Sunday, July 5, 2009

Here it goes...

Kate had her Spring dance recital and she did awesome! I was quite impressed with how focused she was doing her dances...

...Zachary is now ONE! I can't believe how fast this past year has flown by. He is still not walking, and he really has no desire to stand, but he is now officially army crawling all over the place!...

...I finished my first triathalon (sprint distance)! I know, I am in shock that I actually completed it just like you. It was quite the experience, and it was awesome to cross the finish line with my fellow trainees and friends Amy and Brooke. Oh, and I had a huge surprise the night before the mom, dad and Julia decided to come up to Midway and surprise me. They showed up with signs cheering me on. I was totally shocked. What an awesome family I have! (I think they came to see if I was seriously going to follow through!:) )...

...Spending some quality time in Panguitch and Bryce Canyon...

...The result of 1:00 church :( ...

...Summit Medical is finally coming together! Hoping to be open in early Fall!

WOW! I think that's about it for now!