Sunday, December 18, 2011

Could I have some Tobacco with that?

For dinner the other night we made breakfast burritos, and when we were making Bridger's he requested that we put a little tobacco on it.

This is what he had in mind....

He also asks for salt on his cereal....
But he really means sugar.

Silly kid!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Our Sweet Little Baby is Here

Miles Dan

We are so thankful for this sweet little baby in our home.  He is so good and we have loved every minute with him.  I am spoiled...he has slept thru the night the last two nights in a row.  He really is a good little baby, but all of our kids have been really calm, mild babies.  I have been very blessed with that :)

We took some pictures of him today after conference and we got one of him smiling so I just had to share.  It was too cute...and I haven't had a chance to sit down and post about him yet.

His delivery went great.  I recovered from the c-section with no problems.  Which was good, because I had to jump right back into the swing of things with both feet the day I got home with my "little" vinyl business.

I say little...but it has been very busy this last year.  Last month was over whelming with orders, not to mention a new baby.  I am so lucky that my mom retired from her job just in time for me to hire her to work for me.  It has been a huge help and I couldn't do it with out her.  (Thanks Mom!)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

It's Official...Another one is on the way!

So, besides our families and a handful of other people knowing...we thought we would let the rest of you in on our secret.

#6 is on the way!
We are due Sept. 1
 The due date is a few days sooner than I expected, but I don't mind that at all. 

We found out we were pregnant on New Year's Eve, but we didn't go to the doctor until today, so I have been waiting to announce to the world that we were pregnant.

We find out what we are having April 12th...Bridger told me to plan on a girl, and maybe he will get lucky and it will be a boy (I have always planned on it the other way around).  We are good with either a boy or a girl.

So when this baby is born we will have:
3 kids 2 and under:  my thoughts --scary!  Jay's thoughts --what was I thinking
4 kids 4 and under: my thoughts --crazy!  Jay's thoughts --stressful
5 kids 6 and under: my thoughts --still crazy, but Macie is a great help!  Jay's thoughts --help me
6 kids 9 and under: my thoughts --thank goodness for a big brother to help out!  Jay's thoughts --insane
(Do Jay's thoughts just get worse?!...he is a funny guy.)
We really both are very excited, and couldn't be happier.  With our go around of trying to get pregnant we are thrilled that we are able to have another baby.  Now, looking back we both are continually aware that we weren't suppossed to get pregnant for those 5 years because we needed Macie and Emy in our family.  We are so thankful for Heavenly Father's plan and thankful that He continually makes adjustments in our family so we recieve the blessings that He wants for us.  I couldn't imagine my life with out my 5 wonderful kids and I am excited to see what life will be like with another sweet baby in our home.

Monday, December 13, 2010

So Cute!

We just took our family pictures yesterday.
I love, love, love this picture.
I have the best kids ever! I am such a lucky mom!

One day, when my work slows down a bit, I will post some more pictures...
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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Blood Shot

The stomach flu has spread through our family over the last two weeks.  Everyone has had some sort of this flu except me and Jursey...and I plan to keep it that way.
Jay had it the worst.  He threw up so hard that he broke blood vessels in both of his eyes.  Poor guy!  The worst part was, he was home sick with all 5 kids by himself while I was running errands...he truely must know how a stay at home sick mother must feel.

The funnest part of this story is that Jay wanted me to post this picture and story about him on our blog and I accidentally posted it on my Thoughts in Vinyl blog...OOPS!  Oh, well...I am sure all my customers know I have a family and that we can get sick.  It just wasn't the picture I would like to have them see of my husband or the image I would like a stranger to associate with my crafts! 

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Emy's Blessing Miracle {and a Birthday}

My sweet little Em was born with a hole in her heart.  It was just something that the doctor monitored each visit and we saw a cardiologist from UT every year for check ups.  Last year the cardiologist found that she also had a narrow heart valve. 
We have always loved how tall Emy was for her age (she is taller than kids her age and taller than most kids that are 1 or 2  years older than her), because we knew it was a good sign that the hole in her heart wasn't getting bigger.  In the back of our minds we knew it was possible that she might have to have heart surgery in her future.
Six weeks ago I took her to her well child check up and her doctor listened to her heart and he said it sounded the same it always had.  To us this was perfectly good wasn't getting any worse, so the same was great...the same meant no surgery.
Last night for FHE we talked about preisthood blessings with the kids and the purpose of them and the miracle that can happen.  Jay gave Emy a blessing in preperation for her appointment today with the cardiologist. 
To our surprise a miracle happened...The hole in her heart is gone and the narrow heart valve is healing on it's own!  It was an awesome doctor appointment.  She will still have to see the cardiologist each year to make sure the heart valve isn't getting worse, but the doctor thinks it will continue to heal on its own. 
I told Bridger when he got home from school today and he was so excited.  He had to run and tell Macie our good news. 

As another side note, Emy turned 4 last month!
This little note is to her

Dear Em,
I am so glad to be your mom.  I love spending each day with you and watching you play.  You can entertain your self for hours with a single continues to amaze me and dad!  You are such a sweet little girl and always so willing to share.  When ever you are eatting a treat you will break it in  half to share with me or one of your siblings.  It is so cute and it makes me smile every time.  You some times do this with your food at the dinner table too.   After you share you say "there you go, your welcome".  
The other day I watched you cross the street and a car had to stop in the road.  I tried teaching you that you need to stop if you see cars, and you thought really hard and said "or I can just run really fast, okay".  How about this next year we work on crossing the street...okay? 
You are a wonderful little girl and I couldn't imagine not being your mom.  I hope you had a great birthday.  I can't wait to see what this year will bring.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Craziness in 5 seconds flat!

