Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Better Late Than Never!

I finally decided to take a little time out from reading other blogs and post a few new pictures. We had a wonderful Holiday! The kids were so excited about Santa! (mostly Kate) She did not understand why Santa had to come while she was sleeping! :)

Temple Square

Will opened up his stocking very first, found new cars, and that was it for him. He was not interested in anything else!

Kate on the other hand could not get enough. She asked every Santa we saw for a violin. (and, yes every Santa said, what?) She was more than thrilled about her new violin!! However, with all the songs she was playing I had to quickly find a "special" mute to bring down the beautiful music just a notch! :)

We had a great time with all our family, especially Carrie, Mark and Allie who came to celebrate from Washington.

We spent New Years in St.George and had a wild and crazy time with all the cousins!