Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Cayman Islands!

Finally I am getting to posting about the rest
of our amazing vacation! Life has been busy!
Our next stop on our cruise was Grand Cayman.
We went to stingray Island and then went
snorkeling! It was a lot of fun the water was
soooo clear and beautiful!

This is at Stingray Island! Look how many, and
yes we were in the water right next to them!
This is after we got back the had this cute ice
cream truck! So of course we had to get some!

Me and Jason with "Frisbee"
Frisbee giving Jason a massage!
Good luck for 10 years if you kiss a stingray!
umm.... I think so! MWAH!
Cali getting a massage!
Cali and Jesse giving Frisbee a KISS!
Ryan with the stingrays
Hip Hip Hooray!
Matt with the stingrays!
The BEST picture of all! My mom was HATING
life when Frisbee tried to give her a massage! haha
Pucker up dad!
Mom getting a little more comfy... but not much!
Dad lovin it!
Isn't it HUGE!!!
It was slimy and a little scary but tonz of fun!
Lindsey shoppin in Cayman Islands.
Ryan and Jason
This was our guide Cj... No seriously his mom
was the bus driver to take us to the boat and she
let him come along for the day! He was a better
swimmer than me!

Jason shopping in Cayman Islands.
This is where the ocean met the sea! It was the
coolest thing to see!
After we were done at Stingray island we went to
Hell! It was HOT as Hades there!
We sent out a few post cards from the Hell post
office and then back to the boat we went!
This was a really fun stop! I would have to say
probably one of my favorites! Next post will be
Roatan Honduras! Stay tuned! I PROMISE I will
post sooner than I did last time!


Sunday, April 10, 2011

Our Cruise Day 1-2

Our entire family got to go on the Western
Caribbean Cruise in March 2011! It was so fun!
We having been planning it for so long now, we
could hardly wait! I am going to split up my posts
of the cruise because I have WAY too many pictures!
We started out leaving Vernal to fly to Ft. Lauderdale
Florida! This is our luggage! You should have seen
people's faces when we were going through the airport!
There were 8 of us with at least 2 suitcases each! YIKES!
Mom, Dad, and Matt waiting to get on the boat!
Don't worry Jesse kept us entertained! haha
My cute Sis!
On the boat leaving Ft. Lauderdale. There
were so many beautiful houses on the beach!
and we're off!
On the balcony for the sailing away party.

I had entered a contest and of course while
I was on the balcony I WON! Luckily Cali
was there to claim my prize!
Our first formal night! It was fun to see everyone
dressed up! Love these guys!

The Champagne poor, It was cool to watch
but smelled horrible! haha
We went to a fun little show on formal night,
needless to say this is the only picture I got after
getting yelled at by an old man! Don't you know
that flash is hurting my eyes! haha PEOPLE!
When we came back to our room Antonio our
room Stewart had made us this cute monkey.
Our first port of call, Grand Cayman!!!!
I had to take a picture as the sun was rising
and we were pulling up! I was so excited!

Our first 2 days were a lot of fun, but we were
just getting started on this amazing vacation!
Next post will be Cayman Islands! Stay tuned!


Saturday, January 8, 2011

New Years eve sledding party!

On New Years eve we all bundled up and went
sledding! It was only 5 degrees!!! Lots of layers
and a double thermos full of hot cocoa and we
were on our way! Here are some pic's of our
oh so fun sledding party! ENJOY...
My Mom, Cali, and Me. I don't know what
I would do without them!

Jason getting ready to trek the hill.
Matt with his HUGE tube! Seriously, could
this tube be any bigger??

Cali and Jesse CRUISIN down the hill!
Love this guy!

Matt getting ready to go sled.
My cute Dad! I think his face was too
frozen to smile! haha
Ryan came flyin down that hill! I got this
picture right before he SLAMMED into me!
Cali and Jesse

My cute little mom! It's so fun to have
parents that will still PLAY with us!
We love them!

Me and Jason were so bundled up!

We had such a great time sledding! I swear you
don't realize what a workout it is when your
little! You climb and climb and climb to fly down
the hill and do it all over again! Thanks to my
awesome family for always doing so many fun
things with us! We love you guys so much!