Yesterday morning I woke up with what I am assuming is a cold.  My voice sounds awful and my nose is a little runny.  I learned today that not having much of a voice is not a good thing.  Bridger, Macie and Emy were all playing outside and Jursey began to cry to be fed.  While I was making her a bottle Paisley was standing on the edge of her bassinet...probably trying to give her a binky...she is such a little mommy.  Well just as I got to Jursey with her bottle, Paisley sneezed.  She bonked her nose on the edge of the bassinet and began to cry.  I was just sitting down to feed Jursey when I looked up to say "its okay", and blood was pouring out of her nose.  I attempted to yell for kids to help me and they didn't come.  I laid Jursey down on the floor...she was screaming at this point because she had gotten just a swallow of milk and then I took it away and set her down.  I opened the front door to find all three of the big kids in the middle of the road talking with their cousins.  I attempeted to yell for Bridger and he couldn't hear me -- Stupid Cold!  I finally got their attention and they all came back home to see what I needed. 
I laid Paisley down in the bathtub, and had to change her diaper...I realized I should have done that several minutes ago when the kids told me she stunk...I then turned on the water and started washing her hands and face off and she was coughing a lot and blood was coming out of her mouth.  Jursey was screaming in the living room and then the kids said someone is at the door.  I was hoping it was Robin coming to visit for a minute, but no such luck.  It was a stranger here to pick up some vinyl.  Luckily I had spoken with her earlier that day and told her I would set it outside in the milk box in case we weren't home.  She gave Bridger her money and took her vinyl and left.  I can only imagine what was going through her head.  I had two kids screaming from opposite ends of the house.  Three kids wondering out loud how Paisley got a bloody face.  And a mom no where to be seen.  Awesome!

Now I need to go email that stranger and let her know that had she been here 5 minutes earlier or 5 minutes later my house would have seemed normal.
(I love this picture of Paisley.  This is what she does when you tell her to smile.)

(this is my sweet baby when she is content and has a full belly)

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Happy 10th Baby!

Today is our 10 year anniversary.  It is amazing how fast the  years have gone and all the things we have done and places we have lived.  Probably shouldn't say places...but houses  (we have built and sold several homes, but all but 1 have been in the same area).

For Jay's present I had a great idea several weeks ago to make him a book (from and fill it with 10 reasons why I love him.  I spent several hours working on it and loved every minute of it.  I was so excited to get it and new that when I gave it to him I wanted the kids to be in bed, so they wouldn't attack him trying to see the book too.  Well, I got it last Friday and that night we stayed up late talking in bed and I decided it was the perfect time to give him his present...and it worked out great because we got to show it to our families on Sunday when they came over for lunch after Jursey's baby blessing.

He loved it and was surprised that I did something that thoughtful.  I always have good intentions, but I never seem to get them all pulled together.  So I was excited that I thought of this well enough in advance and was able to find the time to get it all done.

That is a picture of the book, it looks perfect sitting in our entertainment center.  We all love looking through the pages at all the fun pictures and stories and reading about the 10 reasons why I love my hubby.

Last night Jay and I were both in the office working at our computers and he got up and left the room.  I heard him say to Bridger "go give this to mom".  Bridger came in the office and handed me and envelope with this inside

It was a check from Jay with a hand written note on it.  He is so sweet.  Then I noticed what he had typed on the check before he printed it...
It says
"Happy Anniversary!!!!  Buy yourself a new bra"

I have been saying for a good year or more that I need a new bra, so I think he was saying it in a kind way...

Now I just need to let him in on the fact that I don't want to take 5 kids bra shopping.
I could just picture the look on Bridger's face if I took him in Victoria's Secret! 

Last night I used some of my bra $$ and we went out for dinner.  It was a quick date, but very nice to be able to visit with each other without competing for a chance to talk (Bridger loves to ask questions while Jay and I are in the middle of a conversation....I remember doing that to my parents too...sorry Mom and Dad)

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Bed Time

We love summer at our house.
Generally at bed time we can be found in the back yard doing things like this

and this

and posing for a cute picture like this

or this
{I love how Emy is looking up at her cute!!}

or we can be found helping Daddy screw in some screws on the back steps 
{did you notice his awesome tan lines...nope those aren't socks!}

I love summer nights and I am already getting bummed out that school is going to start this month. 

What are we going to do when we have to start enforcing bed time again?

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Jursey's Blessing Day

Sunday was Jursey's baby blessing.  Jay did a great job with her blessing and we had lots of family and friends there to share the day with us.  Sacrament went reasonably well with all the kids.  They tend to be very intertained when cousins are there and it actually helps them be better...weird I know. 

(this isn't the greatest picture of Jay, but Jursey was smiling so I had to post it!)

I had a bit of a surprise in sacrament meeting too.  They did some sustainings for new callings and redid a bunch of people in the Young Women.  I went to church thinking I was the young woman secratary, but they called and sustained someone else into that calling.  I knew in my head that a change was coming, but they forgot to let me know.  They actually forgot to release me too.  I was taken off gaurd, but I honestly knew it was coming.  I cried for a while, not because of how it happened, just because I had been in that calling for so long (almost 3 years).  Now it is totally fine and I think it is actually funny how it happened.
(Just last night the whole bishopbric stopped by to applogize.  We all had a good laugh about it.  I have an awesome bishopric and ward to go with it!)

Before church Vangie showed up with a salad for our luncheon so we had her take a couple of pictures of our whole family.  They turned out pretty cute.  Thanks Vang!  It was perfect timing.

I even had a few hours earlier in the week to make Macie and Em matching skirts and I made Paisley a cute little dress to match their outfits.  They turned out so cute!  I think I actually might sew up a bunch of these skirts and sell them at the craft fair this year with all my other stuff.