It is a very fun movie!

September 3, 2009

mellow yellow

the wild outdoors:
see the yellow up there? every day this week there has been a little more.

no, this isn't yellow, but it's pretty,
so here it is anyhow:
wild snapdragons:
i-don't-know-what-wild-flower flower:
wild daisies:
wild dandelions: (roar!)
yes, a wild leaf:
and Buckwheat's wild friend, Albert the fire hydrant:
what colors are outside your door??